i disagree cos of 2 things, subject to future stuff that might change this
1. i have faith in oda and i think he has thought about this for a long time and really wanted to draw this particular chapter (in the arc that he also was looking forward to draw)
2. gorosei said the fruit's limits are only the user's imagination. to me that means that its strengths are also determined by the user itself. it's not a naturally strong fruit like foxy's or perhaps buggy's, it requires the user to put in the work as well. we don't know atm what all is special about this fruit, and how much of its myth is from the fruit's power alone and how much could be from its previous user(s)
i do have fears of some bad turns the story could take, but there's nothing to say that it'll definitely take a bad turn, so im reserving judgment till i actually see how the story progresses instead of judging this chapter based on what could happen
the only thing i dislike atm about this chapter is that the hiyori part, which imo is a very strong moment in itself, is completely overshadowed by the big reveal. it's sandwiched between the confirmation about the fruit and its name, and the actual reveal of luffy's form, and when the hiyori part came i just wanted it to end asap and hoping the chapter doesn't end on another cliffhanger without a reveal. in any other chapter the hiyori section would be more notable
where the fuck is denjiro