Official Nintendo Pokemon Tournament

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...Judgment banned? Rotom banned? ROFL!

On a more serious note, I agree with Obi's above post. That and a raffle-esq system really does suck, as well as the extremely limited areas to qualify at.
That's very interesting, micuat, Sunny Day teams have gained an asset in my opinion. Plus it is strong against hail teams.

@obi = take a look at this page:
It lists all the rules/etc ot the Platinum tournament in Japan.

also shinryu, I can see why Judgement is banned, because Arseus isn't released yet. lol Rotom being banned. And yes, even though I was selected to play via raffle, I didn't like it because it didn't show who actually knew how to battle. The on-location drawing was even stupider because you could know nothing about Pokemon and still get selected to play over someone who had the pokedex memorized and has 999:59 on every game they own. I am hoping they improve the selection process next year.
Bronzong's phychic won't change, because there are few dark types used at double battle, and its former move was Gyro Ball but currently there are many Trickroom Teams.

Bronzong's goal is to inflict the finishing blow anyway, but being walled by a dark type sort of destroys the strategy. There's no reason to take such a risk when Bronzong's doing pitiful damage anyway. There's also Flash Cannon, which is basically a Steel version of Psychic.

I also agree with everyone in the hopes that Nintendo retools their entry format.

If Platinum being mandatory in the Japan tournaments implies anything, look forward to a spring release of Platinum stateside. I wonder if other countries will be allowed to participate this time.
I don't know whether sunny day team has a potential or not.
Its weak point is that it can't beat rain dance team. Rain dance team is as popular as trick room team so thats why sunny day teams are underused.
But now we can use Heatran, so situation may change.

You are correct, Flash cannon is more reliable. But that's not an essential matter. We have to think what move will replace hypnosis, and how to deal with molf party.
One of seadra's videos on Youtube depicts molf party fighting another one (and winning). At one point Smeargle uses Endeavor on Snorlax, which activates his Sitrus Berry. At that point Bronzong uses Gyro Ball, but fails to KO Snorlax because of the slightly restored HP and its speed. It doesn't cost the player in the end, but I can see the merit in using Psychic.

I saw it a couple days ago and found the URL again earlier:
I'm trying to recall whether we were allowed to use pokemon that originated from Japanese games or had evolved in the Japanese games and were stuck with the letterings. Was there a rule that stipulated that for showdown 2008 and whether that would apply for 2009 as well?
Oh, I see. So say T-Tar learns Crunch at level 80 (idk if it does), but level 50 is the limit? That's why it would be banned?

No... the Pokemon is not banned outright just for learning a move past level 50.

They are banned because a level 50 of that Pokemon cannot ever legally be obtained. In TTar's case, Pupitar does not evolve into a TTAR until past level 50.

Anyhow, let me say something right up front. I hate playing with or against level 1 Pokémon. I prefer all my matches to scale to level 50 and I think using level 1 Pokémon to take advantage of Endeavor (or for any other reason) is cheap. The lack of Sleep Clause is also an unfortunate oversight and any serious Double (or Single) Battle tournament would implement it.

All that aside, let me tell you how to beat the MOLF team. It's a little combination of moves called Wrap and Future Sight. I tried this out against BlueCookies in the lead-up to the tourney and it worked like a charm. As some of you may know, my favorite Doubles team features an Alakazam and a Shuckle. I taught the Alakazam Future Sight before the match and Shuckle already had Wrap.

First round, both Pokémon launch their attack at the Smeargle while Bronzong uses Trick Room. Even with Shuckle's pitiful Attack score, Wrap brings the Smeargle down to 1 HP and, thanks to Wrap's damage-over-time effect, it dies at the end of the round. For those of you who know how Future Sight works, it calculates damage based on the SpDef of the original target, meaning that at the end of turn 3, whatever is in Smeargle's former spot flat out dies (barring the 10% miss chance). That, my friends, is how you take advantage of MOLF.

A wise opponent will Fake Out the Shcukle, so you could replace it with, say, a Dusclops with Bind. To avoid Dark Void, you'd have to give both Pokémon berries. Other than that, it's pretty foolproof. The advantage to having a Shuckle is that I then "outspeed" a Bronzong after the Trick Room and can then Encore Trick Room, returning the warped space to normal.
So THAT is how you beat bluecookies awhile back, I was wondering. :P but it's pretty specific, but if you know that the opponent will be using MOLF, then you might as well go for it. Just be sure that you have a plan to attack other things.

@EE = Well, according to the rules, it just says:

"Players may only use North American versions of Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl."

I don't think it mentions anything about actual Pokemon, so I'd assume that you are allowed to use it as long as it isn't banned or anything.
And yes, even though I was selected to play via raffle, I didn't like it because it didn't show who actually knew how to battle. The on-location drawing was even stupider because you could know nothing about Pokemon and still get selected to play over someone who had the pokedex memorized and has 999:59 on every game they own. I am hoping they improve the selection process next year.
They won't.

Did you think Pokémon USA organize the Video Game Showdown in order to determine the best player, or just to make big advertising ? %)

Anyhow, let me say something right up front. I hate playing with or against level 1 Pokémon. I prefer all my matches to scale to level 50 and I think using level 1 Pokémon to take advantage of Endeavor (or for any other reason) is cheap.
The rules are so poor that you shouldn't really mind about using lv 1 Endeavor users.
There are basically no rules, so I fully agree with the players who abuse of it...
...Judgment banned? Rotom banned? ROFL!

On a more serious note, I agree with Obi's above post. That and a raffle-esq system really does suck, as well as the extremely limited areas to qualify at.
My guess is that since rotom has new forms in platinum, along with giratina and shaymin, and that those new forms will not work in D/P that they had to ban them for that reason.
Well, in Japan, they are forcing you to use Platinum in their competitions(no D/P), so the new forms would work in Plat against Plat. Other than that I really have no idea why they would ban Rotom unless there is a glitch which makes the mower form OHKO anything with Thundershock, but I really doubt it. :P
Well, in Japan, they are forcing you to use Platinum in their competitions(no D/P), so the new forms would work in Plat against Plat. Other than that I really have no idea why they would ban Rotom unless there is a glitch which makes the mower form OHKO anything with Thundershock, but I really doubt it. :P
It's probably because the new forms are considdered "Event Pokemon" and even in JAA where Ubers were allowed the event pokemon were still banned. That's just my guess.

Anyway, I'm hoping next year won't have the raffle because I don't think I can get that lucky two years in a row. I'm thinking the fact that you can catch Heatran at Lv.50, Hypnosis's accuracy drop, and Heat Wave Zapdos will prove to be the 3 most notable things out of Platinum for the Showdown metagame.
For the raffle, I hope it'd be based on how many questions were answered correctly rather than luck. I got all 20 questions correct and yet was not initially chosen. Fortunately we were able to get in through the lottery but won't count on it being that fortunate again if it comes down to that.
For the raffle, I hope it'd be based on how many questions were answered correctly rather than luck. I got all 20 questions correct and yet was not initially chosen. Fortunately we were able to get in through the lottery but won't count on it being that fortunate again if it comes down to that.
imo there are way more than 128 people that got 20 / 20 on that stupid questions... =x
Yeah, they would have to make the test harder and longer if they were to do that, IMO.

I just want to play next year and get my revenge against the Japanese. :P

@bluecookies = I agree, those will probably be the most notable changes. Bronzong loses an asset IMO, and Heatran changes things up a lot, both for Explosion teams and sunny day teams. Plus he's even slow enough to where he could be put on a Trick Room team. And now Zapdos can possibly be seen on Sunny Day teams as well, since Heat Wave hits both opponents for 100 power when it is sunny.
Thanks for pointing that out nitpicker. =) doesn't weather double the power of the moves that benefit(i.e. Surf in rain, flamethrower in sun)? there should be a guide or something that clarifies these kind of things, assuming it's not in your double primer guide already. :P

I'm just used to the ADV way of things when calculating things when I quickly do calculations, where the power was divided in half.

That reminds me, with Explosion in doubles, is the power lowered to 75% AND the defense is halved on both opponents? Because I remember at Showdown Bluecookies and I were talking about this and just the power reduction in general.
Thanks for pointing that out nitpicker. =) doesn't weather double the power of the moves that benefit(i.e. Surf in rain, flamethrower in sun)? there should be a guide or something that clarifies these kind of things, assuming it's not in your double primer guide already. :P

Nah, it's not in there. I was writing a Double Battle Strategies guide, which would include that, but who knows when/if I'll finish it. I am pretty lazy. Anyhow, sun multiplies Fire damage by 1.5 and Water damage by 0.5. Rain does the opposite.

That reminds me, with Explosion in doubles, is the power lowered to 75% AND the defense is halved on both opponents? Because I remember at Showdown Bluecookies and I were talking about this and just the power reduction in general.

I think that's how it works, but I've never actually calculated it. Also, the Defense of your partner would be halved too. I know you already know that, but I am a nitpicker after all!
Ok, I am actually kind of waiting for the Double Strategy Guide to be finished, so become unlazy and finish it. :P

I would usually use a Ghost type as my partner with Explosion, but that is useful to know if I have to explode on a non-Ghost type.
That tends to raise another question, about the last Pokemon Standing rule, how would it work if your partner/one of the Pokemon are Immune to an attack, what about an ability to absorb it, or the turn order. Although I'm not sure how troubling this stuff is to me since I just ran a straightforward Explosion Team last time. But since I have Dusknoir in the team, I'm not sure if Dusknoir counts for the last pokemon standing rule since he's unaffected by Explosion...
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