Art by IoSonoNeon
Welcome to the twelth iteration of the Other Metagames Premier League, the biggest OM Tournament of the year!
- Roster | Schedule | Standings (Records) | Replays -
Teams - Managers
The Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos - Fc and xavgb
The Dubwool Entendres - Quantum Tesseract and Racool
The Rise Up Darkrais - TTTech and Career Ended
The W Virizzions - Sylvi and Greybaum
The Malevolent Misdreavuses - abriel and zoe
The Black Diamond Kyurems - Fragments and RoFnA
The Heart Takers - ojr and Ivar57
The Walking Wokes - Evie and cat
How this works
There are 8 teams this year. Each team will have have 8 players and at least 4 subs. The players are bought using the 100k credits that managers receive during the auction. Managers and co-managers will be allowed to purchase themselves as players for their team at a fixed price of 13.5k. The managers must inform the hosts (berry, UT, and Vertigo) of all self purchases before the beginning of the auction. Teams can win their matchup every week by winning 5 of the 8 matches that their players have to play.
The tiers for this year are Almost Any Ability, Balanced Hackmons, Godly Gift, Mix and Mega, STABmons, Partners in Crime, Inheritance, and Best of Three (AAA / STAB / MnM).
It is recommended to play all games on SmogTours in the most current version of the format corresponding to those listed above. Games can be played on the Pokemon Showdown main server if and only if both players agree, but run higher risk of interference from server restarts/crashes. The result between players may be decided in a best-of-one or best-of-three at the discretion of both players involved. If there is no agreement, the result will decided in a Bo1 by default.
Winning a round rewards a team with 2 points, drawing 1 point, and losing zero points. In addition, the manner in which the round has been won will also be recorded i.e. the difference between a team's wins and losses in a specific week's round (referred to as "Win Differential").
Each team will play one another for seven weeks. Based on the final standings, the top 4 teams will enter a Playoffs Round to determine the teams appearing in the finals.
In the event of two teams being tied for a spot in the finals based on points and win differential, or a tie in the final round itself, we will have a tiebreaker round(s).
Tiebreaker Rules: Both teams submit four strike choices, ranked. The hosts process both lists at the same time until we end up with three metas (if both of them strike the same meta at some point) or more likely, four unstruck metas. If there are four, the hosts randomly pick three of the four for tiebreaker.
Substitutes are to be used in the case of extenuating circumstances, whether on the first day of the week, or the last. At the same time, players should be relatively well-aware of who all are available to play in the opponent's camp. If last minute substitutes are being frequently used or abused and the hosts find explanations unsatisfactory, the hosts still reserve the right to veto them. In order to further prevent this being the case, teams are only granted a maximum of two substitutes per week. Any substitutions after the second will be vetoed.
The hosts have decided to not include trades this year due to reasons outlined in this thread - all roster decisions will be final, so draft carefully!
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