Old Name and Profile Change Requests

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I would like my name changed to TheTechSquad because my current name is a representation of my old Youtube.

k - oglemi
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Hey, can i get the C in my name made lowercase and my birthday changed to august 21st 1998? (i actually put 1997 by accident and have just been to lazy to get the birthday thing put right) thanks

k - oglemi
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Name change to Peli please, is now my main on showdown

k - oglemi
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Please could I have my name changed to Burt Racecar?

It's the name I've been using last on Pokemon Showdown (and I'm getting fed up of being Toebag ;P)

k - oglemi
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Can I get the name change to Mesonero? It's my new main account on PS. Thanks a lot.

k - oglemi
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So, my name change request got deleted even though it was only one ever and it was serious request. It was probably came off as only an attempt to get my period removed due to my carefree tone, but there's more to it than that. It's an abbreviation of the name I use on LoL and Showdown (you see me on more often as purrl, but I honestly don't like it and only use it because it's my only chance of getting voice on Smogtours). I've also started adopting said name on IRC (excuse me for still using Mibbit btw) and on top of that, it's the name of the most adorable piece of 2D art ever made, so there's no way this change wouldn't last long.

With that said, I still believe it's unfair that you refuse to remove the period off of my name, as it's been done for other people before (and I think I'd even be able to provide examples) and I doubt it'd cause any beef anyway. However, I also believe that my current nickname deserves a proper rest, as I'm going through a different phase of my life right now and also because I've already done a lot of stuff I'm proud of (and other things I'm less proud of) under it. This name change would also allow me to start anew more easily if I ever find the motivation to play this game again.

edit: Rephrased some stuff

k - oglemi
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Sorry for asking, but can I have my name as PlatinumBlad3? TheTechSquad autofilled right before I posted, and I didn't notice until today.

Again, sorry for adkinf , won't want it changed again ever.

sigh - oglemi
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[6/21/15, 7:49:21 PM] Magnemite: z is a stupid letter
Can I change my name to just Megazard? I've already had one but this is small and some have had multiple changes so idk what the criteria is. The Z just seems dumb. But i understand if this doesnt go through :/ dont pick names when you're new

k - oglemi
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Would getting a space in my name count as a name change? If no, I would please like mine changed to rufus drumknott

cus believe it or not some people can't tell what my name is

k - oglemi

Edit: Thanks ^^
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Hello, can I get my name changed to ISSEI?
reason : idk, the name I have now is way too long, and ISSEI is just a short and simple name.
Thanks in advance.

rejected - name already taken - oglemi
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According to oglemi's decision not change my name, i request to delete this account to make a new one with my old name back.

no - after all the arguing you get zero special treatment - oglemi
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Requesting a name change to C9 DRM2K, as I've been known as said name on PS! for a few months now.

k - oglemi
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Hello, I would like my name changed to Poppy Bros Junior as it is my Showdown name and was my PO name for quite some time and I'd like to match my profile name to what people might remember me better as. Thanks!

k - oglemi
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Can I have my name changed back to Jellal Fernandes
Reason: I have been using it far longer, and people are used to it better

Rejected - (from the rules: You cannot get a name change if you have an active infraction or are Wi-Fi blacklisted) - Nexus
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Since, "ISSEI" was already taken, can I get my name changed to "LORD ISSEI" (yes, with caps)
reason : same as my previous post.

k - oglemi
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