@ginganinja, all of the Sub users you listed are fine except Hydreigon and Latias. Both sub users always run Lefties, so the moment they don't see it they will know that they have Zororark in front of them.
Of 'course we could still be in a favorable position if the opponent brings his Scizor to counter the fake Latias, as then he will have to switch out, so Latias is not entirely out of the question, but Hydreigon is, imo, because he has almost identical counters to Zoroark, so everything that walls her is going to wall Zoroark too...
Anyway here is my nomination:

@ Rock Gem
nature: Jolly
trait: Justified
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
What are the first pokes that someone would bring into Terrakion? Skarmory, BP Metagross, Jellicent, Hippowdon, Mew, Slowbro, Reuniclus, Gliscor and even Scizor if someone is expecting a set-up. All of them are either straight-up ohkoed or are easily 2hkoed, leaving them unable to survive Terrakion's incoming assault. Terrakion also beats some of the pokes that wall Zoroark such as the pink blobs and Volcarona, so it's not a one sided partnership.
The obvious problem is that Terrakion takes resisted damage from SR and the fact that he is ss immune.
The first problem is solved by carrying a solid spinner, which in a heavy offense team will most probably be Starmie.
The second ''problem'', which is not as much of a problem, but a nuisance, because by the time the opponent realizes that Terrakion is not Terrakion, they will already be in a tough position, can be solved with 4 ways.
first is to carry a Politoed of our own, most likely Scarf, to cancel sandstorm whenever we plan on bringing Zoroark out. Even in rain, Zoroark isn't particularly troubled though, because it can still ohko the main target of Flamethrower, Scizor after SR. All in all, rain will not be casualy up anyway if we decide to use Politoed as a revenge killer, so Zoroark's performance won't be hindered, but we will have the option of canceling sandstorm if the need really arises.
second solution is to pick Abomasnow, which cancels ss and brings hail, which damages both Terrakion and Zoroark. Whether this would be bad enough to prevent us from using Abomasnow in the team or not, is another discussion, because now i am only stating possible solutions.
third option is to do nothing and accept the fact that 25% of our games will have sand, and so our Zoroark will not be able to kill a Terrakion's counter/check, but he will still be able to force the opponent to switch out.
Finally the
fourth option, that is somewhat gimmicky, but should be addressed anyway is the possibility of running Rain Dance on the Starmie that we will almost surely have on the team. MX5 Dragon has used this set to great success so we could definitely try it out!