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Only post in this thread if youre wasted

  • Thread starter Thread starter zf
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I'm drunk again so now you all have to hear my reasonable opinions of huns

1) Dresden didn't go far enpugh

2) Huns being allowed to speak "German" or being allowed to identify as "German" is a moral failing

3) the "German state" is an abomination and an illegal occupation of Polish and french lands

4) the opinions of nazi grandchildren on my objectively correct srntiments are meaningless

5) the german constitution is a bad joke and only suitable for wiping one's arse

6) afd members should be REDACTED en REDACTED and the fact they aren't is proof enough that "germany" is a failure

7) huns shpuldn't be allowed political representation in the eu
can we change the thread name to "only post this in this thread if you've ingested enough poison to feel its effects"

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yall know how sumetimes you just like go and like fuicking do shit like that one time i was playing terraria and that dumbass fish went weew woom roar and shit and i was going like pew pew pew dude i fucking hated that boss cuz like that pattern wherse therse like four of tjem and then thsers the stupidf bubbles n shfit and you cant fuckingf dodges because your wings are shit and yourf ucking potions dontf work.. fuck dude
dude and then therse that fucking plant dude i hate that plant because its got like the shield and stuff adsn like yoiu cant dso damafge anymore adn then it liek puts you into the small space fosr no fuckigf reason andsj justsf fucking raisl you wif a butnch of pseeds dand shit yk> like the sddeds. sedfs. seds. but like tyou also need like a bigass aread to dodge thes hit and like stuf like that yk dasadn and if tyoure just in the rwong part of ur arena you jsaut fuckingf die like wsat a good baoss am i right