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M Dragon vs RedRexy Nails vs Investor-A Tamahome vs Kirami Sunrise SoulWind vs jlewis19
CyberOdin vs acidicmix
elodin vs Thesimmonez
Kushalos vs Sakharu
MikeDawg vs Lasagneee antemortem vs AnimeroDaniel
trc vs zaaya
byronthewellwell vs tedd34 ABR vs OsinachiJ Real FV13 vs therealintellectuals Diego Maradona vs royce12 ez vs RyZe EpSiLoN Tricking vs Kawaii! (imagirl Ary vs G4meUser
Huston vs Pendulum Swing
Kaori vs Jayanth Toxeek vs Strokefish OminousDraco vs GooserPark Hassin627 vs waguel Accelgor vs BadAtMakingPuns
Azumarill vs NessOnTiptoeZ
Hec vs DudeThe
MAlkaviano vs SirCossack
Hikari vs Suwan31
Nelson vs vso
Staraptor vs Jango314 Souf vs DoctorPhrog ~Souf had dropped out, so DoctorPhrog advances
Leftiez vs Hariaki
Six Medallions vs BruceWangg
majaspic22 vs xacelordx
ghettozilla vs Pzr ssjLucario vs Palumboss TheManStache vs dcjayy Whydon vs Hobojoe28 Poek vs DuckTux Pak vs Guilhew---> Pak won after posting this blinkboy vs mixedguywithredt
radical.fruit vs damidoulight
zf vs patoche
passion vs danger zone Eeveeto vs banks
Deadline for extension: 06/02 23:59 EST.
If there's any missing contact between you and your opponent (smogon pm, discord etc) and/or if you think the act call was wrong, pm me and Luigi and we'll look at it.
fyi most of the obvious activity wins were previously handled by Luigi - thats why there were only a few in my previous post. You can see the full list of who advanced to r2 here: https://pastebin.com/raw/Xg4YgYR6