Resource ORAS OU Team Bazaar


Yokoso Saka Sama No Sekai
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Hey there! Welcome to the ORAS OU Team Bazaar! This thread will serve as a more casual way to drop new teams you've been building. Show them off, and some of the more adventurous folks around the ORAS community could use them, and even improve upon them. Make sure you include some level of quality to the teams you post in here; don't post a team full of PU 'mons and expect it to not be deleted. Also make sure you test your teams before you post them here; playtesting is an easy way to get rid of very obvious flaws in your teams and makes it easier on anyone that'd want to give advice on your teams or anyone that'd like to try them out! Making descriptions for your teams is important too; wouldn't want to just drop 'em there with no explanation, yeah? Also make sure you post an importable of your teams and include sprites for the benefit of everyone who sees your post - it makes it look much cleaner and makes the thread much easier to run. Not really much else to say, just show off your cool teams!

Have fun and get to posting!
Op stolen from Tidal (sm ou bazaar)
:bw/politoed: :sv/swampert-mega: :bw/kingdra: :bw/latias: :bw/ferrothorn: :bw/manaphy:

I submit one of the best teams I've ever piloted. It is one of my most favourite teams, and has helped me peak #45 on ladder. (elo 1560+)

Politoed was chosen as it is the only viable rain setter. I use a standard set with scald toxic encore rest. Encore has been instrumental in helping me deny hazards, lock set up sweepers like manaphy into a move, lock pokemon into recover/roost/soft-boiled like clefable, chansey etc. Would definitely NOT swap it.

The primary rain abuser. Swift swim helps to raise its speed to astronomical levels. It has a great type combination of water dragon that allows it to switch into some moves as well as have insane offensive output. I've used choice specs and life orb, but specs is the more conventional set. Life orb can be opted for some tournaments/to catch people off guard. I've grown to like life orb.

This is the mega I have chosen for this rain team. Again, it has swift swim, decent typing, great STABs and a movepool that hits ALMOST everything. However, you must keep in mind ORAS mega mechanics, as its base speed is outsped by some pokemon even in swift swim.

Okay, I really don't know what to say about this pokemon other than the fact that it is ABSOLUTELY cracked. Hands down, one of the MOST INSTRUMENTAL pokemon in this team. Rain Dance is NECESSARY as this team lacks another rain setter besides politoed. Tail Glow at +6 CAN break past chansey with 2 hits if chansey is a little bit chipped/has no eviolite. Hydration honestly is so underrated, it allows manaphy to act as a status absorber sometimes. Energy ball (for waters) can be opted over ice beam (For dragons).

This pokemon is the hazard setter of choice. A grass/steel type pokemon that is tanky, 4x weak to fire (which is almost halved due to rain), and weak to fighting ONLY with great resistances goes insane in some MUs tbh. I really like leech seed on this set to gain back health, as it can REALLY help it take some fire type attacks in rain consistently. Twave can be used.

The last pokemon on this team. This team has no removal, ground immunity, is a bit weak to grass and doesn't have viable recovery options. In other words, if this team goes against hazard stack, it has a shitty MU. Latias solves all of these problems, with the bonus of thunder never missing in rain and HWISH to keep our rain abusers/setter safe.

I really enjoyed this team, I hope you all do too :D

(also, i arrived at the same 6 as ruffles' team in invitationals while building. I don't have his team version, however this is something I made myself. You might find sets a BIT unoptimal, but this team has consistently performed for me. I hope it does for you all too.)

EDIT : preventing people from saying first, by saying it myself :D
EDIT 2: S/O RUFFLESPRO (GOAT) and mixnite (GOAT no.2) for helping me out
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An oldie but a goodie

:Hydreigon: :Metagross-Mega: :Tornadus-Therian: :Garchomp: :Rotom-Wash: :Azumarill:

I won't explain this shit too much, other than you've got nukes, use them. Super fun six that tests your ability to be aggressive while on a constant timer, edited to be easier for general play use. Lots of cute options like taunt hydreigon could easily be implemented depending on your findings w/ the six. Can also revert back to scarf-tom if you find yourself crying into opposing offense again.


Hey y'all, Avendesora here. Sit down and enjoy, because this won't be the last of me you will see.
This time I'm bringing you a familiar team for those of you who were around last year. This is one of my submisions to the teambuilding competition and I thought why not start with this one?
This team was built around Growth Mega Venusaur and Dragon Dance Dragonite. First off, I decided to pair these two mons with Magnezone and Weavile, as
being able to trap steel types and other annoying threats to either Venusaur or Dragonite is crucial. Thus came in Slowbro, one of the best Mega Lopunny
and Medicham checks you can ask for. It is holding the Eject Button, which enables Magnezone and Weavile to come in freely into the field and trap the
appropriate pokemon on the opposing side. It also has Ice Beam not to be deadweight against Gliscor, and Thunder Wave to enable Venusaur sweeps. Last but
not least, an Excadrill was in order, as the team needed both hazards and removal, as well as a ground type, and Excadrill fulfilled each of those roles
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This team is meant to overwelm shared check by the use of Healing wish Clefable and Healing Wish Latias, giving you 2 extra attempts at sweeping. Mega Pinsir and Diggersby are great breakers that sometimes fall too short because of their shortcomings, circumvented by double Healing Wish as mentioned above. Manaphy is the special sweeper of the team, holding a Wacan Berry to surprise Nasty Plot Thundurus which this team absolutely despizes.


This team is meant to capitalize on Mega Alakazam's more than strong Future Sight. Both Keldeo and Bisharp invite in prime future sight targets. Garchomp is the rocker of the team and Zapdos is the Defogger of choice, to be able to withstand Serperior and Tornadus-Therian. Lastly, Clefable is a pretty strong attacker alongside Future Sight with its Life Orb 3 attacks set.


One of the teams I built I feel most proud of. Meloetta is a Pokémon I've always been interested in because of its stats, and I decided I had to make it work. So the team is revolved around enabling either Meloetta or Mega Gyarados to win it all. Both Serperior and Thundurus paralyze fast Pokémon that would be annoying for Meloetta or Mega Gyarados. While the double ground core of Landorus-Therian + Excadrill is really eficient at keeping the rocks up while statussing the opponent. The two genies also make a really nice volt turn core.


Another Pokémon that I wanted to make work at any cost was Zygarde, and this was one of my most successful attempts. This team features one of my favorite Clefable spreads too. The team, as you can see, is meant to enable Zygarde to set up against the things it really wants to. In order for that to work we have U-Turn Mega Scizor, Volt Switch Magnezone, U-Turn Mandibuzz and Eject Button Slowbro. This great momentum allows the team to maintain the pace pretty eficiently. Clefable sets rocks up and Knocks off items left right and center. Being specially defensive lets Clefable take Volcanion more comfortably, for instance. Magnezone is there for being a nuisance in general, but for Skarmory in particular, as it is one of Zygarde's most feared counters. All that being said, Pokémon like Ferrothorn shouldn't be deleted by Magnezone, as it is very easy for Zygarde to set up against it.
I was a little hesitant to post this six... but its been long enough now I think its fine to release this version of cm-latias I made.

:Clefable: :Latias-Mega: :Cofagrigus: :Volcanion: :Excadrill: :Ferrothorn:

A word of advice, this team can be fine for general play but it has some very clear weaknesses and advantages for what it is originally meant for. Such as offense being super scary and the tools here attest to that. You can either win w/ cm-latias or you can't. Most of the time you'll have a clear path unless there's a dark, in which case you want to be super careful w/ how you approach the mu. This six best excels into opposing balance and/or fatty/stall mus. Ferro is always switching back and forth between knock and t-wave. Volcanion here took a more offensive approach whilst keeping its 1v1 capabilities. This six thoroughly tests your patience + ability to position to weave its way out of precarious matches with doubles and forced progress.

I do not suggest this as something beginner friendly but rather as a challenge to better your understanding your play and assessing mu's


Double ground cores have always been interesting to me as a concept. I also happened to have this Future Sight craze going on at the time I built this team, so I had to include that as well... Mega Diancie has a really nice offensive presence, and paired with the double ground core, it really shines on this team. Slowbro is there for the water resist, and Weavile is there in order to take advantage of Future Sight and Pursuit trap key threats. Lastly, Zapdos is the ground immunity of the team, featuring one of my favorite sets overall.
Mega Scizor + Manaphy Sand

:scizor-mega: :manaphy: :hippowdon: :excadrill: :thundurus: :serperior:

I started this team around Mega Scizor and Manaphy, both being very capable offensive threats. I ended up with a sand route as you can probably see, Hippowdon being the rocker and Excadrill abusing sand whilst also removing hazards. Thundurus gives us a ground immunity and is able to spam Prankster Thunder-Wave and also functions as an offensive pivot. Last member is Serperior who lets us handle threats like Keldeo, Rotom-Wash better. It also carries Chesto Berry paired with Rest as its way of recovery and lets Serp remove any status. Ferrothorn and Mega-Venusaur are quite troublesome so Manaphy has moves that can lure them out and ohko them. This team has pretty solid tournament performances so it's here.
Mega Alakazam + Dragalge

:dragalge: :alakazam-mega: :keldeo: :excadrill: :zapdos: :clefable:

This team has some fairly standard evs so it's essentially the raw paste with very minor changes. It has performed really nicely on ladder and its even had a few tournament wins. Dragalge fascinates me as it's able to check threats such as Keldeo, Serperior, Volcarona to name a few, it also has access to Toxic Spikes which is an amazing move. Keldeo is important as it checks other threats like Bisharp, Weavile and Taunt is really neat to just shut down status reliant mons. Mega Alakazam is a generational threat, not much comment is needed, it has encore to help against set up mons like Calm Mind Clefable and Tail Glow Manaphy. Zapdos is our flying type and lets us check a lot of things, Static is especially annoying for physical attackers. Clefable is ev'd to be our Mega Diancie/Mega Alakazam check as Dragalge obviously can't do that, Knock Off is handy to annoy the opponent and remove items. Finally, there are some threats that this team will really struggle against, like Mega Metagross as you have to rely on Static actually working.
Mega Manectric + Conkeldurr

:conkeldurr: :manectric-mega: :tornadus-therian: :excadrill: :slowbro: :weavile:

Similarly, these mons also run very standard evs so this is also basically the raw paste. I saw Conkeldurr being used in Spl, unfortunately it did nothing but it did inspire me to make a team around it. Mega Manectric and Tornadus Therian creates a nice Volt Turn duo, there's also a Weavile who appreciates this as it can Pursuit trap many things but also start knocking stuff off which is also the reason why Torn T isn't carrying Knock Off. Conkeldurr also benefits from the Volt Turn as it brings in turns for Conkeldurr to start punching holes, Thunder Punch can be replaced for other coverage moves that you see fit. Slowbro has Colbur because this team doesn't like opposing Weaviles but you could change the item too, Colbur lets you trade about 40% of your health to get a huge para off. Future Sight heavily assists Conkeldurr with good plays but is also a nuisance for the opponent.
Mega Venusaur + FlyNite + Manaphy

:dragonite: :manaphy: :excadrill: :venusaur-mega: :cresselia: :weavile:

The idea behind this was that a friend mentioned that he wanted to build around FlyNite and Manaphy so this was my take on it, it also has some solid tournament wins. I believe that Mega Venusaur is an excellent partner for these two as they both struggle against the likes of Serperior and Thundurus which M-Venu can beat. I love seeing Cresselia but I also think that it suits this team quite nicely, having access to utility moves like Thunder-Wave and Lunar Dance is great and it is one of the few mons that can check both physical and special offensive threats. M-Venu appreciates a partner to remove checks like Tornadus-Therian hence the appearance of Weavile. It is also our Knock Off abuser, being able to remove key items off the opponents team. The main threats to this team is the fact that there's no real Dark move switch ins so games against Bisharp, Banded Tyranitar and opposing Weaviles are rough. Cress has the bulk to take a knock from Banded Weavile from full so there have been games where I've made the trade in order to paralyse the opposing Weavile which allowed me to win the game.
:masquerain: :garchomp-mega: :bisharp: :manaphy: :serperior: :victini:

Let's show some love for Masquerain you guys! As you can see from the team alone, this is a less serious kind of squad, a stress relief sort of thing so to speak.
The team is designed around sweeping the opponent with Bisharp or Manaphy preferably, or Serperior if need be. To accomplish this task, Masquerain sets stiky Web up whilst paralyzing opposing Pokémon. Mixed Mega Garchomp sets rocks up as well as threaten common switch-ins to it such as Skarmory for Bisharp. And last but not least, we have scarf Final Gambit Victini, a nuisance if there has been any, as with its really high hp stat, Victini is able to grab nice surprising ohkos with Final Gambit.