Drop Seismitoad to to C-
After mega Mudkipz came out no one really runs double toeds teams because the small niche Seismitoad actually had with being immune to Thund n mega Man kinda went away now everyone be running Kingdra now for special swiftswimmer. Plus why would you use this with mega Swampert what is synergy, Rotom-W(and mantine) says hi.
Seriously tho Mantine should be D if Jellicent is too
"Reserved for Pokemon that have notable niches in the OU metagame, but have just as many notable flaws that prevent them from being effective. Pokemon in the C tier often require significant support to be effective. Pokemon from this rank tend to face a lot of competition with the more commonly used Pokemon."
Seismitoad is deadweight outside of rain also requires rain and still faces competition with stuff like Kingdra and Swampert even random stuff like Sceptile(not a bad rain mega) seriously tho this might even deserve D rank. Have to admit tho that it can hit Chesnaught which is helpful for rain mon. Plus stall kinda got revived now 85 spA is trash and a lot of stall mons can just come in and live hits.
Edit: Can someone tell me whyHax R UsHaxorus is C-? How is it not outclassed by any other random OU dragon?
Awhile ago I was thinking the same thing. Not in ORAS, but in XY its niche of checking electrics and providing stealth rock didn't really justify using it over other swift swimmers, who were better in every other area. I was really thinking it should be unlisted, like yeah it has a niche but no serious rain teams I've seen ever use it.
However, I changed my mind because someone brought up a Water Absorb set, which is really annoying for Rain teams, and unlike Gastrodon it provides Stealth Rock. I forget what else it does but it's not a pokemon that only functions as a mediocre Swift Swimmer.