ORAS UU Viability Ranking Thread M3 (READ POST #823)

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Adding 2 cents on Sneasel to C. It's priority it's not as powerful as Mamoswine or Mega-Obama, but still does more than 50% to M-Aero and M-Beedrill (Don't OHKOs M-Sceptile tho), being an acceptable late game cleaner. This thing also gets Poison Jab, so Florges is not a counter:

252 Atk Life Orb Sneasel Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Florges: 169-200 (46.9 - 55.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Also supporting Kyurem to A. I thought Draco Meteor would be redundant coverage to run. I was so wrong man. It also manages Zapdos pretty well so that's a plus.

nominating the big fish for b+
this things quite good right now while some argue its settupfodder, it provides to much support for teams notto be b+ it has an excelleant abilty regenator meaning unlike blissey or vaporeon it does not have to pass wishesto its self and can support team mates more easily, also its wish passives are too big with 165 hp it makes it a big threat and combined with a base 80 defence it makes it an effecive physical wall
252 Atk Life Orb Mamoswine Earthquake vs. 40 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 177-211 (36.7 - 43.8%) -- 99.4% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Life Orb Mamoswine Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Suicune: 140-165 (34.6 - 40.8%) -- 56.7% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Choice Band Heracross Megahorn vs. 232 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 261-307 (49.3 - 58%) -- 59% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
this shows that alomola is just has bulky on the physical side as suicune and capable of handling physical wallbreakers
now mola does have the flaws with being settup fodder and not providing much offensive pressure and medicore special defence but i think the team support it provides, so I feel it should be ranked up

also some sidenotes:
wondering why the pangoro nominations are being ignored so I need a good reason for it not to rank up, and how can i change user name,sick and tired of this one mamoswines still my favorite poke


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Now that it popped up, I figured I'd give my opinion about pangoro. Its positive attributes include completely destroying stall and breaking walls against balance. It really has all the coverage it can get and swords dance boosts it's already nice attack to frightening levels. I think that lum+sd is the best set, though a case for life orb can be made (without life ord it fails to ohko standard florges with an unboosted gunk shot). While band is strong, it means that panda will have to predict a lot and overall hurts its potential.

However even against balance and even more so against offence pangoro struggles to make a difference. Against balance there are many mons who can take an unboosted hit and outspeed and kill pangoro next turn. Especially against offence Pangoro's main niche is discouraging setup and acting as a fodder.

Panda can destroy defensive teams but other than that, it really hasn't got that much going for it and really fails to perform in too many games to rise any higher.
this is not a nomination but why is dugtrio b rank I never see it and never heard anyone talk about it, tbh honest i have no idea what this thing does, is it good. Not saying it should move down but someone tell me what it does and how it works
this is not a nomination but why is dugtrio b rank I never see it and never heard anyone talk about it, tbh honest i have no idea what this thing does, is it good. Not saying it should move down but someone tell me what it does and how it works
It has the capability of trapping, out speeding and removing key threats in the UU meta, such as Cobalion, Empoleon, non scarf Chandelure, weakened Doublade, Dragalge, ect. Granted, it needs a free switchin due to its nonexistent bulk.
It has the capability of trapping, out speeding and removing key threats in the UU meta, such as Cobalion, Empoleon, non scarf Chandelure, weakened Doublade, Dragalge, ect. Granted, it needs a free switchin due to its nonexistent bulk.
Doublade and Chandelure are Ghost-types but yeah it can remove grounded Pokemon quite easily if they are weakened or weak to Ground-type attacks like some of the one mentioned here
this is not a nomination but why is dugtrio b rank I never see it and never heard anyone talk about it, tbh honest i have no idea what this thing does, is it good. Not saying it should move down but someone tell me what it does and how it works
It use to be better back in the Mega Pidgeot days when Empoleons ran Leftovers. Now that we are seeing a lot of shuca berry steel types, Dugtrio hasn't been at the fullest of its trapping capabilities, however, Dugtrio is trapping a lot more than steel types these days. Sludge Wave Dugtrio has been a popular option for taking out Whimsicott. I've seen this mainly paired up with choice scarf Hydreigon so you can kill the Whisicott after you go for U-turn. Arial Ace is also getting a little more attention as it traps fighting types like Heracross and Chesnaught. Adament Choice Band is something that I use a little that just misses 106 base speed unfortunately but can be a great revenge killer on 105 and below able to KO Roserade and bulky poison types. One thing I think people are overlooking is this pokemon's ability to clean up for CM Florges. We use to pair this thing with slurpuff in the same manner but the meta game has changed slightly making it hard for slupuff to sweep. CM Florges, however, is effective and could use a dead Nidoqueen.
Here's my KA-CHING! Two cents on topics right now!

Mola to B+ : Not sure about Mola. While it's team support and Regenerator is great, it's so weak it's not even funny. Leaning towards keeping it B.

Pangoro: Yeah no, other than crushing defensive shit, it can't do much otherwise than wall Psychics and Ghosts (EXCEPT FOR DAZZLLING GLEAM!!!!!) and it needs team support to do anything, like Trick Room. (I'm being so harsh because while I love Panda, I've come to realize it isn't that good.)

Venomoth to B+ : I have not played many Moths, and I can see it's faults, like frailness and being walled by shit, but I can see it's uses, as Tinted Lens + Quiver Dance can destroy a lot of stuff. Leaning towards keeping it A-

Jellicent to A-: Agree, this thing walls many threats and does well against stall thanks to Taunt or Toxic. Definetely deserves a rise.

Now for a nomination of my own:

Mega Abomasnow to A+

It may be leaving office next year (Don't vote for that damn Donald Duck), but Mega Abomasnow is still really good right now, and it's gotten even better with the Zapdos drop. Zapdos + Water type or Mamoswine cores are everywhere right now, and Mega Abomasnow just happens to beat both of these cores. Thanks to Ice Shard, it can defeat weakened Zapdos or OHKO offensive Zappy with a Swords Dance.

+2 252+ Atk Mega Abomasnow Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zapdos: 332-392 (103.4 - 122.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Mega Abomasnow Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zapdos: 168-198 (52.3 - 61.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after hail damage and Leftovers recovery
84 Atk Mega Abomasnow Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zapdos: 134-162 (41.7 - 50.4%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO after hail damage and Leftovers recovery

And of course, it uses Giga Drain or Seed Bomb to defeat the Water type or Mamoswine. The only thing that Mega Abomasnow really has to worry about with that core is if Zapdos has Heat Wave, so you sort of have to scout or just Ice Shard the zapdos if it's weakened. Also, if you're SD, you have a chance to live defensive Zapdos' Heat Wave.

68 SpA Zapdos Heat Wave vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Mega Abomasnow: 336-396 (87.7 - 103.3%) -- 25% chance to OHKO

Mega Abomasnow is also really good without the Zapdos cores, as it's a great anti-meta mon, and it's always been. And since every UU team has a Water type or a Grass type or soemthing like that, Mega Abomasnow can thrive. Mega Abomasnow still has to worry about it's many weaknesses, as UU still uses Fire types, Fighting types, and other stuff. But with the advent of Zapdos, stuff like Steel types and Fighting types have dropped in usage, which helps Mega Abomasnow a lot, as bulky Steels like Mega Aggron or stuff like Cobalion used to be some of it's greatest counters. Overall, the new meta is sort of a mixed bag for Mega Abomansow, but it's more helpful to it than hurtful, as it's checks and counters have gone down and it's become even more anti-meta. While A+ could be a bit of stretch, I think Mega Abomasnow has what it takes!

(Also, the usage of Dragon types to check non HP Ice Zapdos have gone up, which also helps President Snow.)
Here's my KA-CHING! Two cents on topics right now!

Mola to B+ : Not sure about Mola. While it's team support and Regenerator is great, it's so weak it's not even funny. Leaning towards keeping it B.

Pangoro: Yeah no, other than crushing defensive shit, it can't do much otherwise than wall Psychics and Ghosts (EXCEPT FOR DAZZLLING GLEAM!!!!!) and it needs team support to do anything, like Trick Room. (I'm being so harsh because while I love Panda, I've come to realize it isn't that good.)

Venomoth to B+ : I have not played many Moths, and I can see it's faults, like frailness and being walled by shit, but I can see it's uses, as Tinted Lens + Quiver Dance can destroy a lot of stuff. Leaning towards keeping it A-

Jellicent to A-: Agree, this thing walls many threats and does well against stall thanks to Taunt or Toxic. Definetely deserves a rise.

Now for a nomination of my own:

View attachment 52576 Mega Abomasnow to A+

It may be leaving office next year (Don't vote for that damn Donald Duck), but Mega Abomasnow is still really good right now, and it's gotten even better with the Zapdos drop. Zapdos + Water type or Mamoswine cores are everywhere right now, and Mega Abomasnow just happens to beat both of these cores. Thanks to Ice Shard, it can defeat weakened Zapdos or OHKO offensive Zappy with a Swords Dance.

+2 252+ Atk Mega Abomasnow Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zapdos: 332-392 (103.4 - 122.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Mega Abomasnow Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zapdos: 168-198 (52.3 - 61.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after hail damage and Leftovers recovery
84 Atk Mega Abomasnow Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zapdos: 134-162 (41.7 - 50.4%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO after hail damage and Leftovers recovery

And of course, it uses Giga Drain or Seed Bomb to defeat the Water type or Mamoswine. The only thing that Mega Abomasnow really has to worry about with that core is if Zapdos has Heat Wave, so you sort of have to scout or just Ice Shard the zapdos if it's weakened. Also, if you're SD, you have a chance to live defensive Zapdos' Heat Wave.

68 SpA Zapdos Heat Wave vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Mega Abomasnow: 336-396 (87.7 - 103.3%) -- 25% chance to OHKO

Mega Abomasnow is also really good without the Zapdos cores, as it's a great anti-meta mon, and it's always been. And since every UU team has a Water type or a Grass type or soemthing like that, Mega Abomasnow can thrive. Mega Abomasnow still has to worry about it's many weaknesses, as UU still uses Fire types, Fighting types, and other stuff. But with the advent of Zapdos, stuff like Steel types and Fighting types have dropped in usage, which helps Mega Abomasnow a lot, as bulky Steels like Mega Aggron or stuff like Cobalion used to be some of it's greatest counters. Overall, the new meta is sort of a mixed bag for Mega Abomansow, but it's more helpful to it than hurtful, as it's checks and counters have gone down and it's become even more anti-meta. While A+ could be a bit of stretch, I think Mega Abomasnow has what it takes!

(Also, the usage of Dragon types to check non HP Ice Zapdos have gone up, which also helps President Snow.)
Im on the fence with this one mega abomasnow lack of recovery stack of weaaknesses, and if I have not used mega abomasnow I would say hell no to this nomination, but i have used this thing many times in uu and its very easy and fun to use SD+ICE SHARD is too good threats like mienshao and nidoking would normally laugh at mega abomasnow but with a sd it can easlily pick off these threats and it has powerful grass stab to back it up and hail to destroy lefties is good too but fire types still threaten it but I can see mega abomasnow ranking up
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