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Tournament OMPL XII - Playoffs [Tiebreak @ #30]

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ggs wokes
gg betticus

won in my last single game

Thanks for the hosts letting grey and me manage this year. Wrote shoutouts for my team in the cord


MichaelderBeste2 mind gaming cripwalk on sunday Achimoo Sylveon used calm mind Mosti Glurakaiser

special thanks to you friend, for starting my journey back in 2021. win your world trophy and every trophy on this site as you said to me

London Beats Garay oak Denial
In my darkest hour there. London and garay until this date. No matter what bs I got into you were there.
You two with r2g are my family on this site. I have nothing to say beside pure proud and joy knowing you

for trusting me and being a good fella

Thanks to the other ppl here listed making my stay in singles worth remember
mncmt Lusa frankjosh fiora Greybaum pannu spatula (u didnt believe me didnt you when I said I am going to pkmn LOL) pokemonisfun (i know you do great post ban, if you ever read this somehow thanks for mentoring me in UU and being there) CrashinBoomBang ( I screenshoted our first messages and send to friends, I was such a fanboy ) xray Nyx Hacker 2playaLuffy Luxanse King L5 Wulfanator SHSP Beraldo (u r the goat) avarice Lily zoe ponchlake astralydia fade ( I admit were your biggest fan, win some trophies now big guy ) Vertigo Theia ken (to all three thanks for hosting so much in general to the entire hosting team, if not for you nothig would work here so cudos to you) Mada Nails (always appreciated you; I watched more of you than you can expect probabaly tub nation fanboy) Fogbound Lake (lazy ass and still huge respect for all you been doin') Lizzie (goat, explore the world) Carkoala Micciu Queen of Bean Amaranth Tuthur Sirwings Sahki

Shoutouts to server
OM South Cord
Congregations of the Gayest
Our pivate uu cord with 20 ppl inside (i forgot the name but thanks for making it; helped me to push through dark times with you there)
WCOP GERMANY ABFAHRT JUNGS Achimoo thanks for weekly reminding me for the audios I sent to the team during WCOP 2023 to push ourselves

abr, cbb, michael, mind gaming, fiora, fade, pak
thanks to you for inspiring me in my building style

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:manaphy: Heart Takers [1] - [2] Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos :solgaleo:
GG: SammyCe123 vs Fc
Inh: Don Vascus vs Dr. Phd. BJ
Bo3: Ivar57 vs xavgb
Deadline is Sunday July 21st at 11:00 PM GMT-4, but I wouldn’t be like, sad if y’all played earlier.

:manaphy: Heart Takers [0] - [0] Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos :solgaleo:
GG: SammyCe123 vs Fc
Inh: Don Vascus vs Dr. Phd. Bj
Bo3: Ivar57 vs xavgb
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Godly Gift: SammyCe123 vs Fc

First off, i want to mention that while they're not playing, fraise is one of the tiers most active builders and players, their support only furthers my confidence in Sammy winning here. Now, Idt I've made it a secret that I think sammys success in oms recently is a bit of a fluke, or lucky streak if u will, but even with my bias I think it'd be stupid to ignore his success both as a builder and player, and nothing short of objectively wrong to ignore his familiarity and success in GG; winning open and being positive in the tier this ompl. GG is however one of our more "clicker friendly" tiers, and if its something SSSSS have a surplus of, its clickers. idk how much Fc is playing SVOU but I've known him for the better part of 2 years ATP and through that time he's proven to be really fucking good at picking up tiers quickly, obviously he's aided in that aspect by being an ubers main, which should give him some experience in wielding a Zacian-Ting-lu kinda BO team or whatever. Solgs GG hasn't been too hot this ssn, only winning with BJ as the slot (I think? not sure) but I think FC has a decent shot of throwing together a nice 6 and outclicking sammy, but I wouldn't count on it.

Inheritance: Don Vascus vs Dr. Phd. BJ

This feels like an allegory of INH slot in ompl as a whole, good mainer builder getting wins by using cool sets and catching newbies off-guard, and a clicker whos played a lot of mons throwing together a suboptimal 6 and relying on his piloting skills to win. I think that in every inh game BJ has played this tour, he's built dogshit teams, but he plays really well. Don is a good builder but not the most experienced player, and I do not think he is good enough of a builder that it gives him an edge over bj's overall experience.

Bo3: Ivar57 vs xavgb

insert "strongest om player in history vs strongest om player of today" joke, that aside these 2 guys are both super fucking good and I have no real clue on how this is going to go. Last time they played, ivar came out on top, however that was week 2 so it was also stresh's second games of dlc2 aaa/stab/mnm, he's had more time learn the metas and I think anyone who played oms (or paid attention to official tours recently) knows that if stresh has an understanding of a tier, he's one scary motherfucker to face in it. Dissecting the tiers by themselves, I think Ivar is going to take AAA, he's very good at SV aaa despite not liking it and I think he + jr + tranq are gonna cook up something nasty. I will however mention that I think the kinda samey, usually ends up in being a close game state the tier is in ATM lends itself very well to stresh's very precise and thought out playstyle, and DFM support is fucking cracked. STAB I think stresh is taking, he's got better support and ivar admits that stab is one of his weaker tiers, idek whos building stab for the takers LOL. This comes down to MnM then where (if you couldn't have guessed) I am favouring ivar, for no greater reason other then a gut feeling. It might be silly but my gut feelings r fucking cracked bruh did yall see me load taunt + dd lando into stall w/ physical walls unaware ihands + wisp gliscor earlier this tour I'm insane with these calls.

so ye, dicts, pls don't be mad I think all 3 games r close :blobnom:
Playoff PiC Reviews:
HiZo vs DeepFriedMagikarp
:araquanid::kingdra::pelipper::landorus::archaludon::bruxish: vs :gouging fire::kingambit::chien-pao::sinistcha::hatterene::dragalge:
On preview we see two unusual teams, with Hizo running an Araquanid Rain featuring Hizo shitmon of the week Bruxish, and DFM loading a Gouging Fire Trick Room team featuring Dragalge.
Hizo's team is pretty interesting as they have the standard Swift Swim rain core that can be further boosted by Araquanid sharing Water Bubble. There's also presumably a TR mode thanks to Bruxish, with Araquanid, Pelipper, Archaludon, and Bruxish all acting as potential TR attackers.
I'm less of a fan of DFM's build, the idea is p solid with what I would assume is a Howl Gouging Fire (if this isn't Howl I hate this build Gouging feels like it does nothing without boosting) allowing mons like Kingambit and Chien-Pao to accumulate boosts, and Sinistcha provides a lot of value to this core with TR, Rage Powder, and Hospitality healing. But I'm a bit skeptical of these last two mons, they provide some value with Hatterene being sleep counterplay and Dragalge providing some useful tools like Adaptability and Haze. However, they leave the team with a pretty glaring weakness to Lando and they're both special attackers that add to the team's reliance on TR which leaves the fast Gouging Fire mode feeling a bit lacking.

Overall, I would say that Hizo has a clear matchup advantage, Hizo's rain attackers can pretty easily muscle through DFM's team, and Dazzling protects the rain attackers from Sucker Punch. DFM really needs TR in this matchup to be able to answer the Swift Swim mode but the lack of defensive answers to Lando makes it difficult to get TR up. Even if TR is set the Araq on Hizo's team can also take advantage of it and wreak havoc as Araq is slower than most of the mons on DFM's team.

The game pretty much plays out as expected on preview, Hizo gets rain up on t1 and pivots around a little bit trying to get their sweepers in, trading Archaludon for good damage on Pao, leading to Hizo getting Lando and Kingdra safely in under Rain. From there Hizo never lets up the pressure, Lando with Swift Swim outspeeds everything and DFM can't withstand hits from it without Tera at this point, which gets wasted on t4. Lando sweeps through DFM's team with some help from Kingdra and Bruxish and the game is just over. Overall, DFM couldn't really get initiative and just lacked answers to Hizo's attackers, particularly Lando, once Hizo got into the right position, they were able to convert on a very favorable matchup.

Evie vs baaaaaat
:chien-pao::dragonite::ursaluna::rillaboom::ogerpon-wellspring::kingambit: vs :kingambit::porygon2::ogerpon-hearthflame::tornadus::iron bundle::ting-lu:
On preview Evie seems to have loaded a relatively standard PrioSpam, taking the standard Espeed spam+Rilla core and opting for a Wellspring as redirection/secondary grass attacker with Kingambit as a second Intimidate deterrent. baaaaaat loads what seems to be a TailRoom Offense (idk what to call this archetype I think it's offense but it could maybe be balance too lmaoooo) with the relatively uncommon pick of Bundle.
Evie's team is a HO that aims to use strong priority like Espeed, Glide, and Sucker to overwhelm the opponent, with Ursaluna being able to take advantage of PiC mechanics and use Espeed from Dragonite.
baaaaaat's team is an offense team that has dual speed control options in Prankster Tailwind and Trick Room, with Hearthflame and Bundle being a very threatening duo under TW, and Kingambit, P2, and Ting-Lu thriving under TR. Ting-Lu is able to hinder opposing special attackers while not affecting its teammates due to Vessel of Ruin users not being affected by the ability.
Overall I quite like both builds.

Not as obvious of an advantage on preview here compared to the other match lol.
Bundle and Hearthflame can both be pretty threatening here as they hit almost everything on Evie's team pretty hard, although Water Absorb can be annoying for Bundle. Torn and Bundle are both potentially Tera Ghost on this build which could be an annoyance, as it prevents Espeed spam and they both do solid damage to almost everything.
However, Evie's attackers are pretty good here, there is one Normal resist and it's not a Ghost Type, forcing Tera to mitigate Espeed spam, Pao hits everything for big damage if it has Sacred Sword, and Kingambit is only really threatened by Hearthflame so it can get a Swords Dance up pretty easily and wreak havoc. The Ting-Lu is also pretty useless here for baaaaaat, everything on Evie's team hits it pretty hard and it can't really contribute much either unless it has Stealth Rock.
I'd probably give the matchup advantage to Evie, their attackers exert a lot of pressure here while baaaaaat's fast attackers can't really be as effective, as they are susceptible to getting OHKOd by priority, and thus baaaaaat will be on the back foot most of the time.

Turn 1 is huge for baaaaaat as they get a really nice read that Evie won't click Fake Out and they're able to get big damage off on Ursaluna almost for free. The damage rolls from Bleakwind likely indicate that this is a bulkier Torn set. Tera Ghost is used on Torn to dodge Espeed and Ursaluna goes down the next turn without doing any damage. Kingambit comes in, gets off a free SD and starts dealing big damage, with nothing that can really deal with it except for Hearthflame. Iron Bundle is revealed to be SpAtk Booster with Encore, Encoring Kingambit into Sucker Punch, leaving Kingambit helpless against the Follow Me Hearthflame that comes in next.
Tera Ghost is used on Kingambit which allows it to survive through the Encore while Wellspring gets off a SD and is able to KO P2. Evie's Wellspring is also revealed to probably be faster than Hearthflame, winning 2 speed ties in a row isn't super unlikely but I wouldn't bet on that possibility. Ting-Lu comes in and dies while baaaaaat gets kinda lucky and crits Ivy Cudgel to KO Kingambit. It was decently likely that one of the three Ivy Cudgels would've crit but still rather unfortunate as no crit likely means Evie wins, assuming they clicked Kowtow Cleave.
It comes down to +2 Wellspring and chipped Rilla vs Hearthflame and Torn. baaaaaat goes for TW with Torn and Ivy Cudgel into Rilla which leads to Rilla getting KO'd while Torn barely survives a +2 Ivy Cudgel from Wellspring, leading to a win for baaaaaat. The Ivy Cudgel could've been a roll, idk the spreads as physically defensive Torn isn't something seen super often. I'm a little confused why Evie didn't Glide with Rilla as in most situations it's dying before it gets to move so Glide would've let it do something at least, especially because Glide into Torn would've likely won them the game here.
Overall, I think baaaaaat played well, they made some nice aggressive plays that were prob needed in this mu and got some luck to get the win. Evie also played pretty well, but perhaps a little too safe at times and with a bit of a misplay at the end.
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