Tournament OM Snake Draft II - Player Signups

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i just died
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Tier Shift / Inheritance / Sketchmons / Camomons
GMT -4
Might be iffy after late June but should be fine
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PS Name: B◊dger (Was: B@dger)
Tiers Played: BH/ Inheritance/ Camomons/ Tier Shift/ Please add Frantic Fusions
Timezone: Chicago/Central
Significant Time Missed? Some weeknds, but for the most part I'm available
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aka Ho3nConfirm3d
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a defending SCL Champion
PS Name: Ho3nConfrim3
Tiers Played: Mediocre Mons(topped ladder)/Inheritance/Averagemons(topped ladder)/Suicide Cup/Inheritance/ Linked/ and ZU if that counts (topped ladder)
Timezone: EST
Significant Time Missed?: none

drampa's grandpa

benign auto-cannibal
is a Community Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnus
I guess I'll sign up.

PS Name: drampa's grandpa, sobbel, belhalla
Tiers Played: Camomons, Sketchmons, Inheritance
Time Zone: EST is the bEST (GMT-4)
Time missed: I work, but I should be free every week.

Please don't buy me and expect me to build and play by myself every week, the results will be disappointing. I'd prefer to be a sub / building assistant / tester, but can be a starter if necessary. Go Northeast Heliolisk Blisseys or something like that.
I have no experience with most of these OMs outside of semifinals in a PiC tour. Then again, I'm confident when it comes to PiC.

PS Name: LeviathanAndMeta
Tiers Played: Partners In Crime
Time Zones: Master Race (EST/GMT -4)
Time Missed: I'm free throughout most days.

I mean, when it comes to team building, I'm okay with it. I probably will need help when it comes to polishing the team up. Outside of that, I can actually play okay. if that really helps my chances
Name: QwilfishSam
Metas: Inheritance
Timezone: Chicago/Central
Time missed: Some school time (7:30 to 2:30, but can play sometimes even during then)
PS Name: TheJ3estPenguin
Tiers Played: Camomons, Mix and Mega, STABmons, Trademarked
Timezone: GMT -6
Significant Time Missed: finals coming up

i played a lot of camomons for the dragonite suspect ._.
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