[official…] todd bonzalez's... quantum post chamber

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merry christmas smogoff! 2022 had its ups and downs, obviously we are sad to have witnessed the heinous crimes and subsequent addition of faint, xzern and az to the Notable Banned Users list but i think on the whole things are looking up. here's to a joyous and crime-free 2023!
couldn't have said it better myself. banning items allows for such a healthier, less luck-infected metagame. no longer do you have to ask yourself if you should knock off instead of clicking your STAB of choice. no longer can a mon come in under full hazards because it's wearing boots. suddenly pokemon is brought back to its origins where the pokemon are at the forefront of team building and not deterred by questions such as "do i throw scarf on it?" im hopeful that the support shown here will carry over to our discussion of boosting moves as we continue to evaluate meaningless bans in smogon metagame.

Ok then shitpost master, master of the shitpost, funniest user on the site, literal deity of shitposting, shitgod amongst shitmen. Let's see your shitpost. Show us your funniest shitpost. Lets see some premium shitposting then, from a licenced shitposter. Cause you're so clearly so good at shitposting, and we're so unforgivably bad. Coward.

I'm just playing a bit, trust me ;]
Respectfully your judge, while I do not in fact know the defendant as well as these clearly fake discord logs would suggest, I object to how he has been treated by this body, which has trampled on his rights as an accused user and been rude and dismissive towards his efforts to appeal. Although we have only just begun the appeals process, I think we must wait for my thread on ban appeals in PR to be resolved before this case is tried, as otherwise my client could be put in double jeopardy.

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