2v2 Old Gen 2v2 Doubles Megathread

got the ok after talking to akir who told me ew was fine with it if anyone wants to know
Idea stolen from Oldgen Hackmons Megathread

Old Generation 2v2 Doubles Megathread
This thread serves as both a repository for oldgen 2v2 resources and a secondary hub for their discussion.


Where are these metagames playable?
A: At current, they are only able to be played in ROM, but there's a chance they could also be challengable on the main server.

Q: Where do I go to discuss the current generation?
A: There's a thread in the OM forum.

General Resources:
2v2 Room
2v2 Discord
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USUM 2v2
Ruleset: Pokemon, Standard Doubles, Accuracy Moves Clause, Swagger Clause, Z-Move Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, Team Preview

Bans: Ally Switch, Arceus, Dialga, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Jirachi, Kangaskhan-Mega, Kyogre, Kyurem-White, Lugia, Lunala, Magearna, Marshadow, Mewtwo, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, Palkia, Rayquaza, Reshiram, Salamence-Mega, Solgaleo, Tapu Lele, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zekrom, Power Construct, Focus Sash, Dark Void, Final Gambit, Perish Song and Gravity + Sleep

VR Council: Mubs PA Morgan 187 Fan pqs

S Rank
:Mawile-Mega: Mawile-Mega

S- Rank
:Hoopa-Unbound: Hoopa-Unbound

A+ Rank
:Charizard-Mega-Y: Charizard-Mega-Y
:Incineroar: Incineroar
:Kyurem-Black: Kyurem-Black
:Metagross-Mega: Metagross-Mega
:Porygon2: Porygon2
:Tapu-Koko: Tapu-Koko

A Rank
:Amoonguss: Amoonguss
:Chansey: Chansey
:Heatran: Heatran
:Oranguru: Oranguru
:Suicune: Suicune
:Tapu-Bulu: Tapu-Bulu
:Victini: Victini
:Zapdos: Zapdos
:Zygarde: Zygarde

A- Rank
:Deoxys-Attack: Deoxys-Attack
:Gyarados-Mega: Gyarados-Mega
:Mew: Mew
:Shaymin-Sky: Shaymin-Sky

B+ Rank
:Blastoise-Mega: Blastoise-Mega
:Camerupt-Mega: Camerupt-Mega
:Charizard-Mega-X: Charizard-Mega-X
:Diancie: Diancie
:Genesect: Genesect
:Kartana: Kartana
:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-Therian
:Pinsir-Mega: Pinsir-Mega
:Tyranitar-Mega: Tyranitar-Mega
:Volcarona: Volcarona
:Whimsicott: Whimsicott
:Zeraora: Zeraora

B Rank
:Banette-Mega: Banette-Mega
:Cresselia: Cresselia
:Clefairy: Clefairy
:Heracross-Mega: Heracross-Mega
:Medicham-Mega: Medicham-Mega
:Latias-Mega: Latias-Mega
:Lopunny-Mega: Lopunny-Mega
:Lucario-Mega: Lucario-Mega
:Pelipper: Pelipper
:Swampert-Mega: Swampert-Mega
:Tapu-Fini: Tapu-Fini
:Venusaur: Venusaur
:Venusaur-Mega: Venusaur-Mega
:Volcanion: Volcanion

B- Rank
:Aerodactyl-Mega: Aerodactyl-Mega
:Altaria-Mega: Altaria-Mega
:Excadrill: Excadrill
:Golisopod: Golisopod
:Hawlucha: Hawlucha
:Latios-Mega: Latios-Mega
:manectric-Mega: Manectric-Mega
:Marowak-Alola: Marowak-Alola
:Mimikyu: Mimikyu
:Primarina: Primarina

C+ Rank
:Arcanine: Arcanine
:Azumarill: Azumarill
:Celesteela: Celesteela
:Garchomp: Garchomp
:Gengar-Mega: Gengar-Mega
:Greninja: Greninja
:Hariyama: Hariyama
:Hypno: Hypno
:Naganadel: Naganadel
:Kommo-o: Kommo-o
:Nihilego: Nihilego
:Sceptile-Mega: Sceptile-Mega
:Scrafty: Scrafty
:Stakataka: Stakataka
:Togetic: Togetic
:Xurkitree: Xurkitree

C Rank
:Abomasnow-Mega: Abomasnow-Mega
:Aegislash: Aegislash
:Aggron-Mega: Aggron-Mega
:Blacephalon: Blacephalon
:Blaziken-Mega: Blaziken-Mega
:Entei: Entei
:Kingdra: Kingdra
:Shaymin: Shaymin
:Terrakion: Terrakion

C- Rank
:Dragonite: Dragonite
:Dusclops: Dusclops
:Murkrow: Murkrow
:Sableye-Mega: Sableye-Mega
:Smeargle: Smeargle
:Talonflame: Talonflame
:Thundurus: Thundurus

D Rank
:Electabuzz: Electabuzz
:Mandibuzz: Mandibuzz

Sets Compendium: https://pokepast.es/8691cfebe5b38b6e

Sample Teams:

:Hoopa-Unbound::Tapu Koko::Victini::Kyurem-Black:
Hoopa + Tapu Koko by Le Creme Brule

Double Core by Le Creme Brule

SkyminLop by PA

:Porygon2::Mawile-Mega::Tapu Bulu::Incineroar:
MawP2 by 187 Fan

Ally Switch Metagross + Double WP by pqs

MawGren + ScarfTini by STABLE
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ORAS 2v2
Ruleset: Obtainable, Species Clause, OHKO Clause, Accuracy Moves Clause, Evasion Moves Clause, Moody Clause, Swagger Clause, Endless Battle Clause, HP Percentage Mod, Cancel Mod, Team Preview
Bans: Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Giratina-Origin, Arceus, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem-White, Xerneas, Yveltal, Kangaskhan-Mega, Salamence-Mega, Ally Switch, Dark Void, Perish Song, Soul Dew, Focus Sash and Gravity + Sleep

VR Council: Morgan Mishimono yuki Blanched

:Metagross-Mega: Metagross-Mega

:Charizard-Mega-Y: :Charizard-Mega-X: Mega Charizard
:Lopunny-Mega: Lopunny-Mega
:Mawile-Mega: Mawile-Mega
:Talonflame: Talonflame

:Garchomp-Mega: Garchomp-Mega
:Swampert-Mega: Swampert-Mega
:Venusaur-Mega: :Venusaur: (Mega) Venusaur

:suicune: Suicune
:Tyranitar-Mega: :Tyranitar: (Mega) Tyranitar
:Hoopa-Unbound: Hoopa-Unbound
:Victini: Victini
:Manectric-Mega: Manectric-Mega

:Kyurem-Black: Kyurem-Black
:Shaymin-Sky: Shaymin-Sky
:Gyarados-Mega: :Gyarados: (Mega) Gyarados
:Zapdos: Zapdos
:Mew: Mew
:Cresselia: Cresselia
:Volcanion: Volcanion
:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-Therian
:Entei: Entei

:Togekiss: Togekiss
:Politoed: Politoed
:Blaziken-Mega: Blaziken-Mega
:Diancie-Mega: :Diancie: (Mega) Diancie
:Porygon2: Porygon2
:Terrakion: Terrakion
:Blastoise-Mega: :Blastoise: (Mega) Blastoise
:Infernape: Infernape
:Aerodactyl-Mega: Aerodactyl-Mega
:Camerupt-Mega: Camerupt-Mega
:Landorus: Landorus
:Deoxys-Attack: Deoxys-Attack
:Amoonguss: Amoonguss
:Heatran: Heatran
:Sableye-Mega: :Sableye: (Mega) Sableye

:Keldeo: Keldeo
:Latios-Mega: :Latios: (Mega) Latios
:Latias-Mega: :Latias: (Mega) Latias
:Thundurus: Thundurus
:Volcarona: Volcarona
:Gardevoir-Mega: Gardevoir-Mega
:Darkrai: Darkrai
:Clefairy: Clefairy
:Banette-Mega: :Whimsicott: Disable Encore
:Lucario-Mega: Lucario-Mega

:Gengar-Mega: Gengar-Mega
:Genesect: Genesect
:Scrafty: Scrafty
:Sylveon: Sylveon
:Steelix-Mega: Steelix-Mega
:Arcanine: Arcanine

:Hariyama: Hariyama
:Azumarill: Azumarill
:Medicham-Mega: Medicham-Mega
:Rhyperior: Rhyperior
:Heracross-Mega: Heracross-Mega
:Sceptile-Mega: Sceptile-Mega
:Excadrill: Excadrill
:Hypno: Hypno

:Altaria-Mega: Altaria-Mega
:Abomasnow-Mega: Abomasnow-Mega
:Gastrodon: Gastrodon
:Greninja: Greninja (Torrent)
:Ludicolo: Ludicolo

:Mamoswine: Mamoswine
:Electabuzz: Electabuzz
:Furret: Furret
:Salamence: Salamence
:Aegislash: Aegislash

Sets Compendium: https://pokepast.es/a2bf751ab2a95287 [OUTDATED}

:Manectric-Mega: :Metagross-Mega: :Keldeo: :Talonflame:
Double Mega Talonflame by yuki

:Lopunny-Mega: :Talonflame: :Hoopa-Unbound: :Metagross-Mega:
Funny haha by Morgan

:Diancie: :Sceptile-Mega: :Blaziken-Mega: :Camerupt-Mega:
Hoe-ing Supremacy + Weird Rock by Morgan

:Latias: :Shaymin-Sky: :Togekiss: :Blaziken-Mega:
Reflect Type Latias by yuki
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BW 2v2
Banlist: DOU Banlist + Focus Sash, Perish Song, Final Gambit, Accuracy Reducing Moves, Kingdra, Ally Switch

Unbanlist: None

Challenge Code: /challenge [USER] gen5doublesou @@@ Accuracy Moves Clause, -Focus Sash, -Kingdra, -Final Gambit, -Perish Song, -Ally Switch, Team Preview, Picked Team Size=2, Max Team Size = 4

:stufful: Itchy
:ditto: D2TheW
:flygon: IBM


S Rank
:kyurem-black: Kyurem-B
:metagross: Metagross
:scrafty: Scrafty

S- Rank
:infernape: Infernape
:Latios: Latios
:thundurus: Thundurus
:tornadus: Tornadus

A+ Rank
:volcarona: Volcarona

A Rank
:jellicent-F: Jellicent
:shaymin-sky: Shaymin-S
:togekiss: Togekiss
:tyranitar: Tyranitar
:victini: Victini

A- Rank
:deoxys-attack: Deoxys-A
:keldeo-resolute: Keldeo
:terrakion: Terrakion

B+ Rank
:excadrill: Excadrill

B Rank
:aerodactyl: Aerodactyl
:amoonguss: Amoonguss
:chandelure: Chandelure
:cresselia: Cresselia
:darkrai: Darkrai
:gastrodon: Gastrodon
:Heatran: Heatran
:latias: Latias
:mamoswine: Mamoswine
:mew: Mew
:politoed: Politoed
:thundurus-therian: Thundurus-T
:weavile: Weavile

B- Rank
:ferrothorn: Ferrothorn
:hariyama: Hariyama
:hitmontop: Hitmontop
:ludicolo: Ludicolo
:manaphy: Manaphy
:snorlax: Snorlax
:suicune: Suicune

C+ Rank
:archeops: Archeops
:deoxys-defense: Deoxys-D
:kabutops: Kabutops

C Rank
:blastoise: Blastoise
:blaziken: Blaziken
:landorus-therian: Landorus-T
:ninetales: Ninetales
:porygon2: Porygon2
:rotom-wash: Rotom-W
:venusaur: Venusaur

C- Rank
:alakazam: Alakazam
:bronzong: Bronzong
:hydreigon: Hydreigon
:kyurem: Kyurem
:landorus: Landorus
:liepard: Liepard
:lucario: Lucario
:rotom-heat: Rotom-H
1. Field Effects
Sun: :Ninetales:
Chlorophyll: :Venusaur:
Rain: :Politoed:
Swift Swim: :Ludicolo:
Sandstorm: :tyranitar::hippowdon:
Sand Rush: :Excadrill:
Tailwind: :Togekiss::Zapdos:
Trick Room: :Jellicent::Cresselia::Bronzong::Deoxys-Defense:
Trick Room User: :metagross::tyranitar::heatran::ferrothorn::hariyama::snorlax::conkeldurr:

2. Utility
Follow Me: :togekiss::blastoise:
Rage Powder: :volcarona::amoonguss:
Storm Drain: :Gastrodon:
Lightning Rod / Volt Absorb: :Thundurus-Therian::rhyperior:
Helping Hand: :togekiss::cresselia::politoed::hitmontop::mew:
Prankster: :thundurus::tornadus:
Inner Focus: :alakazam::lucario:
Fake Out: :scrafty::infernape::hitmontop::hariyama::ludicolo::mew::blastoise::liepard:
Feint: :infernape::hitmontop::weavile::scizor::lucario:
Wide Guard: :hitmontop:
Defiant: :tornadus:
Priority Attacks: :metagross::infernape::genesect::hitmontop::mamoswine::hariyama::weavile::scizor::conkeldurr::kabutops::breloom::liepard::lucario:
Sky Drop: :thundurus::tornadus::mew::zapdos::aerodactyl:

3. Damage Reduction
Intimidate: :scrafty::hitmontop::landorus-therian::salamence::gyarados::
Snarl: :suicune::mew:

4. Status
Sleep: :amoonguss::politoed::ninetales::venusaur:
Burn: :jellicent::mew::rotom-wash:
Paralysis: :thundurus:

40: Min speed Ferrothorn / Escavalier
49: Min speed Dusclops
58: Min speed Snorlax / Reuniclus / Cofagrigus
63: Min speed Bronzong
74: Min speed Gastrodon
76: 0 Ferrothorn / Escavalier / Min speed Rhyperior
85: Min speed Conkeldurr
86: 0 Dusclops
89: Min speed Hippowdon
94: Min speed Hariyama
96: 0 Snorlax / Reuniclus / Cofagrigus
102: 0 Bronzong
112: Min speed Abomasnow / Jellicent / Porygon2
114: 0 Gastrodon / Min speed Tyranitar
116: 0 Rhyperior
126: 0 Crustle / Conkeldurr / Golem
130: Min speed Politoed / 0 Hippowdon
136: 0 Hariyama / Chansey / Registeel / Azumarill
143: Min speed Heatran
146: 0 Blissey
152: 0 Scrafty
156: 0 Jellicent / Magnezone / Porygon2 / Clefable / Abomasnow
157: Min speed Cresselia
158: 0 Tyranitar

159: 252 Snorlax
166: Min speed Deoxys-Defense / 0 Umbreon
176: 0 Metagross / Politoed / Hitmontop
179: 252 Rhyperior
189: 252 Conkeldurr
190: 0 Heatran
196: 0 Dragonite / Chandelure / Togekiss / Gallade / Venusaur
198: 0 Gyarados
206: 0 Cresselia / Sawk / Suicune / Heracross
208: 0 Rotom-Wash
215: 252 Scrafty
216: 0 Meloetta / Deoxys-Defense / Porygon-Z / Moltres
218: 0 Landorus-T
221: 252 Tyranitar
226: 0 Kyurem-Black
230: 0 Haxorus
232: 0 Hydreigon
236: 0 Manaphy / Mew / Jirachi / Celebi / Slaking / Victini / Zapdos / Salamence
238: 0 Landorus
239: 252 Metagross / Breloom / Politoed / Hitmontop
240: 0 Garchomp
240: 252+ Magnezone
252: 0 Galvantula
253: 252 Heatran
256: 0 Latias
259: 252 Dragonite / Chandelure / Togekiss / Gallade / Venusaur
261: 252 Gyarados
262: 252+ Metagross / Breloom / Politoed / Hitmontop
266: 0 Raikou / Starmie
269: 252 Kingdra / Cresselia / Suicune / Heracross
271: 252 Rotom-Wash
273: 252+ Smeargle
278: 252+ Heatran
279: 252 Porygon-Z / Meloetta / Moltres
281: 252 Landorus-T
284: 252+ Dragonite / Chandelure / Togekiss / Gallade
287: 252+ Gyarados
289: 252 Kyurem-Black / Darmanitan
293: 252 Haxorus
295: 252+ Sawk / Suicune / Heracross
295: 252+ Kingdra / 252 Hydreigon
297: 252 Genesect
298: 252+ Rotom-Wash
299: 252 Manaphy / Mew / Celebi / Slaking / Victini / Volcarona / Staraptor / Zapdos / Salamence
301: Landorus-T
302: 252+ Excadrill
303: 252 Garchomp
306: 252+ Porygon-Z / Meloetta / Moltres
309: 252+ Landorus-T
315: 252 Keldeo / Infernape / Terrakion / Galvantula / Virizion
317: 252+ Kyurem-Black / Darmanitan
317: 252 Durant
319: 252 Latios / Latias / Gengar
322: 252+ Haxorus
324: 252+ Hydreigon
326: 252+ Genesect
328: 252+ Mew / Victini / Manaphy / Celebi / Slaking / Volcarona / Staraptor / Zapdos / Salamence

329: 252 Raikou / Starmie / Cinccino
331: 252+ Landorus / Thundurus-Therian
333: 252+ Garchomp
339: 252 Alakazam
341: 252 Tornadus-T
346: 252+ Keldeo / Infernape / Terrakion / Galvantula / Virizion
348: 252+ Durant
349: 252 Weavile
350: 252+ Latios / Latias / Gengar / Jumpluff / Archeops
358: Scarf 252 Metagross
358: +2 252+ Carracosta
361: 252+ Raikou / Starmie / Cinccino
365: Scarf 252+ Tyranitar
372: 252+ Alakazam
375: 252+ Tornadus-T
378: +2 252 Crustle
383: 252+ Weavile
388: Scarf 252 Dragonite / Chandelure / Togekiss
392: Tailwind 0 Dragonite
393: Scarf 252+ Metagross
394: 252+ Aerodactyl
399: 252 Deoxys-Attack
403: Scarf 252 Sawk
412: Scarf 252 Excadrill
419: Scarf 252 Porygon-Z
421: Scarf 252 Landorus-T
426: Scarf 252+ Dragonite / Chandelure / Togekiss
433: Scarf 252 Kyurem-Black / Darmanitan
438: 252+ Deoxys-Attack
439: Scarf 252 Haxorus
442: Scarf 252+ Sawk
442: Scarf 252 Hydreigon
445: Scarf 252 Genesect
448: Scarf 252 Slaking / Victini / Staraptor
453: Scarf 252+ Excadrill
454: Scarf 252 Garchomp
459: 252 Deoxys-Speed
462: Scarf 252+ Porygon-Z
463: Scarf 252+ Landorus-T
472: Scarf 252 Keldeo / Infernape / Terrakion / 0 Tailwind Zapdos
475: Scarf 252+ Kyurem-Black / Darmanitan
478: Scarf 252 Latios / Archeops
482: Scarf 252+ Haxorus
486: Scarf 252+ Hydreigon
489: Scarf 252+ Genesect
492: Scarf 252+ Slaking / Victini
499: Scarf 252+ Garchomp
504: 252+ Deoxys-Speed
518: 252 Tailwind Dragonite
519: Scarf 252+ Keldeo
525: Scarf 252+ Latios / Archeops
550: 252 Sand Rush Excadrill
568: Tailwind 252+ Dragonite
598: 252 Tailwind Zapdos
599: Scarf 252 Deoxys-Attack
604: 252+ Sand Rush Excadrill
656: 252+ Tailwind Zapdos
657: Scarf 252+ Deoxys-Attack

Sample Teams (Click on the sprites to view the paste):

:Kyurem-Black: :Latios: :Scrafty: :Thundurus:
Top 4 mons in the tier by Lkjc

:Thundurus: :Metagross: :Infernape: :Latios:
Thundurus Offense by pqs

:Politoed: :Ludicolo: :Scrafty: :Latios:
Ludicolo Rain by pqs

:Metagross: :Thundurus: :Kyurem-Black: :Keldeo:
BW Godsquad by D2TheW
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DPP 2v2

Banlist: DOU Banlist + Focus Sash, Perish Song, Sand Veil, Snow Cloak, Jirachi, Latios, Self-Destruct

Unbanlist: Deoxys-Defense, Deoxys-Speed, Deoxys

Added Rules: Accuracy Moves Clause, Two vs Two, Team Preview

VR Council: Krytocon turtalkatthing Vrji Lkjc Mr. Mime fan pqs D2TheW

S Rank
:Latias: Latias
:Mew: Mew
:Tyranitar: Tyranitar

S- Rank
:Salamence: Salamence
:Togekiss: Togekiss

A+ Rank
:Cresselia: Cresselia

A Rank
:Bronzong: Bronzong
:Deoxys: Deoxys
:Metagross: Metagross

A- Rank
:Gengar: Gengar
:Infernape: Infernape
:Rotom: Rotom-A
:Snorlax: Snorlax

B+ Rank
:Alakazam: Alakazam
:Deoxys-Defense: Deoxys-D
:Hariyama: Hariyama
:Heatran: Heatran
:Hitmontop: Hitmontop
:Lucario: Lucario
:Manaphy: Manaphy
:Suicune: Suicune
:Zapdos: Zapdos

B Rank
:Azelf: Azelf
:Rhyperior: Rhyperior
:Swampert: Swampert
:Weavile: Weavile

B- Rank
:Hippowdon: Hippowdon
:Mamoswine: Mamoswine

C+ Rank
:Celebi: Celebi
:Deoxys-Speed: Deoxys-S
:Dusknoir: Dusknoir
:Empoleon: Empoleon
:Kingdra: Kingdra
:Scizor: Scizor
:Staraptor: Staraptor

C Rank
:Abomasnow: Abomasnow
:Ambipom: Ambipom
:Blissey: Blissey
:Breloom: Breloom
:Crobat: Crobat
:Gallade: Gallade
:Gastrodon: Gastrodon
:Gyarados: Gyarados
:Heracross: Heracross
:Mismagius: Mismagius
:Porygon-Z: Porygon-Z
:Raichu: Raichu
:Raikou: Raikou
:Roserade: Roserade
:Slowking: Slowking

C- Rank
:Dragonite: Dragonite
:Slowbro: Slowbro

D Rank
:Blaziken: Blaziken
:Kadabra: Kadabra
:Uxie: Uxie
Sets Compendium: Coming soon!

Sample Teams:
TyraniGross Balance by pqs
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Really busy rn, but here's a few ORAS VR Quickchanges:

Togekiss B-. Diancie B, Cresselia A-, Blastoise-M B+, Kyurem-Black A+, Amoonguss A, Arcanine A, Mega Swampert B+, Tyranitar-Mega A+, Excadrill A, Lando-T A-, Venusaur A-, Victini A, Mega Mawile A-, Hoopa-U B+, Dragonite B-, Heatran B+, Abomasnow-M B-, Porygon2 B+, Mew C-, Victoreebel C-

Tagging ggopw Kaif and Cantius if they could give their thoughts on ORAS.

Our SM tour is in about 2 weeks so stay tuned for that!

Thanks for reading and have a nice day as always.
I've played my fair share of SM 2v2 back in PL3 and around that time so I feel qualified to make VR nominations

:hypno: Hypno to B+ imho one of the best TR setters in the game, on par with Oranguru, or slightly worse. Its bulk is pretty much the same sacrificing like 15 defense points and hp points for more spdef, and being a mono-psychic type instead of having the normal-psychic duo. What sets this thing apart is the access to way better support moves, such as Disable, completely crippling Choiced mons, and Power Split, rendering certain offensive threats completely useless. Hypno can 1v1 a Deoxys-Attack if it's running psychic or any attacking move.

:nihilego: Nihilego to A- with how omnipresent weather is in the tier, a Pokemon like Scarf Nihilego which completely shuts down Sun and Rain and is still great in its own good, boasting an insane Speed, SpA and SpD at the lack of proper Defense. When properly supported this Pokemon becomes very good. 2v2 also allows it to abuse Beast Boost

:slowbro-mega: mSlowbro to A this mon is insanely bulky and does for an unstoppable VR setter, especially thanks to its ability Oblivious in non-mega form. It also has access to a very high 130 base SpA to hit insanely strong with Scald and fish for burns, has good recovery in Slack Off and has access to moves like Disable and Me First.

:marowak-alola: Marowak-A to B hits insanely strong with Thick Club and is incredibly slow making it a perfect TR abuser. Lighting Rod paried with TR setters like mSlowbro is insane and its typing coverage hits basically everything.

:shaymin-sky: Skymin to A wtf? This mon is insane, Serene Grace with Air Slash and Seed Flare can absolutely decimate teams that are not prepared especially since grass coverage is so rare and overlooked. Reaches 388 Speed and hits incredibly hard with LO. Also provides good twind support.

:deoxys-attack: DeoA to S/S- 180/180 attack stat with 150 base speed letting it outspeed literally everything in the tier except like pheromosa and Ninjask. Has access to Psycho Boost, Superpower and literally everything you could ask for. This Pokemon supported with Follow Me (s/o Kaif) or literally any other kind of anti-Scarf/Stall support makes it half unbreakable.

:heracross-mega: mHeracross to B same deal, broken with TR and still good without, very good coverage and skill link to bypass sub

:genesect: :pelipper: :politoed: :raichu-alola: :venusaur: :arcanine: :kingdra: :zeraora: move these mons lower. Weather is extremely overrated, zeraora is way too weak, arcanine is outshined by incineroar (and intimidate isn't even as incredibly good as ppl make it out to be), raichualola is a joke and genesect has sever 4mss, + download being random half forces you to run it mixed.

there's lots of undiscovered tech and other known overrated tech that I don't rly have an opinion about, so we'll see

also can you put the name of the mon next to the icon instead of under it like other VRs do? it makes it way less messy
Though it had just started been played in today, BW 2v2 has amassed a lot of interest and players in the community and I have decided to create a role compendium for anyone looking to build on BW 2v2. This is definitely not complete and BW 2v2 probably needs a lot more development, but it's a nice resource to understand some components of the metagame. Anyways; here's the roles:
formatting stolen from Arai, though we removed some things like Solar Power due to there not being many great users.
will edit in or remove on request uwu

1. Field Effects
Sun: :Ninetales:
Chlorophyll: :Venusaur:
Rain: :Politoed: :Tornadus:
Swift Swim: :Kingdra: :Ludicolo:
Sandstorm: :Hippowdon: :Tyranitar:
Sand Rush: :Excadrill:
Hail: :Abomasnow:
Tailwind: :Dragonite: :Togekiss: :Whimsicott: :Zapdos:
Trick Room: :Bronzong: :Cresselia: :Dusclops: :Jellicent: :Reuniclus:
Trick Room Abuser: :Amoonguss: :Bronzong: :Cofagrigus: :Conkeldurr: :Cresselia: :Ferrothorn: :Heatran: :Jellicent: :Reuniclus:

2. Utility
Follow Me: :Clefable: :Togekiss:
Rage Powder: :Amoonguss: :volcarona:
Storm Drain: :Gastrodon:
Lightning Rod / Volt Absorb: :Thundurus-Therian:
Helping Hand: :Cresselia: :Hitmontop: :Politoed: :Sableye: :Togekiss: :Whimsicott:
Prankster: :Sableye: :Thundurus: :tornadus:
Inner Focus: :Dragonite: :Lucario:
Fake Out: :Ambipom: :Hitmontop: :Infernape: :Ludicolo: :Medicham: :Scrafty: :Shiftry: :Weavile:
Feint: :Hitmontop: :Infernape:
Wide Guard: :Conkeldurr: :Hitmontop:
Defiant: :Bisharp: :Braviary: :Tornadus:
Priority Attacks: :Arcanine: :Breloom: :Cloyster: :Conkeldurr: :Dragonite: :Hitmontop: :Infernape: :Lucario: :Mamoswine: :Metagross: :Scizor: :Toxicroak: :Weavile:
Unique Speed Control: :Abomasnow: :Keldeo: :Kingdra: :Kyurem: :Kyurem-Black:

3. Damage Reduction
: :Arcanine: :Gyarados: :Hitmontop: :Krookodile: :Landorus-Therian: :Salamence: :Scrafty:
Charm: :Togekiss: :Whimsicott:
Snarl: :Arcanine: :Sableye:

4. Status
: :Amoonguss: :Breloom: :Gengar: :Smeargle: :Togekiss: :Venusaur:
Burn: :Arcanine: :Dusclops: :Jellicent: :Ninetales: :Rotom-Wash: :Sableye:
Paralysis: :Cresselia: :Rotom-Wash: :Togekiss: :Thundurus: :Zapdos:
s/o Lkjc Lancer Fr Monsareeasy turtalkatthing for helping me with this
maybe i'll make 2-4 colorful but a knife was held to my neck to post this rn

pokemon by type list coming soon? oo
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With BW 2v2 gaining traction I made a prototype VR (this is pure theorycrafting so take it with a pinch of salts)
It's mostly my thoughts on what could be good in the tier

S tier
:kyurem-black: Kyurem-Black
:deoxys-attack: Deoxys-Attack

S- tier
:cresselia: Cresselia
:deoxys-defense: Deoxys-Defense

A+ tier
:tyranitar: Tyranitar
:scrafty: Scrafty
:victini: Victini
:shaymin-sky: Shaymin-Sky

A tier
:latios: Latios
:dragonite: Dragonite
:genesect: Genesect
:deoxys: Deoxys
:politoed: Politoed
:meloetta: Meloetta

A- tier
:garchomp: Garchomp
:heatran: Heatran
:kingdra: Kingdra
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian
:amoonguss: Amoonguss
:latias: Latias
:mew: Mew
:salamence: Salamence
:blaziken: Blaziken

B+ tier
:gastrodon: Gastrodon
:arcanine: Arcanine
:deoxys-speed: Deoxys-Speed
:jumpluff: Jumpluff
:breloom: Breloom
:haxorus: Haxorus
:hydreigon: Hydreigon
:infernape: Infernape
:kyurem: Kyurem
:metagross: Metagross
:ninetales: Ninetales
:tornadus-therian: Tornadus-Therian

B tier
:gyarados: Gyarados
:conkeldurr: Conkeldurr
:dusclops: Dusclops
:keldeo: Keldeo
:reuniclus: Reuniclus
:volcarona: Volcarona
:thundurus-therian: Thundurus-Therian
:scizor: Scizor
:tornadus;: Tornadus
:zapdos: Zapdos
:venusaur: Venusaur
:sableye: Sableye
:whimsicott: Whimsicott

B- tier
:hitmontop: Hitmontop
:porygon-z: Porygon-Z
:togekiss: Togekiss
:terrakion: Terrakion
:snorlax: Snorlax
:thundurus: Thundurus
:ferrothorn: Ferrothorn
:ambipom: Ambipom

C+ tier
:bisharp: Bisharp
:bronzong: Bronzong
:cofagrigus: Cofagrigus
:jolteon: Jolteon
:landorus: Landorus
:lucario: Lucario
:ludicolo: Ludicolo
:mamoswine: Mamoswine
:rotom-wash: Rotom-Wash
:slaking: Slaking
:toxicroak: Toxicroak
:vaporeon: Vaporeon
:weavile: Weavile

Also we should rly look into unbanning stuff like Jirachi and other DUbers that arent broken in 2v2

moved it here bc it's where this post is supposed to go.
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i'd like to submit a sample for gen7

Abomasnow @ Abomasite
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- Protect
- Energy Ball
- Blizzard
- Ice Shard

Charizard-Mega-Y @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Protect
- Solar Beam
- Air Slash

Oranguru @ Mental Herb
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 248 HP / 232 Def / 20 SpA / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Trick Room
- Instruct
- Thunderbolt
- Taunt

Blastoise-Mega @ Blastoisinite
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Water Spout
- Protect
- Fake Out
- Aura Sphere

This team has a lot of tournament results, as it's won pretty much every time it's been used in tour so far. It doesn't have any particularly awful matchups due to the flexibility of many of the Pokemon on the team.
Yeah, so all the generations are now pretty much set up. VR changes along with council appointments should come soon. I'd like to thank Arai for helping organize posts and Lkjc, pqs, D2TheW, turtalkatthing, Monsareeasy, Poison Adhesive, and stableprince569 for all helping develop BW 2v2. With its unexpected level of development, I'll move it up on circuit tournament dates. Pqs has asked to host that tour, so he likely will.

On another note, our SM 2v2 Tour is happening right now. If you have time, give it a try.

As always, thanks for reading and have a nice day. Mubs out.
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sorry for the double post but I think this should also be a sample team for SM:
:kyurem-black: :metagross-mega: :tapu-fini: :incineroar:
Kyurem-Black @ Assault Vest
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 248 HP / 96 Atk / 76 Def / 8 SpA / 80 Spe
Quiet Nature
- Ice Beam
- Fusion Bolt
- Earth Power
- Icy Wind

Metagross-Mega @ Metagrossite
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Hammer Arm
- Stomping Tantrum
- Thunder Punch

Tapu Fini @ Misty Seed
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 128 Def / 52 SpA / 24 SpD / 56 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Rain Dance
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind

Incineroar @ Iapapa Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 160 Atk / 96 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Knock Off
- Flare Blitz
- Taunt
(this was a CCAT team btw)
probably one of the most basic teams you can get, spanning of two A+ tiers and two A tiers. it's also super easy to use (seeing how I actually won a tour series with it and me / others have gotten good results in room tours with it), and it also kinda rounds out the sample teams with there being one HO, one TR, one offensive team, and now one bulky offensive team.
if you add it you should probably just say like "by the 2v2 room" or something since there were multiple people working on it
Speed Tiers have been created for BW!
now the gen with the most resources :3

Bold = Important mons
40: Min speed Ferrothorn / Escavalier
49: Min speed Dusclops
58: Min speed Snorlax / Reuniclus / Cofagrigus
63: Min speed Bronzong
74: Min speed Gastrodon
76: 0 Ferrothorn / Escavalier / Min speed Rhyperior
85: Min speed Conkeldurr
86: 0 Dusclops
89: Min speed Hippowdon
94: Min speed Hariyama
96: 0 Snorlax / Reuniclus / Cofagrigus
102: 0 Bronzong
112: Min speed Abomasnow / Jellicent / Porygon2
114: 0 Gastrodon / Min speed Tyranitar
116: 0 Rhyperior
126: 0 Crustle / Conkeldurr / Golem
130: Min speed Politoed / 0 Hippowdon
136: 0 Hariyama / Chansey / Registeel / Azumarill
143: Min speed Heatran
146: 0 Blissey
152: 0 Scrafty
156: 0 Jellicent / Magnezone / Porygon2 / Clefable / Abomasnow
157: Min speed Cresselia
158: 0 Tyranitar

159: 252 Snorlax
166: Min speed Deoxys-Defense / 0 Umbreon
176: 0 Metagross / Politoed / Hitmontop
179: 252 Rhyperior
189: 252 Conkeldurr
190: 0 Heatran
196: 0 Dragonite / Chandelure / Togekiss / Gallade / Venusaur
198: 0 Gyarados
206: 0 Cresselia / Sawk / Suicune / Heracross
208: 0 Rotom-Wash
215: 252 Scrafty
216: 0 Meloetta / Deoxys-Defense / Porygon-Z / Moltres
218: 0 Landorus-T
221: 252 Tyranitar
226: 0 Kyurem-Black
230: 0 Haxorus
232: 0 Hydreigon
236: 0 Manaphy / Mew / Jirachi / Celebi / Slaking / Victini / Zapdos / Salamence
238: 0 Landorus
239: 252 Metagross / Breloom / Politoed / Hitmontop
240: 0 Garchomp
240: 252+ Magnezone
252: 0 Galvantula
253: 252 Heatran
256: 0 Latias
259: 252 Dragonite / Chandelure / Togekiss / Gallade / Venusaur
261: 252 Gyarados
262: 252+ Metagross / Breloom / Politoed / Hitmontop
266: 0 Raikou / Starmie
269: 252 Kingdra / Cresselia / Suicune / Heracross
271: 252 Rotom-Wash
273: 252+ Smeargle
278: 252+ Heatran
279: 252 Porygon-Z / Meloetta / Moltres
281: 252 Landorus-T
284: 252+ Dragonite / Chandelure / Togekiss / Gallade
287: 252+ Gyarados
289: 252 Kyurem-Black / Darmanitan
293: 252 Haxorus
295: 252+ Sawk / Suicune / Heracross
295: 252+ Kingdra / 252 Hydreigon
297: 252 Genesect
298: 252+ Rotom-Wash
299: 252 Manaphy / Mew / Celebi / Slaking / Victini / Volcarona / Staraptor / Zapdos / Salamence
301: Landorus-T
302: 252+ Excadrill
303: 252 Garchomp
306: 252+ Porygon-Z / Meloetta / Moltres
309: 252+ Landorus-T
315: 252 Keldeo / Infernape / Terrakion / Galvantula / Virizion
317: 252+ Kyurem-Black / Darmanitan
317: 252 Durant
319: 252 Latios / Latias / Gengar
322: 252+ Haxorus
324: 252+ Hydreigon
326: 252+ Genesect
328: 252+ Mew / Victini / Manaphy / Celebi / Slaking / Volcarona / Staraptor / Zapdos / Salamence
329: 252 Raikou / Starmie / Cinccino
331: 252+ Landorus / Thundurus-Therian
333: 252+ Garchomp
339: 252 Alakazam
341: 252 Tornadus-T
346: 252+ Keldeo / Infernape / Terrakion / Galvantula / Virizion
348: 252+ Durant
349: 252 Weavile
350: 252+ Latios / Latias / Gengar / Jumpluff / Archeops
358: Scarf 252 Metagross
358: +2 252+ Carracosta
361: 252+ Raikou / Starmie / Cinccino
365: Scarf 252+ Tyranitar
372: 252+ Alakazam
375: 252+ Tornadus-T
378: +2 252 Crustle
383: 252+ Weavile
388: Scarf 252 Dragonite / Chandelure / Togekiss
392: Tailwind 0 Dragonite
393: Scarf 252+ Metagross
394: 252+ Aerodactyl
399: 252 Deoxys-Attack
403: Scarf 252 Sawk
412: Scarf 252 Excadrill
419: Scarf 252 Porygon-Z
421: Scarf 252 Landorus-T
426: Scarf 252+ Dragonite / Chandelure / Togekiss
433: Scarf 252 Kyurem-Black / Darmanitan
438: 252+ Deoxys-Attack
439: Scarf 252 Haxorus
442: Scarf 252+ Sawk
442: Scarf 252 Hydreigon
445: Scarf 252 Genesect
448: Scarf 252 Slaking / Victini / Staraptor
453: Scarf 252+ Excadrill
454: Scarf 252 Garchomp
459: 252 Deoxys-Speed
462: Scarf 252+ Porygon-Z
463: Scarf 252+ Landorus-T
472: Scarf 252 Keldeo / Infernape / Terrakion / 0 Tailwind Zapdos
475: Scarf 252+ Kyurem-Black
/ Darmanitan
478: Scarf 252 Latios / Archeops
482: Scarf 252+ Haxorus
486: Scarf 252+ Hydreigon
489: Scarf 252+ Genesect
492: Scarf 252+ Slaking / Victini
499: Scarf 252+ Garchomp
504: 252+ Deoxys-Speed
518: 252 Tailwind Dragonite
519: Scarf 252+ Keldeo
525: Scarf 252+ Latios / Archeops
538: 252 Swift Swim Kingdra
550: 252 Sand Rush Excadrill
568: Tailwind 252+ Dragonite
590: 252+ Swift Swim Kingdra
598: 252 Tailwind Zapdos
599: Scarf 252 Deoxys-Attack
604: 252+ Sand Rush Excadrill
656: 252+ Tailwind Zapdos
657: Scarf 252+ Deoxys-Attack
Hello everyone, I want to take a little time today to talk about a growing phenomenon in BW 2v2: Genesect.

Genesect is able to be completely customized to the team it’s supposed to be on. It’s base 120 Attack and Special Attack make it perfect for mixed sets or even fully invested into one side. Genesect’s speed also allows it to outpace much of the metagame and most notably the ever present Kyurem-Black. Whether it be utilizing Blizzard on a Hail team, or Thunder on a Rain team, it can always switch around it’s moves to beat exactly what the team needs. Using only Flash Cannon and Bug Buzz, Genesect can beat every Pokémon in S through A+, not to mention the astounding coverage provided by Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and Energy Ball. Genesect has an option to deal super effective damage with base power above 80 to every Pokémon in the meta.(Except pure normal types in which case it has to use a base 70 power move) This factor alone makes Genesect one of the new top tier threats in BW 2v2. Genesect’s item options add to its customizability, being able to run Choice Specs, Choice Scarf, Choice Band, and Life Orb all very effectively. It’s access to Extreme Speed is what makes the Life Orb set especially deadly. To top it all off, Genesect’s ability, Download, is extremely dangerous, giving Genesect a boost to its already ridiculous attacking stats and given the nature of 2v2, the person facing the Genesect user has no way of controlling which boost Genesect will get because it could be in either slot. Overall, Genesect is a very good choice in BW 2v2. Nomming :genesect: to A+ Rank.
Thanks for adding me Mubs I'll use this opportunity to propose this team as a sample

:shaymin-sky: :zeraora: :lopunny-mega: :zygarde:
Skymin HO

Shaymin-Sky @ Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash
- Seed Flare
- Protect
- Tailwind

Lopunny-Mega @ Lopunnite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Return
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Punch

Zeraora @ Expert Belt
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Taunt
- Plasma Fists
- Iron Tail

Zygarde @ Choice Band
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 240 HP / 140 Atk / 20 Def / 92 SpD / 16 Spe
Impish Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Superpower
- Extreme Speed
- Stone Edge
Ok so since PL and the SM tour are over, I will do a sample team nom because I promised Mubs
:porygon2: :mawile-mega: :tapu-bulu: :incineroar:
Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 HP / 132 Def / 32 SpA / 92 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Trick Room
- Recover

Mawile-Mega @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Protect
- Play Rough
- Rock Slide
- Sucker Punch

Tapu Bulu @ Life Orb
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 168 HP / 252 Atk / 88 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Superpower
- Wood Hammer
- Protect
- Rock Slide

Incineroar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 44 Atk / 52 Def / 160 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Fake Out
- Flare Blitz
- Thunder Punch
- Knock Off

This team was maybe the best team from the recent tournaments (https://pokepast.es/ce017b2f1920b377)
I brought it like 8 times in the last tournaments and only lost with it once. Its a pillar of consistency since you often times dont even need p2 as tr setter to win successfully.
The p2 set is great for the current metagame because it demolishes Lando T and Zygarde with Ice Beam and helps with agaisnt Rain as it kills Pelipper with TBolt.
The Mawile set is quite normal. Rock Slide is for Sun as it kills Zard Y like 5 times.
Bulu is the normal Special Defensive TR bulu set with Superpower for stuff like opposing p2.
The Incin is maybe the mon that I pick the most from this team. Intimidate and Fake Out on one mon is incredible itself. But it also can Knock Off stuff like Chanseys eviolite and opposing berries.
I would also write A LOT of Sm vr noms rn, but that would take too long since I only have access to phone for the next days.

I dislike the idea of not having a S-tier so I will nom 1-2 mons to S.

:Incineroar: to S
This mon is probably the mon that can be used on the most types of teams. Its great Fake Out+ Intimidate pariring makes it very anning to deal with on team preview and its good typing again common threats like Mawile, Metagross and Bulu make it even stronger. It can run Assautl Vest, 50 berries and other surprising items like Chople Berry. All of the items can be perfectly abused by Incin.
For example its AV set tanks a FBlast form Hoopa U easily ( 252+ SpA Life Orb Hoopa-Unbound Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 160+ SpD Assault Vest Incineroar: 257-304 (65.2 - 77.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO ) while also taking literally nothing from mons like Metagross ( -1 252 Atk Metagross-Mega Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 52 Def Incineroar: 92-110 (23.3 - 27.9%) -- 82.4% chance to 4HKO).
Knock Off is a great option since it denies opposing 50% berries, Eviolites and damage boosting items like Weakness Policy or then Choice Items.

:porygon2: to A+
This mon is the best tr setter period. It literally tanks everything non special effective and has great coverage with TBolt and Ice Beam.
252 Atk Tough Claws Metagross-Mega Meteor Mash vs. 252 HP / 132 Def Eviolite Porygon2: 132-156 (35.2 - 41.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ SpA Charizard-Mega-Y Blast Burn vs. 252 HP / 92 SpD Eviolite Porygon2 in Sun: 297-351 (79.4 - 93.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Life Orb Tapu Bulu Superpower vs. 252 HP / 132 Def Eviolite Porygon2: 237-281 (63.3 - 75.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
252+ SpA Life Orb Hoopa-Unbound Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 92 SpD Eviolite Porygon2: 291-343 (77.8 - 91.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Its able to kill of zyagrde and non Yache Lando with Ice beam as well as
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I'm like a month late on this but here's SM 2v2PL Stats:

SM 2v2

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Porygon2           |   21 |  23.33% |  71.43% |
| 2    | Zygarde            |   20 |  22.22% |  55.00% |
| 3    | Tapu Bulu          |   18 |  20.00% |  66.67% |
| 4    | Mawile             |   17 |  18.89% |  58.82% |
| 5    | Kyurem-Black       |   16 |  17.78% |  31.25% |
| 6    | Incineroar         |   13 |  14.44% |  92.31% |
| 6    | Hoopa-Unbound      |   13 |  14.44% |  46.15% |
| 8    | Diancie            |   12 |  13.33% |  58.33% |
| 9    | Metagross          |   11 |  12.22% |  45.45% |
| 10   | Suicune            |   10 |  11.11% |  60.00% |
| 10   | Landorus-Therian   |   10 |  11.11% |  10.00% |
| 12   | Charizard          |    9 |  10.00% |  22.22% |
| 13   | Pinsir             |    8 |   8.89% |  62.50% |
| 13   | Tapu Koko          |    8 |   8.89% |  37.50% |
| 15   | Zapdos             |    7 |   7.78% |  71.43% |
| 15   | Venusaur           |    7 |   7.78% |  71.43% |
| 17   | Nihilego           |    6 |   6.67% |  66.67% |
| 17   | Marowak-Alola      |    6 |   6.67% |  33.33% |
| 17   | Kommo-o            |    6 |   6.67% |  33.33% |
| 17   | Tapu Fini          |    6 |   6.67% |  16.67% |
| 21   | Zeraora            |    5 |   5.56% |  80.00% |
| 21   | Lopunny            |    5 |   5.56% |  60.00% |
| 21   | Slowbro            |    5 |   5.56% |  40.00% |
| 21   | Kartana            |    5 |   5.56% |  40.00% |
| 21   | Blastoise          |    5 |   5.56% |  20.00% |
| 26   | Genesect           |    4 |   4.44% |  75.00% |
| 26   | Electabuzz         |    4 |   4.44% |  75.00% |
| 26   | Heracross          |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 26   | Amoonguss          |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 26   | Chansey            |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 26   | Volcarona          |    4 |   4.44% |  25.00% |
| 26   | Abomasnow          |    4 |   4.44% |   0.00% |
| 33   | Shaymin-Sky        |    3 |   3.33% | 100.00% |
| 33   | Hypno              |    3 |   3.33% |  66.67% |
| 33   | Victini            |    3 |   3.33% |  66.67% |
| 33   | Mew                |    3 |   3.33% |  66.67% |
| 33   | Tyranitar          |    3 |   3.33% |  66.67% |
| 33   | Whimsicott         |    3 |   3.33% |  33.33% |
| 33   | Camerupt           |    3 |   3.33% |  33.33% |
| 33   | Scrafty            |    3 |   3.33% |  33.33% |
| 33   | Lucario            |    3 |   3.33% |  33.33% |
| 42   | Salazzle           |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 42   | Excadrill          |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 42   | Heatran            |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 42   | Lilligant          |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 42   | Torkoal            |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 42   | Cresselia          |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 42   | Gastrodon          |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 42   | Talonflame         |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 42   | Hitmontop          |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 42   | Altaria            |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 42   | Scizor             |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 42   | Clefairy           |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 42   | Meowstic           |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 42   | Bruxish            |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 42   | Krookodile         |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 42   | Oranguru           |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 42   | Gardevoir          |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Aegislash          |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Terrakion          |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Raichu-Alola       |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Bronzong           |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Landorus           |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Entei              |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Milotic            |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Sceptile           |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Ambipom            |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Volcanion          |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Golisopod          |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Arcanine           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Meowstic-F         |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Manectric          |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Swampert           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Gyarados           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Roserade           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Illumise           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Banette            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Greninja           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Blacephalon        |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 59   | Toxapex            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
+ ---- + -------------------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Combos of 2                      | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + -------------------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Incineroar / Tapu Bulu           |    9 |  10.00% | 100.00% |
| 2    | Incineroar / Mawile              |    8 |   8.89% | 100.00% |
| 2    | Tapu Bulu / Mawile               |    8 |   8.89% |  87.50% |
| 2    | Pinsir / Porygon2                |    8 |   8.89% |  62.50% |
| 5    | Porygon2 / Tapu Bulu             |    7 |   7.78% | 100.00% |
| 5    | Mawile / Diancie                 |    7 |   7.78% |  57.14% |
| 5    | Hoopa-Unbound / Zygarde          |    7 |   7.78% |  57.14% |
| 5    | Hoopa-Unbound / Porygon2         |    7 |   7.78% |  57.14% |
| 5    | Zygarde / Porygon2               |    7 |   7.78% |  57.14% |
| 10   | Incineroar / Porygon2            |    6 |   6.67% | 100.00% |
| 10   | Porygon2 / Mawile                |    6 |   6.67% | 100.00% |
| 10   | Nihilego / Zapdos                |    6 |   6.67% |  66.67% |
| 13   | Slowbro / Marowak-Alola          |    5 |   5.56% |  40.00% |
| 14   | Zygarde / Zeraora                |    4 |   4.44% |  75.00% |
| 14   | Pinsir / Suicune                 |    4 |   4.44% |  75.00% |
| 14   | Electabuzz / Pinsir              |    4 |   4.44% |  75.00% |
| 14   | Suicune / Porygon2               |    4 |   4.44% |  75.00% |
| 14   | Electabuzz / Porygon2            |    4 |   4.44% |  75.00% |
| 14   | Electabuzz / Suicune             |    4 |   4.44% |  75.00% |
| 14   | Nihilego / Marowak-Alola         |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Zapdos / Marowak-Alola           |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Slowbro / Nihilego               |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Slowbro / Zapdos                 |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Suicune / Tapu Bulu              |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Suicune / Metagross              |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Tapu Bulu / Metagross            |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Hoopa-Unbound / Pinsir           |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Zygarde / Pinsir                 |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Amoonguss / Zygarde              |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Zygarde / Metagross              |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Tapu Koko / Kommo-o              |    4 |   4.44% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Landorus-Therian / Charizard     |    4 |   4.44% |  25.00% |
| 14   | Kyurem-Black / Charizard         |    4 |   4.44% |  25.00% |
| 34   | Shaymin-Sky / Lopunny            |    3 |   3.33% | 100.00% |
| 34   | Shaymin-Sky / Zeraora            |    3 |   3.33% | 100.00% |
| 34   | Zygarde / Shaymin-Sky            |    3 |   3.33% | 100.00% |
| 34   | Zeraora / Lopunny                |    3 |   3.33% | 100.00% |
| 34   | Zygarde / Lopunny                |    3 |   3.33% | 100.00% |
| 34   | Venusaur / Diancie               |    3 |   3.33% | 100.00% |
| 34   | Incineroar / Suicune             |    3 |   3.33% | 100.00% |
| 34   | Incineroar / Metagross           |    3 |   3.33% | 100.00% |
| 34   | Hypno / Heracross                |    3 |   3.33% |  66.67% |
| 34   | Venusaur / Kyurem-Black          |    3 |   3.33% |  66.67% |
| 34   | Zygarde / Diancie                |    3 |   3.33% |  66.67% |
| 34   | Hoopa-Unbound / Kartana          |    3 |   3.33% |  66.67% |
| 34   | Kartana / Porygon2               |    3 |   3.33% |  66.67% |
| 34   | Hoopa-Unbound / Metagross        |    3 |   3.33% |  33.33% |
| 34   | Tapu Fini / Landorus-Therian     |    3 |   3.33% |   0.00% |
| 34   | Suicune / Landorus-Therian       |    3 |   3.33% |   0.00% |
| 34   | Landorus-Therian / Metagross     |    3 |   3.33% |   0.00% |
| 34   | Abomasnow / Kyurem-Black         |    3 |   3.33% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Nihilego / Hypno                 |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Zapdos / Hypno                   |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Nihilego / Heracross             |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Zapdos / Heracross               |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Victini / Kyurem-Black           |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Incineroar / Diancie             |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Venusaur / Mawile                |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Venusaur / Incineroar            |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Salazzle / Genesect              |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Salazzle / Tyranitar             |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Salazzle / Excadrill             |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Tyranitar / Genesect             |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Excadrill / Genesect             |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Excadrill / Tyranitar            |    2 |   2.22% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Tapu Bulu / Blastoise            |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Tapu Koko / Kyurem-Black         |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Porygon2 / Heatran               |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Zeraora / Kyurem-Black           |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Lilligant / Torkoal              |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Lilligant / Kyurem-Black         |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Lilligant / Venusaur             |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Torkoal / Kyurem-Black           |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Venusaur / Torkoal               |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Venusaur / Cresselia             |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Amoonguss / Metagross            |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Hoopa-Unbound / Amoonguss        |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Mew / Diancie                    |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Amoonguss / Mawile               |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Zygarde / Mawile                 |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Amoonguss / Diancie              |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Metagross / Gastrodon            |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Talonflame / Metagross           |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Chansey / Metagross              |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Talonflame / Gastrodon           |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Chansey / Gastrodon              |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Chansey / Talonflame             |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Chansey / Hitmontop              |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Chansey / Volcarona              |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Chansey / Tapu Fini              |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Volcarona / Hitmontop            |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Tapu Fini / Hitmontop            |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Tapu Fini / Volcarona            |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Lucario / Porygon2               |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Lucario / Kartana                |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Lucario / Hoopa-Unbound          |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Zygarde / Tapu Bulu              |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Tapu Koko / Mew                  |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Mew / Kommo-o                    |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Tapu Koko / Porygon2             |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Zygarde / Tapu Koko              |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Porygon2 / Kommo-o               |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Zygarde / Kommo-o                |    2 |   2.22% |  50.00% |
| 52   | Kyurem-Black / Scrafty           |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Landorus-Therian / Kyurem-Black  |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Tapu Fini / Kyurem-Black         |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Scizor / Kyurem-Black            |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Scizor / Landorus-Therian        |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Scizor / Tapu Fini               |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Landorus-Therian / Tapu Bulu     |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Kommo-o / Diancie                |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Krookodile / Bruxish             |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Zygarde / Kyurem-Black           |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Oranguru / Blastoise             |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Kyurem-Black / Diancie           |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Mawile / Kyurem-Black            |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Abomasnow / Diancie              |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 52   | Abomasnow / Mawile               |    2 |   2.22% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Hoopa-Unbound / Tapu Bulu        |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Aegislash / Tapu Bulu            |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Hoopa-Unbound / Blastoise        |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Hoopa-Unbound / Aegislash        |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Aegislash / Blastoise            |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Terrakion / Charizard            |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Whimsicott / Charizard           |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Terrakion / Landorus-Therian     |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Whimsicott / Terrakion           |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Whimsicott / Landorus-Therian    |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Raichu-Alola / Tapu Koko         |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Raichu-Alola / Camerupt          |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Raichu-Alola / Bronzong          |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Koko / Camerupt             |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Koko / Bronzong             |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Bronzong / Camerupt              |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Bulu / Heatran              |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Heatran / Kyurem-Black           |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Porygon2 / Kyurem-Black          |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Bulu / Kyurem-Black         |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Victini / Genesect               |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Zeraora / Victini                |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Zeraora / Genesect               |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Kyurem-Black / Genesect          |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Suicune / Landorus               |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Incineroar / Landorus            |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Landorus / Tapu Bulu             |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Entei / Diancie                  |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Cresselia / Diancie              |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Venusaur / Entei                 |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Entei / Cresselia                |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Scrafty / Diancie                |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Milotic / Scrafty                |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Mew / Scrafty                    |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Milotic / Diancie                |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Mew / Milotic                    |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Bulu / Diancie              |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Zapdos / Diancie                 |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Zapdos / Tapu Bulu               |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Zapdos / Mawile                  |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Sceptile / Suicune               |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Sceptile / Incineroar            |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Sceptile / Metagross             |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Zygarde / Ambipom                |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Zygarde / Volcanion              |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Ambipom / Diancie                |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Ambipom / Volcanion              |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Volcanion / Diancie              |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Kartana / Zygarde                |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Victini / Charizard              |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Venusaur / Victini               |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Venusaur / Charizard             |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Kommo-o / Kyurem-Black           |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Mew / Kyurem-Black               |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Incineroar / Zygarde             |    1 |   1.11% | 100.00% |
| 119  | Landorus-Therian / Lopunny       |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Koko / Landorus-Therian     |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Landorus-Therian / Mawile        |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Koko / Lopunny              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Mawile / Lopunny                 |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Koko / Mawile               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Golisopod / Charizard            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Golisopod / Tapu Koko            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Golisopod / Kyurem-Black         |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Koko / Charizard            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Altaria / Hypno                  |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Hypno / Camerupt                 |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Altaria / Heracross              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Altaria / Camerupt               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Heracross / Camerupt             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Incineroar / Scrafty             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Kartana / Scrafty                |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Kartana / Incineroar             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Incineroar / Kyurem-Black        |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Kartana / Kyurem-Black           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Arcanine / Kommo-o               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Meowstic-F / Kommo-o             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Arcanine / Diancie               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Meowstic-F / Arcanine            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Meowstic-F / Diancie             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Clefairy / Charizard             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Manectric / Charizard            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Clefairy / Manectric             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Clefairy / Kyurem-Black          |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Manectric / Kyurem-Black         |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Meowstic / Swampert              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Meowstic / Kommo-o               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Meowstic / Tapu Bulu             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Kommo-o / Swampert               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Bulu / Swampert             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Kommo-o / Tapu Bulu              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Zygarde / Gyarados               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Landorus-Therian / Gyarados      |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Volcarona / Gyarados             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Zygarde / Landorus-Therian       |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Zygarde / Volcarona              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Volcarona / Landorus-Therian     |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Fini / Charizard            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Kartana / Charizard              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Kartana / Tapu Fini              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Kartana / Landorus-Therian       |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Cresselia / Bruxish              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Krookodile / Cresselia           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Venusaur / Bruxish               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Venusaur / Krookodile            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Kyurem-Black / Roserade          |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Scrafty / Roserade               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Charizard / Roserade             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Scrafty / Charizard              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Bulu / Marowak-Alola        |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Mawile / Marowak-Alola           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Slowbro / Tapu Bulu              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Slowbro / Mawile                 |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Illumise / Blastoise             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Whimsicott / Blastoise           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Banette / Blastoise              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Whimsicott / Illumise            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Illumise / Banette               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Whimsicott / Banette             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Metagross / Kyurem-Black         |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Abomasnow / Zygarde              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Abomasnow / Metagross            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Hoopa-Unbound / Lopunny          |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Marowak-Alola / Lopunny          |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Genesect / Lopunny               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Hoopa-Unbound / Marowak-Alola    |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Hoopa-Unbound / Genesect         |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Genesect / Marowak-Alola         |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Bulu / Camerupt             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Oranguru / Camerupt              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Blastoise / Camerupt             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Bulu / Oranguru             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Lucario / Zygarde                |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Lucario / Kyurem-Black           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Lucario / Zeraora                |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Clefairy / Heracross             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Heracross / Mawile               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Hoopa-Unbound / Heracross        |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Clefairy / Mawile                |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Clefairy / Hoopa-Unbound         |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Hoopa-Unbound / Mawile           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Gardevoir / Heatran              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Blastoise / Heatran              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Gardevoir / Blastoise            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Gardevoir / Porygon2             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Porygon2 / Blastoise             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Meowstic / Mawile                |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Krookodile / Meowstic            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Meowstic / Bruxish               |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Krookodile / Mawile              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Mawile / Bruxish                 |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Abomasnow / Charizard            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Abomasnow / Oranguru             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Abomasnow / Blastoise            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Oranguru / Charizard             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Blastoise / Charizard            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Suicune / Tyranitar              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tyranitar / Charizard            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Landorus-Therian / Tyranitar     |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Suicune / Charizard              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Gardevoir / Volcarona            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Gardevoir / Greninja             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Gardevoir / Blacephalon          |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Greninja / Volcarona             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Volcarona / Blacephalon          |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Greninja / Blacephalon           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Whimsicott / Tapu Fini           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Fini / Toxapex              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Fini / Tapu Koko            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Whimsicott / Toxapex             |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Whimsicott / Tapu Koko           |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Koko / Toxapex              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Altaria / Victini                |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Bulu / Victini              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Zygarde / Victini                |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Altaria / Tapu Bulu              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Altaria / Zygarde                |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Tapu Koko / Diancie              |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Metagross / Charizard            |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Hoopa-Unbound / Charizard        |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |
| 119  | Hoopa-Unbound / Landorus-Therian |    1 |   1.11% |   0.00% |

My Commentary:

These stats are wack, LMAO. p2 the highest used makes some sense but it has an insane wr for its usage at 71%. Also, | 6 | Incineroar | 13 | 14.44% | 92.31% | what the actual fuck LMAO. I know incin's good but I didn't think this good... Must've been 187 Fan spamming Incineroar / Porygon2 / Tapu Bulu / Mawile which he somehow used six times with a 100% winrate. Goated player. On a somewhat more serious note, I find it really weird to see Pokemon such as Landorus-Therian, Kyurem-Black, and Tapu Fini with such bad winrates. I personally really like using these pokemon, but these stats raise the question of whether we should consider dropping them. I do guess we have to take these stats with a grain of salt as our tournament scene, in general, is just really underdeveloped.

My priorities and thoughts going forward:

With the 2v2 Classic happening really soon, the first thing we need to do is update resources, most notably the VR, which has somewhat stayed the same since when SM was current-gen, and anyone who was here back then knew how little activity we had then. I hope to incorporate more people and make our resources the best it could be. Hopefully, ROA staff can give us a chance on the ballot if their voting happens to trend SM.

As always, thank you for reading and have a nice day. Mubs out.
Howdy, Uno Top Deck King TKT here making Three (3) nominations on the BW 2v2 vr because that is the only 2v2 tier that really matters (ORAS is cool tho).

:Jellicent: Jellicent to A-: so initially right now its sitting at B- cause I pretty much saw it as an inferior TR setter to bulkier pokemon like cresselia and bronzong. First of all that's kinda wrong. It actually does fairly well as a Trick Room setter and is able to patch itself up pretty well with Recover and Leftovers. But that's not the main reason why I think it should receive such a significant jump. Is the fact that it kinda just sits on rain really well. Water Absorb is pretty dope ability that basically forces a Kingdra to have to use Draco Meteor to even consider denting Jellicent and Jellicent is pretty easily able to shrug that off. Other fun things Jellicent can do is use icy wind for speed control and use a 75% accurate will-o-wisp to cripple opposing physical attackers. Other ways of fucking with the opponents include running hail or trick room. Jellicent pairs well with a decent amount of the Higher ranked mons like Kyub and the Latis as well and with some support you can make this thing just wall out so much.

:Thundurus: Thundurus to A: Prankster 100% accurate thunder wave is really fucking good. Electric/Flying is also a baller typing and you can run this as either offensive or as a bulkyish support mon and it works pretty well.

:Togetic:Togetic to like C/C+: This is pretty much just a clefairy but its bulkier (also no friend guard and has 2 new weaknesses). Basically the other eviolite follow me bot that we didn't rank cause we forgot it existed probably
Considering that BW 2v2's gotten quite some interest and we're unable to host a tournament in the tours forum, I'm hosting a BW Minitour in this thread.

BW 2v2 Minitour
Post "in" to join

  • General Tournament Rules and Guidelines apply.
  • Single Elimination, Best of Five No Johns tournament of the BW 2v2 Doubles Metagame.​
  • Replays are Required.
  • Each Round will last 2-3 days.​
  • Bans, Clauses, and Resources are found above.​

How to challenge someone in [Gen 5] 2v2 Doubles:
/chall [user], gen5doublesou @@@ two vs two, -Focus Sash, -Perish Song, - Final Gambit

Note: do not bring more than 4 Pokemon.

Deadline is Monday, August 10th, at 5:59 PM GMT-4.