Official Smogon Tournament XVI - Round 2-B (Pokémon Home NOT ALLOWED this round)

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I request a activity win vs mfhoundoom.

I managed to contact him and even schedule a match. I couldn't play the first one, because of that I canceled it.
After that we were supposed to play a match but he didn't show up. He did it 2 more times after that.
Today we were supposed to play. At first we agreed to 9pm then he requested to play it later ( I said we can play at 11pm), and now i've been waiting here for for 45 minutes and I don't think he's showing up. It's almost midnight on my end so I won't be able to play before the deadline.

This is why I request the activity win. Our conversations are my profile if anyone wants to confirm what I've mentioned above.

Edit: I said it was 9 pm. I've made and typo, it was actually on 7pm. ( just noticed that)
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calling act, i proposed a time and he did not answer so he proposed a time and did not show up
Requesting an extension vs Polish Vodka, he couldn't play early in the week and i was real busy around this weekend, I tried to schedule some times but wasn't able to get there on time because of real life stuff, I can be very active now and I was for most of the round until Thursday
There is still a couple hours to deadline so if you've scheduled to play last minute, go ahead and finish your series. It shouldn't happen, but if I coinflip against you and your opponent doesn't show up at the scheduled time, just PM me and we'll get it fixed :swole:

Round 2 Activity Decisions:
vs Kardistry King - kardistry hasn't been on since jan 21
RandomLord6 vs Mysterious M - randomlord hasn't been on since january
Polish Vodka vs mfhoundoom - while polish had to reschedule the first time due to miscommunication, that's far outweighed by the fact that mfhoundoom missed several times that they themselves proposed and not communicating availability well.
TrivDiego vs bossman9494 - bossman didn't respond
FireJolex vs Bassai Dai - firejolex didn't respond
TJ vs Ya Boy MostDope - not the cleanest scheduling, but the fault lies mostly with TJ. while there wasn't an agreed upon time established, TJ proposed a time range, ya boy answered within 12 hours with a time range well within the proposed, then TJ cancelled to the next day, which didn't work for ya boy. there was almost 4 days of gap before tj responded, ya boy responded within 2, and TJ has yet to respond. activity for ya boy
apologies vs soulgazer - apologies didn't respond
cellerino vs TectonicDestroyer - cellerino hasn't been on since jan
TheRedBuffalo vs B@oba - redbuffalo really did dip after losing by bringing home team LOL
bro fist vs air_dan - bro fist VMed on wednesday, it's sunday and a_d hasn't responded.
Cam vs Tubaplayertyler - tuba hasn't responded
KnightsofBlood vs thomas888 - knightsofblood didn't respond to thomas's latest time suggestion. it should also be noted that knightsofblood lied about deleting his message giving the win.
HenshinHEro vs AliImtiaz - what henshin said is correct, unless you (alilmtias) would like to contend that you VMed henshin early enough in the round and henshin deleted the VM. please let me know if that's the case, though be warned that lying will result in infractions.
LilyAC vs Paolo_Rodriguez - tentatively giving this to Lily because paolo hasn't been on since feb 15. please remember to send a VM though
PedroRocket14 vs Lambo_murphy44 - pedro hasn't been on since jan
AlexCM_2004 vs Steve Angello - alex didn't respond despite steve angello's very early VM
pigassaultking vs Gabi benitez - gabi hasn't been on since jan
Groudon vs Mikaav - mikaav missed time and didn't try to resched
SANJAY vs @opponent - not activity but i forgot to mark this earlier so just leaving a note here for me to do it
Winterains vs Khenan07 - this was the one with the messy ending? for now i'll mark khenan07, feel free to let me know if this needs to be clarified.
Career Ended vs Rolo Sparkler - rolo hasn't been on since jan
Hamhamhamham vs EazyBruvaTMG - eazy hasn't been on since jan
Artistical❤ vs Yami - artistical hasn't been on since jan
EliaMartell vs Wevton - elia never responded
Deathsarose vs Indignado - deaths hasn't been on since jan
Randomnick vs ExodiPie - exodi hasn't been on since feb 11
AnthonyV vs zeroslasher1992 - zero didn't respond
Mikaso04 vs Sparzza - sparza didn't respond
Bad At Battles vs zf - bad at battles didn't respond
Hockey1 vs Awesomedp24 - awesomedp hasn't been on since jan
Sciroccoo vs comme des garcons - garcons is banned
ShinySkrelps vs Pete1328 - pete hasn't been on since round start
kop8283 vs the pharoah - kop hasn't been on since jan
ThelordofbadRNG vs PokeKnight2545 - pokeknight never responded
cromagnet42 vs Flyte - cromagnet was on, flyte wasn't, flyte didn't try to resched
mc56556 vs neverdeverdd - never hasn't been on since jan
Stanley1923 vs Star - stanley hasn't been on since jan
Nico54800 vs curiosity - nico hasn't been on since jan
-okara vs Tedel Weve - tedel wave didn't attempt to schedule (responded but that's not scheduling). activity to okara. okara, please respond to VMs even if they aren't strictly scheduling.
Welli0u vs toljs - toljs didn't give well a reasonable timeframe to schedule along with not responding for almost two weeks.
ZamaBino vs TPP - zamabino hasn't been on since january
Eo Ut Mortus vs SpringCoder - spring hasn't been on since jan
Pynapel vs aceguy123 - this one's a little more tentative but it's been 4 days since thursday and pynapel hasn't responded. activity to aceguy
Sacri' vs Master Origami - one of the closer cases. overall master origami was somewhat less responsive and proactive when it came to scheduling and ultimately proposed a time that sacri said needed to be cleared in advance, without reasonably giving enough time to be cleared.

Energy vs Chicos - scheduling was responsive enough but neither party used concrete timeframe. can't give activity, can't grant an extension.
cdizzle1987 vs Sandwichwild853 - 2 inactives
NDShepard vs Conar234 - no visible contact
The Kyle vs Crabbu - kyle, you called activity but you never VMed this dude? let me know if i'm missing something.
LimpingHorse vs Bloodz - two inactives

Torchic vs shieldpoke - timeframes were used and both sides were generally a little slow to respond. i'll extend this, please be proactive when scheduling.
Perry vs PKMN Master Chad - can't justify giving activity to perry. some RL situations seemed to get in the way so i'll extend this one. PKMN Master Chad please respond to perry's attempts to reschedule.
DnkeyMemez26 vs ukaaa - my mistake, apologies for the confusion. you guys can have an extension but please get this done
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