2v2 Old Gen 2v2 Doubles Megathread

Mubs you can use this code to automatically add the four mon limit /chall [user], gen5doublesou @@@ two vs two, -Focus Sash, -Perish Song, - Final Gambit, - Uber ++ OU ++ UUBL ++ UU ++ RUBL ++ RU ++ NUBL ++ NU ++ PUBL ++ PU ++ ZU ++ NFE ++ LC Uber ++ LC > 4
I would like to point out that this code can be inconsistent with what it allows and doesnt so it likely isnt worth using.
Round 1:


Mr. Mime fan  vs  Monsareeasy
Vrji   vs Ninjawarrior7778
turtalkatthing  vs  PartMan
zioziotrip  vs  stitch.kr
pqs  vs  Krytocon
Lkjc  vs  D2TheW
413XPlayz  vsstableprince569
Mubs  vs  Itchyfoot (in for bye 1)

Deadline: Wednesday, August 12, 5:59 PM GMT-4.

How to challenge someone in [Gen 5] 2v2 Doubles:
/chall [user], gen5doublesou @@@ two vs two, -Focus Sash, -Perish Song, - Final Gambit

Note: do not bring more than 4 Pokemon.
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First Blood
Won in 4 against PartMan
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen5doublesou-1167063777 g1 Gyro Ball into a twave'd mon
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen5doublesou-1167066132 g2 I forgot Icy Wind on Politoed and didn't prot on kingdra
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen5doublesou-1167067430 g3 I brought 4 rock weak mons against a Terrakion and still won so good
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen5doublesou-1167068703 g4 Jellicent op and also his team got soloed by it cause freeze dry doesn't exist

Won in 5 against fellow bw 2v2 council member D2TheW ggs

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen5doublesou-1167089813 Like the one game where he doesn’t bring mons that lose to shellos I bring shellos :(

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen5doublesou-1167093881 Metagross is A+ tier pqs

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen5doublesou-1167098082 Burn aaaaaaa

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen5doublesou-1167107360 Jellicent op, please nerf

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen5doublesou-1167109892 Scrafty is better than hitmontop >:(
Won in 3 vs Mubs (honestly wasn't expecting that) ggs

Zoroark oo (We confirmed after the battle that my Infernape was faster, those turns weren't speed ties)

Hax (sorry not sorry Prankster T-wave is broken) Mubs brought (Wacan) Politoed and Kingdra but Kingdra got ~~outplayed~~ haxed. I brought Thundurus and Genesect and spammed offense after successful haxing :)

Hax pt. 2 (Full para into Psychic spdef drop into Crunch def drop) Iirc Mubs brought Politoed/Thundurus into my Scrafty/Thundurus **please Mubs call me out of this is wrong so I can fix this**

Sorry about the missing replays :(
Thanks Lkjc for letting me know

[16:25:24] +TurtalKatThing: itchy i cant believe you got a bye
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won ggs s/o turtalkatthing

i am ALSO nominating my boy empoleon for vr
Empoleon @ Wacan Berry
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 128 HP / 228 Def / 148 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Protect
- Hydro Pump
- Flash Cannon
- Icy Wind / Ice Beam

empoleon has a really nice typing in the meta because it resists both of kingdra's stabs (water, dragon) and can take a hit from helping hand boosted hydro pump in rain quite easily. wacan berry helps with the common thundy seen on rain and also lets you take a max attack fusion bolt always from kyu-b. usually with redirection like togekiss it can 2hko most pokemon or act as speed control for a partner while also being able to dish out some damage if using icy wind. ice beam is an alternative for more power which can help a bit against the lati twins. i could see this going in somewhere between c-b rank due to how anti-meta it is and how much it can wall.
Mr. Mime fan gets the activity win over Monsareeasy

Round 2
zioziotrip  vsMr. Mime fan
(winner of Vrji vs Ninjawarrior7778)  vs  turtalkatthing
pqs  vs  stableprince569
Itchyfoot  vs  Lkjc

The extended game's Deadline is Thursday, August 13th, 5:59 PM GMT-4.
Deadline: Friday, August 14th, 5:59 PM GMT-4.

How to challenge someone in [Gen 5] 2v2 Doubles
/chall [user], gen5doublesou @@@ two vs two, -Focus Sash, -Perish Song, - Final Gambit

Note: do not bring more than 4 Pokemon.
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