252 SpA Life Orb Volcarona Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Hippowdon: 231-274 (55 - 65.23%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Tornadus Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Hippowdon: 253-298 (60.23 - 70.95%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (I know it might miss in sand, but relying on hax ain't good for a wall)
252 SpA Life Orb Latias Surf vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Hippowdon: 213-252 (50.71 - 60%) -- 85.94% chance to 2HKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Technician Scizor Bug Bite vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 269-317 (64.04 - 75.47%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (assuming Scizor sets up as Hippo switches in)
Hippo can only dream of switching into these pokes. Plus all of you are assuming that Hippo is always at full health. That's not the case because if Hippo switches in on a dangerous sweeper and phazes him out he'll be useless for the rest of the match(because he'll most likely be forced out afterward and can't use Slack Off) . Plus constant switching in will soon wear him down enough so that he's 2hkoed by many attacks. Other walls, e.g Skarmory, Gliscor and Slowbro(who also has Regenerator) take pitiful damages from the most important moves of certain threats (namely Outrage and CC. These attacks deal more damage than a super effective Crunch or Thunder Punch). This means that they can switch into these attacks many more times. Get it people, a wall that lacks BOTH a useful ability (for a WALL. I know that Hippo can set up sand and I never said he's bad at it. We're arguing wether or not he's a good wall) and resistances, will let you down.
Now, we both know that no Terra user is dumb enough to keep him in if he can't ko. Now Slowbro can use Scald which hits more targets than EQ and has 30% chance to burn the switch in while Hippo will be forced to use Slack Off (Using EQ is plain dumb due to the many immunities) in order to stay healthy.
Slowbro's resistances will always come in handy and allows the use of good defensive cores (Slowbro + Skarmory for example cover a myraid of physical threats). Hippo on the other hand lacks a good resistance to complement a good pair. Admit it, Hippo would be pretty damn outclassed by Gliscor and Lando-T if it wasn't for the sand he brings. Sometimes IMO the sand isn't really worth it if you aren't playing Sand Stall or using Stoutland.
252 SpA Choice Specs Tornadus Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Hippowdon: 253-298 (60.23 - 70.95%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (I know it might miss in sand, but relying on hax ain't good for a wall)
252 SpA Life Orb Latias Surf vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Hippowdon: 213-252 (50.71 - 60%) -- 85.94% chance to 2HKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Technician Scizor Bug Bite vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 269-317 (64.04 - 75.47%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (assuming Scizor sets up as Hippo switches in)
Hippo can only dream of switching into these pokes. Plus all of you are assuming that Hippo is always at full health. That's not the case because if Hippo switches in on a dangerous sweeper and phazes him out he'll be useless for the rest of the match(because he'll most likely be forced out afterward and can't use Slack Off) . Plus constant switching in will soon wear him down enough so that he's 2hkoed by many attacks. Other walls, e.g Skarmory, Gliscor and Slowbro(who also has Regenerator) take pitiful damages from the most important moves of certain threats (namely Outrage and CC. These attacks deal more damage than a super effective Crunch or Thunder Punch). This means that they can switch into these attacks many more times. Get it people, a wall that lacks BOTH a useful ability (for a WALL. I know that Hippo can set up sand and I never said he's bad at it. We're arguing wether or not he's a good wall) and resistances, will let you down.
Ok. You're right. Slowbro gets 2hkoed by X-scizzor and SE after sr and spikes, but he can always switch to a resist for these weaker moves(weaker than CC) while recovering most of the lost health with Regenerator. Even if hazards are off the field, Hippo will eventually lose that 15% somehow so sr and spikes aren't always necessary. Plus most defensive teams carry a spinner anyway so I admit the sr+spikes usage wasn't fair. You can replace it with "some residual damage" which Hippo will most likely get anyway.That's cool and all, except for the part where you count SR and spikes when it comes to hippo but don't count any hazards at all with slowbro, it also gets 2HKO'd by both stone edge and X-scissor after sr and spikes, has a chance of being 2hko'd by stone edge after just SR and is likely to be 2hko'd by x-scissor after just sr.
Now, lets look at the best thing both hippo and slowbro can do to terrakion,
assuming terrakion didnt close combat and did like no damage to hippo
0 Atk Hippowdon Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 260-308 (80.24 - 95.06%) -- 50% to OHKO after a layer of spikes or 2 SR switchins
assuming terrakion did close combat
0 Atk Hippowdon Earthquake vs. -1 4 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 390-458 (120.37 - 141.35%) -- guaranteed OHKO
assuming sand
4 SpA Slowbro Psyshock vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 188-224 (58.02 - 69.13%)
assuming no sand
4 SpA Slowbro Psychic vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Terrakion: 212-252 (65.43 - 77.77%)
Not to mention hippowdon can actually phase, and it has no common physical weaknesses unlike Slowbro who wouldn't dream of trying to wall SD Scizor.
Hippowdon is from my experience hands down the best physical wall, and one of the best mixed walls in OU, along with being the most reliable weather starter.
Hippo walls terrakion just as well as Slowbro does, and Slowbro doesn't wall physical victini ( CB Victini in sun 2HKO's with V-Create and you'll never see it outside of sun, Adamant Scarf Victini has a 80% chance of 2HKOing with bolt strike after rocks while adamant scarf victini never 2hko's hippo after rocks thanks to sand stream negating sun ).. Azumarill isn't really a thing anymore while feraligatr frequently carries crunch meaning it'll beat slowbro also.
Now, we both know that no Terra user is dumb enough to keep him in if he can't ko. Now Slowbro can use Scald which hits more targets than EQ and has 30% chance to burn the switch in while Hippo will be forced to use Slack Off (Using EQ is plain dumb due to the many immunities) in order to stay healthy.
Slowbro's resistances will always come in handy and allows the use of good defensive cores (Slowbro + Skarmory for example cover a myraid of physical threats). Hippo on the other hand lacks a good resistance to complement a good pair. Admit it, Hippo would be pretty damn outclassed by Gliscor and Lando-T if it wasn't for the sand he brings. Sometimes IMO the sand isn't really worth it if you aren't playing Sand Stall or using Stoutland.