Official Smogon Tournament XVI - Round 1-A

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I notice you.
After to learn you're my opponent, i sent you an PM, no answer
2 days ago, you try to contact me on showdown with a random message on OST room, without my friend, I would not have known you try to contact me. Yesterday, you weren't here. You miss-scheduled and i can't try every minutes if you're connected on showdown.
Don't forget, we haven't probably the same GMT.
I had never say i refuse to challenge you.
You can't say you win. We have 3 weeks for our BO3.

Now, if you want to contact me, schedule and fight me, answer to my PM (on smogon), or on discord (Dragonillis#2461), but not with a random message on showdown.

I hope to schedule with you.
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