OU Standard Team

it's special defense. Honestly this is a pretty bad OU team, Calm mind Latias and expertbelt / life orb latios kind of destroy you... same with basically all drizzle teams. I really recomend you replace Moltres and Zapdos, as well as probably switching Suicune for a bulky Rotom-W varient.
If you want, you could also try Careful nature to give an extra boost to SpDef for the loss of a little Att. Even using Careful, his attack is just under 400 unboosted and that'll bring his SpDef up to 251.
it's special defense. Honestly this is a pretty bad OU team, Calm mind Latias and expertbelt / life orb latios kind of destroy you... same with basically all drizzle teams. I really recomend you replace Moltres and Zapdos, as well as probably switching Suicune for a bulky Rotom-W varient.

I've beat Rain Teams and Latias and Latios. What would you recommend I switch Moltres and Zapdos with?
If you want, you could also try Careful nature to give an extra boost to SpDef for the loss of a little Att. Even using Careful, his attack is just under 400 unboosted and that'll bring his SpDef up to 251.

Im going to try your idea using Careful nature
What would you recommend I switch Moltres and Zapdos with?

It depends. The reason you lead with Moltres is to lure out Water-types then beat them in the face with HP Grass and to avoid Rock damage late game as Moltres loses half health, so we need to find a better Pokemon that more or less does the same thing. How about Heatran over Moltres?

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Modest/Timid (Depends on if you want more SpAtt or Speed)
Ability: Flash Fire
252 SpAtt/ 252 Speed/ 4 SpDef
Stealth Rock
HP Grass
Earth Power
Fire Blast
It depends. The reason you lead with Moltres is to lure out Water-types then beat them in the face with HP Grass and to avoid Rock damage late game as Moltres loses half health, so we need to find a better Pokemon that more or less does the same thing. How about Heatran over Moltres?

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Modest/Timid (Depends on if you want more SpAtt or Speed)
Ability: Flash Fire
252 SpAtt/ 252 Speed/ 4 SpDef
Stealth Rock
HP Grass
Earth Power
Fire Blast

Thanks I'll try it!
I actually like Zapdos. He works great with Heatran. Virizion is a solid choice. So the only other Pokemon I have concerns about is Miltank. I haven't used it, so I don't know how it fairs, but either Blissey or eviolite Chansey would make great replacements. Let me know if you want some sample sets for those.
I actually like Zapdos. He works great with Heatran. Virizion is a solid choice. So the only other Pokemon I have concerns about is Miltank. I haven't used it, so I don't know how it fairs, but either Blissey or eviolite Chansey would make great replacements. Let me know if you want some sample sets for those.

I like the suggestion for miltank but he is a pretty bulky poke so I think I'm going to leave him as is. What about Suicune?
I'd use Ice Beam over HP Fire since now you have Heatran and Zapdos is running Heat Wave. It'll help against all those pesky Dragon types. Other than that it looks fine.
I was reading over your team one final team and reread your description for Virizion. If you don't want Virizion on your team, you don't have to. You have Conkeldurr from Gen V. I can't really recommend a replacement because I'm not sure what kind of Pokemon you really want to use. Bounce some ideas back for another Pokemon you actually want to use and I'll see what I can do.
I was reading over your team one final team and reread your description for Virizion. If you don't want Virizion on your team, you don't have to. You have Conkeldurr from Gen V. I can't really recommend a replacement because I'm not sure what kind of Pokemon you really want to use. Bounce some ideas back for another Pokemon you actually want to use and I'll see what I can do.

I decided to use a Staraptor in place of a Virizion. It seems like Staraptor can handle this job because it seems just as good. I want to use a flying pokemon so I'm not at a disadvantage towards fighting since Moltes's Air Slash is gone.
Staraptor is a great Pokemon, but I wouldn't recommend it on this team. It shares an Electric weakness with Suicune, and Ice and Rock weaknesses with Zapdos. :/
Staraptor is a great Pokemon, but I wouldn't recommend it on this team. It shares an Electric weakness with Suicune, and Ice and Rock weaknesses with Zapdos. :/

That is true. I was thinking about the disadvantages. But can really think of another pokemon. Even though I don't like Virizion I feel like he is a good fit.
You picked Staraptor for the Flying move. Flying is SE on Grass and Fighting. Grass is taken care of thanks to Heatran and Zapdos. Fighting types are also weak to Psychic, so how about a Psychic Pokemon?

Virizion was your weakest link sharing weaknesses with Conkeldurr and Zapdos (Flying/Psychic and Ice respectively).
You picked Staraptor for the Flying move. Flying is SE on Grass and Fighting. Grass is taken care of thanks to Heatran and Zapdos. Fighting types are also weak to Psychic, so how about a Psychic Pokemon?

Virizion was your weakest link sharing weaknesses with Conkeldurr and Zapdos (Flying/Psychic and Ice respectively).

what about reuniclus? He is good but I don't want to have a trick room.
It depends on what else you what to do with it. Reuniclus without TR is really slow. If you want something faster, Alakazam has great SpAtt and Speed, but terrible Def.

Defense or Speed?
This is the set I would recommend:

Alakazam @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
4 HP/ 252 SpAtt/ 252 Speed
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball (to cover for the types Virizion used to get)
This is the set I would recommend:

Alakazam @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
4 HP/ 252 SpAtt/ 252 Speed
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball (to cover for the types Virizion used to get)

i used it and its great. i lost though because mach punch didnt kill excadrill. :(
Because alakazam is so frail i dislike recover on it. Even walls could do about 50%+ on alakazam which is a shame and why it is not used often in OU. I recommend just having 4 attacks on alakazam maybe focus blast to hit dark type the threaten alakazam. My set custom set on alakazam I run Guard Split/Substitute/Psychic/Focusblast. This set destroys blissey and chansey because after a guard split it gives alakazam a base defense of somwhere between 100-110 of my head right now making a deadly sweep. After the guard split the life orbed focusblast does 52% minimum against blissey making a nasty 2HKO which blissey can't defned against.