Exploudit I've made your team!
Firstly, I started with your
Yanmega set. Since this set in particular doesn't run Speed Boost, and it only runs mono-Flying coverage, I first thought that Magnezone would be needed to trap all of: Celesteela, Heatran, Magearna, and Ferrothorn. However,
+3 252 SpA Tinted Lens Yanmega Supersonic Skystrike (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Celesteela: 428-504 (107.5 - 126.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+3 252 SpA Tinted Lens Yanmega Supersonic Skystrike (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Heatran: 414-488 (107.2 - 126.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+3 252 SpA Tinted Lens Yanmega Supersonic Skystrike (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Magearna: 356-420 (97.8 - 115.3%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
+3 252 SpA Yanmega Supersonic Skystrike (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn: 390-460 (110.7 - 130.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Yeah, those aren't good checks. So I thought some more and came up with possible checks: Tyranitar, Diancie, and Rotom-W are the first ones that came to mind, so I ran some more calcs:
+3 252 SpA Tinted Lens Yanmega Supersonic Skystrike (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 176 SpD Tyranitar: 506-596 (125.2 - 147.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+3 252 SpA Tinted Lens Yanmega Supersonic Skystrike (160 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Diancie: 422-498 (175.1 - 206.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+3 252 SpA Tinted Lens Yanmega Supersonic Skystrike (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Rotom-Wash: 414-486 (136.1 - 159.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
... And still nothing. But then I found it!
+3 252 SpA Yanmega Supersonic Skystrike (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 384-453 (54.5 - 64.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Now you may think Chansey does nothing back, but this isn't true. Transform forces a 50/50 roll and Oblivion Wing only does 27.3 - 32.1%, so Chansey can reliably Soft-Boiled / Wish if it chooses to. Setting up Substitute is the best course of action, but the Chansey player still forces you to attack eventually thanks to Seismic Toss. However, if it does indeed Transform, and you lose the speed tie, you're screwed.
I do actually really like the set, so let me go on a tangent for a second. Quiver Dance seems cool versus offensive teams, but the above Pokemon are commonly run. It could set up a Tail Glow and get to +4, but Celesteela, Heatran, Magearna, Tyranitar, Diancie, and Rotom-Wash all KO in return, and Ferrothorn can cripple it with Spore. This makes more balanced teams easier to handle. However, what if the opponent runs two of these Pokemon? Chansey + Steel-type is a very common core, so you have to weaken both to ensure Yanmega can actually clean up late game. We'll get into this later.
Back to Chansey. Let's say it does get a Transform up. It will be at 35.7% - 45.5% damage now. So, you're going to need a FakeSpeed that does this much damage. Adamant
Diggersby achieves this:
252+ Atk Life Orb Huge Power Diggersby Fake Out vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Eviolite Yanmega: 83-99 (12.9 - 15.4%) -- possible 7HKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Huge Power Diggersby Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Eviolite Yanmega: 165-196 (25.7 - 30.5%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
That's 38.6% - 45.9% damage, so it's very safe to pick off a transformed Chansey. Jolly Diggersby does 35.4% - 42.0%. Jolly is a solid option really, but Adamant really seals the deal. Plus, Stealth Rock on the opposing side will make Chansey even easier to pick off, and Jolly will always KO it, but since it might not if entry hazards are not up, I'd prefer Adamant for the guarantee. Diggersby does a ton of cool things like checking opposing Yanmega, and being helpful to either pivot with U-turn or Knock Off. Knock Off does help versus the Chansey match up and weakens things by removing their items, particularly Eviolite / Leftovers / Choice Scarf, making a Yanmega sweep more feasible.
Here's the team
so far:

So now looking at the team a few key things stuck out to me: Water-types, specifically Choice Scarf Keldeo and Greninja-Ash are a big threat; Thundurus is annoying; opposing FakeSpeed is an issue; entry hazards + entry hazard removal is needed; secondary Steel-type check is needed in case Diggersby loses (hint: Celesteela) to them; Boomburst.
To inspect our first issue of Water-types, I considered that
Rotom-W would probably help alleviate the matchup versus Landorus-T while also providing even more pivoting opportunities in case you're running U-turn on Diggersby. However, Water-types still threaten the team thus far because Rotom-W simply can't check them all at once. Therefore, I find that pairing it with
Ferrothorn gives you a solid matchup versus Water-types and also provides entry hazards.
For Rotom-W, I'm going to be running Volt Switch / Strength Sap / Steam Eruption for certain. However, the final moveslot is yours to make. Spore is a great way to pivot into Yanmega and cripple things, but with Ferrothorn it may not be entirely necessary. Another consideration is Defog, to alleviate entry hazard stress, though I'd advice against this because Spikes + Defog ≠ good results. Keep Nuzzle / Pain Split in mind as well.
Next, Ferrothorn will be running Spore / Spikes / Strength Sap / Power Whip. Other options include Anchor Shot / Gyro Ball > Power Whip, but I feel that Power Whip is very much appreciated to take on opposing Water-types. Run Leech Seed > Spore if running Anchor Shot, and make sure to put Spore on Rotom-W to make up for it. Double Spore is acceptable as well! This is up to you. Another great thing Ferrothorn helps the team with is stopping Porygon-Z and Sylveon cold (but watch out for Flame Plate Judgment!).
Now let's take another look at the team:

Looking at the team, you may have noticed the same thing that I have: it's slow, lacks entry hazard removal, is fairly weak to Steel-types if Diggersby is gone, and it struggles to beat Lopunny-Mega. To patch this up, I think that
Terrakion is a naturally solid fit. Terrakion forces pressure against Chansey, takes care of Steel-types handily, appreciates the teams multiple stops to Landorus-T, and is fast! It also takes on FakeSpeed well.
The Terrakion set I've chosen to run is a bit unconventional, but it fits the team handily. Choice Band with double priority. What does this accomplish though?
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Accelerock vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Eviolite Yanmega: 300-352 (46.8 - 54.9%) -- 56.6% chance to 2HKO [if Chansey is allowed the opportunity to use Transform]
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Lopunny-Mega: 206-246 (76 - 90.7%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes
Any prior damage other than Spikes will kill Lopunny-Mega and it helps ease the Chansey matchup. Strong priority that picks off Normal-types is awesome and it can pick off very weakened Choice Scarf Landorus-T, and Mach Punch does a hefty amount of damage to Keldeo as well. The thing is no slouch and it helps patch up some of the teams weaknesses. Notably, it can weaken the opposing team with its strong attacks until Yanmega can sweep, which is the goal I've kept in mind. Some other useful calculations to keep in mind:
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Accelerock vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Thundurus: 264-312 (88.2 - 104.3%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Diamond Storm vs. 252 HP / 196+ Def Toxapex: 135-160 (44.4 - 52.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after 1 layer of Spikes
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Porygon-Z: 260-308 (83.6 - 99%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Diggersby: 242-288 (77.8 - 92.6%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Greninja-Ash: 270-320 (94.7 - 112.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes [Water Shuriken KOes, but if locked into anything else, Greninja-Ash is threatened]
Here's the team now (almost done!):

Now we're looking at a solid team! But... We're pivoting a lot and we have a 4x Rock weak Pokemon, with no entry hazard removal.
So I looked at this from few different lenses. I have Spikes which are very valuable to my team and don't want to run Defog, but there's not a good fast Rapid Spinner that's not Lopjunny-Mega, and I want to not rely just on Terrakion for the removal. The first Pokemon that I thought of was
Sylveon. Sylveon has an unblockable Rapid Spin, provides more FakeSpeed, and a powerful Boomburst. However, it's still fairly slow and its FakeSpeed loves much to be desired. My next consideration was
Latios. Latios provides a lot of useful things: Defog, Levitate, Speed, strength. However, it makes Celesteela a bigger burden and usually needs Magnezone to function to its best abilities, which we clearly do not have. The choice of the two is, once again, yours to make. I'd personally pick Latios, but I'll explain both.
Latios' moveset is fairly flexible, and has great offensive synergy with Terrakion, too. Speed is great! Scarf with Trick gives you one of the fastest ways to beat set-up sweepers, like Charizard-Mega-X for example. Also outspeeds Choice Scarf Landorus-T! Another neat thing with running Latios is that Keldeo is basically going to struggle a lot, with Ferrothorn and Rotom-W aiding in beating it. Checks Thundurus, too! The other main reason I believe Latios fits this team so well is because it very reliably beats Zygarde. It OHKOes Zygarde and outspeeds +1 Zygarde if running Choice Scarf, too. Other options here include Life Orb w/ Lunar Dance > Trick, and Electrium Z w/ Thunder > Trick. Lunar Dance is cool with a strong set up sweeper like Yanmega, so it's a neat option. Latios is just a good fit. If you want, run Electrium Z. Do note that this means changing Yanmega to Life Orb or something similar, so that's only if you want to experiment. But, in order to stay true to your main idea, I decided Scarf was better.
If you opt to run Sylveon, the set is Fake Out / Extreme Speed / Rapid Spin / Boomburst with a Pixie Plate. This leaves your team more open to Celesteela, but Sylveon keeps up the Spikes you've set and is incredibly strong with Boomburst. It checks Zygarde since it can't set up a Substitute safely. This is a fairly self-explanatory Pokemon, so I wont elaborate much further. Personally, I'd prefer to run Latios, but Sylveon is a very viable alternative.
And with that we have...
There's the completed team! I really hope you enjoy it. It took me roughly two hours to create this post and make the team. The team is solid all-around and I hope it fits your idea of bulky offense! This is what I had in mind and envisioned for it. I'm always willing to play with you on Showdown!, where you can find me in the Other Metas room under the nick wishes, just like on here. Be careful about Lopunny-Mega! The combination of Rotom-W + Terrakion should be enough to scare it off, but regardless, play carefully.
I'm going to test this out more! This is the preliminary version of it. I faced Ellipse with it and realized that Jirachi is a pain in the ass! But besides that, it seems generally pretty solid to get your feet wet.