Tournament NUPL XI - Finals [Won by MF PLOOMS]

NUPL XI Info Hub
NUPL XI Commencement

Welcome to the Finals of NUPL XI! Good luck to our two remaining teams!

:vileplume:MF PLOOMS (6) vs. (2) Tailor-made Talonflames :talonflame:
SV: kythr vs Tuthur
SV: DugZa vs Elias PSY
SV: Beraldo vs rom1x38
SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs dunoks
SM: ishtar vs robjr
ORAS: Chloe vs Chaitanya
BW: Elfuseon vs Bughouse
DPP: fatty vs HSOWA
ADV: SuperEpicAmpharos vs PichuFlash
Bo3: zS vs Clementine

MF PLOOMS (0) vs. (0) Tailor-made Talonflames
SV: kythr vs Tuthur
SV: DugZa vs Elias PSY
SV: Beraldo vs rom1x38
SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs dunoks
SM: ishtar vs robjr
ORAS: Chloe vs Chaitanya
BW: Elfuseon vs Bughouse
DPP: fatty vs HSOWA
ADV: SuperEpicAmpharos vs PichuFlash
Bo3: zS vs Clementine

The deadline is 10:00 PM GMT-4 on Sunday, July 16th. No extensions. Please schedule promptly.​
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MF PLOOMS (6) vs. (4) Tailor-made Talonflames
SV: kythr vs Tuthur
SV: DugZa vs Elias PSY
SV: Beraldo vs rom1x38
SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs dunoks
SM: ishtar vs robjr
ORAS: Chloe vs Chaitanya
BW: Elfuseon vs Bughouse
DPP: fatty vs HSOWA
ADV: SuperEpicAmpharos vs PichuFlash
Bo3: zS vs Clementine

idk just bolding stuff


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:vileplume: MF PLOOMS (5) vs. (5) Tailor-made Talonflames :talonflame:
SV: kythr vs Tuthur - this feels like a hot take based on name recognition but Tuthur has quietly been incredible this tour and fuck it I'll predict him to keep it going, just don't bring another terrible aesthetics team because you got STOMPED when you did :(
SV: DugZa vs Elias PSY - this is a fun one, I will bank on Elias bringing some random specs mon and winning with it
SV: Beraldo vs rom1x38 - Beraldo has had a middling tour but rom1x hasn't exactly been the pinnacle of perfection either, and the former is definitely just a stronger player overall
SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs dunoks - I love obb in SS go obb yay
SM: ishtar vs robjr - rob is one of the best SM NU players to date, so I will not predict against that because I am a pussy. I've also not been super high on ishtar's brings personally, lots of recycling of VERY known teams (we are still using etern druddfey in the year 2023 god fucking help us) which I think rob will immediately clamp down on
ORAS: Chloe vs Chaitanya - I think Chloe is actively building new teams and Chait is most certainly not, so she gets the bold
BW: Elfuseon vs Bughouse - Bughouse is really versatile in building and I just inherently value that a lot, although maybe less in BW lol. Elfuseon hasn't had the best of showings with his wins often coming down to really timely luck more than anything else, but it's hard for me to say he's just objectively played below standards? could see a nab from him but I'll favor Bughouse
DPP: fatty vs HSOWA - the old man has had a very strong showing this year likely due to the Detroit Lions fan synergy with Aawin. I've liked brew's greater consistency in DPP over the last several tours compared to HSOWA's, and this tour in particular he's been super dominant so yea.
ADV: SuperEpicAmpharos vs PichuFlash - in reg season sea's win came down to some insanely good timing luck, so I'll say pichu gets his revenge...
Bo3: zS vs Clementine - Clementine will giga gap zS in SM, but I think zS is pretty favored in SS and SV. Not much else to say here other than it'll be a super interesting series if zS drops either of those gens.

tiebreaker is probably plooms picking dpp, talons picking sm, I'll say plooms win the tiebreaker

Luck O' the Irish

banned in dc
is a Tiering Contributor
Now look. We all know this finals is illegitimate. This finals appearance was STOLEN from the musharnas. However, we would have also lost finals, as is tradition. So let's see who would have beaten us--

MF PLOOMS (0) vs. (0) Tailor-made Talonflames
SV: kythr vs Tuthur

Now look. I'm a businessman. you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours. The math is simple here-- you spend 5k on me in zupl, you have earned your right to be predicted, by me, in the finals. go tuthur

SV: DugZa vs Elias PSY

Honestly I don't really want to pick against Elias here. not only did he wax me in swiss with specs steel beam perrserker. he waxed me again the same week we defeated the talonflames 6-4, when fogbound IGNORED my warnings about elias using pu pokemon, giving them choice specs, and ohkoing sandaconda. however-- elias has forced my hand. in bringing rest talk ursaring for the 8th consecutive week, and giving it the most nonsensical coverage move possible in fire punch, I cannot in good conscious bold him here. i look forward to watching dugza going hard sandaconda on a spidops and getting thanos snapped by bug buzz.

SV: Beraldo vs rom1x38

I've already picked enough frenchmen to win today

SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs dunoks

I'm gonna be honest. I;ve watched maybe 3 games of dunoks playing ss nu, and in all of them it generally felt like his opp had never played ss nu before. I teamed with obb in nu snake and first hand saw the benefits of his ss nu knowledge-- "just fyi that loses to salazzle". because of this comment, i did not lose to salazzle that week. thank you obb.

SM: ishtar vs robjr

I don't really have anything to add to this. I'm just picking chalk here. All im gonna say is that drafting meru for sm nu was a delight. After two years of figuring out what to recycle 5 mins before the sm game, it was refreshing to see someone actually build in SM NU, and demonstrate interest in a SM NU game being played. whens the last time that happened? Against my repeated warnings, he used togetic, which worked, and flame charge weakness policy magmortar, which allowed a hungover pdt to steal a series from mence. Go Meru!

ORAS: Chloe vs Chaitanya

Chaitanya, in winning in this tier, has violated two fundamental truths of ORAS NU-- that wish audino sucks ass on balance, and that bronzor is no longer good. Why'd everyone stop using band skunk again. I havent seen this many lum berry skunks since 2015. That shit sucks!!

Honestly i shouldnt be bitching this is way better than everyone using the same teddeh rmt

BW: Elfuseon vs Bughouse

We have now entered the realm of "togkey thinks in order for these tiers to be competitive, they should be played bo3". I'm picking bughouse here. the meta knowledge exists, sure, but this also is a tier where elfuseon's signature fuck it we ball im playing every tier on the site doesnt manifest the above average luck he normally exudes as a player.

DPP: fatty vs HSOWA

I will be using this slot to formally apologize to togkey for starting her like 6 times in DPP. If karma exists, it is safe to assume I will be hospitalized for a grievous falling down the stairs related incident.

ADV: SuperEpicAmpharos vs PichuFlash

In all seriousness-- honestly really looking forward to this game. SEA and pichu adv games have been a lot of fun to watch. im picking sea here bc even in spite of all the profound analysis here, i am like everyone else on smogon. i see the number in the win column, and i compare them to the number in the loss column, and draw zero additional conclusions

Bo3: zS vs Clementine

zS, in spending roughly 5k for me in pupl, has earned himself a bold. Great work zS.

In conclusion, it appears my beloved musharnas would have lost once again to the plooms, 6-4. This is my personal hell. I look forward to doing this all over again next year.


"Wait!" he says, do I look like a waiter?
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Welp, another year and another appreciation post. In all my teams of managing, this is the closest I've gotten to winning a tour. I've been a player on teams that have won tours, but never have I managed a team to win a tour. A step in the right direction to be sure. Anywho, here we go:

Elias PSY: One hell of a season my dude. A 7-2 record is always something to be happy about. You play the game in ways I wish I could. Keep doing what you're doing (and maybe mix up the mons lol).

Tuthur: Took a chance on you and I'm glad I did. A 6-3 season from you is way more than I could've asked from you. Hopefully you'll be around to play next year.

rom1x38: Tough way to end your season after replacing Spacial near the beginning. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes. Something I constantly need to remember to do.

5Dots: Sorry you didn't get to play as much man, I did give you a couple of chances, but those didn't agree with you for some reason. Hang in there though.

dunoks: What a battle you gave it all season long, sorry your finals game didn't go the way you wanted. Sometimes it be like that.

robjr: A dude that's probably more competitive than I am lol. Started strong at 3-0, but then the RNG gods decided to hate you for 5 games. We all go through those bad stretches. Yours just unfort. happened at the most inopportune time. You're still one of the great ones though. I have 0 regrets getting you for this tour.

Chaitanya: Still great with lower tiers, esp. ORAS. Your games are always fun to watch and see how you play. I appreciate all you did for the team and for yourself. Stay real!

Bughouse: Another year on a team I manage, another failed tour win :blobsad: One of these tours, we'll beat the odds and just freakin' win it lol. As always, your help and advice is always appreciated.

JabbaTheGriffin: Sorry we didn't meet our goal this tour my dude. We got DPP PL though right? Again, your one of the best lower tier players I know and I'm sorry your games didn't turn out the way you wanted.

PichuFlash: To the one who helped me in ALTPL, you continued that success here. Not disappointed at all. Prepped so much to the point that I'd say you overprepped lol. Either way, good job this season.

HSOWA: One of the better DPP players in this tour and you certainly showed it! As a fan of DPP NU myself, it was entertaining watching those games play out. Great job with your games and with your hard work.

Clementine: Thanks for taking over for me after W3 lol. I now know that I shouldn't be buying myself if I know I'm not ready for it. Even if it is for a fun tour. I should've started you in Bo3 or smth right out the gate. Thanks for the SM help and prep.

GoldCat: My friend, your BW games were fun to watch, no joke. A bummer with that 3-game losing streak at the end, but Bughouse had your back when he won his games after you. See you 'round RU my dude.

And ggs to the MF PLOOMS on the repeat of winning NUPL. We gave you guys a run for your money, but we just didn't have enough gas left in the tank to win it. Enjoy the 2nd straight avatar Aawin, your guys deserve it!


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PLOOMS BACK TO BACK CHAMPIONS BABY!!!! ggs to the talons, you guys are definitely some of the best players we faced this tournament, yall should be v happy with this season despite the outcome.


kythr - GOAT as fuck, you definitely had some weird games this tour but I think you have a great future in NU teamtours, a class act and a pleasure to team with. Hope to team up in the future for more funsies

Beraldo go fuck yourself <3 (figured I should put something here), I'm glad we retained you from last NUPL, despite me being a moron and a shitter sometimes, you still provided a fun presence and were pivotal in prep in DPP and SV alike. You smell but I'm glad you got to win with us again.

DugZa my apologies for earlier today :blurrywhirl: but you're also a class act despite being an Aussie (I think). Up and down tour with matchups but same thing goes for you as kythr. You're a great player and are somehow still underrated as fuck

OranBerryBlissey10 first time teaming with you, and you popped off (literally just won us the tour). Yet another class act and one of the best SS / SV combo players out right now, despite you being a ZU mainer.... Although you lowkey kinda solo queued sometimes (like once), you're a fun presence and provided some nice help in the builder

ishtar ngl I did not know who you were prior to this tour, but for 3k you stepped up into a tough SM pool and racked up some nice wins for us. A very underrated player and I think you can do a lot in SMNU moving forward. Also helps that you like Snow Strippers too.

Chloe same type of deal as ishtar, all I knew about you was that you played tour games and were the PU leader and besties with Togkey. A very unfort tour with regards to hax, but I'm glad you had fun playing your favorite tier and still gave it a solid effort despite some circumstance. Another Aussie class act and I hope to see you in more tours in the future.

Elfuseon FUCK BWNU LOL. We teamed up in BDSPPL and you are a pleasure to be around as well (Canada plot armor). Unlucky does not begin to describe your experience in BW, but at least you didn't go winless and still had a decent performance despite record.

fatty FREE FUCKING JAMO. The second MF PLOOM DPPER to go 8-1 for us. Rabia was right, the Detroit Lions plot armor is REAL. One of my favorite people to talk to on this site period, despite being a lowkey solo queuer.

SuperEpicAmpharos holy fucking shit. 6-3 as a 3ker, one of the nicest people on the site, what more could you ask for?? Really one of the most underrated gems of the draft and I'm so glad we took a gamble on you late. Should be a hot commodity next yr...

outbackrabbit Australians suck but you're also a great player and person and one of the most creative SV builders. Aussie plot armor go brrrrrr

Baloor NUSD AND NUPL CHAMPS???? HOW DOES HE DO IT!!! Nah but fr you're one of my favorite people on this site as well and I'm glad we got you to play AND GO UNDEFEATED!

zS NUSD AND NUPL CHAMPS???? TYVM for managing with me again and putting up with my shit week in and week out. I appreciate you beyond belief fr bro.

Phantomistix THE GOAT HELPER. You did so much for our team with regards to prep and morale and actually making our teamcord last NUPL. Legit cannot say how much I appreciate you fr.

Danny- now I gotta really think if I can still have you in my cord man super low move from your behalf and you haven't really respected that place as a hangout place for a moment now

also HUGE shoutouts to Sadlysius for being another ADV mastermind, EviGaro and quziel for advice on SM, GXE for an insane amount of help with SV and being an awesome presence. shoutouts to jared

Ren-chon you're still not apart of the team
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this is all a moo point
is a Top Tiering Contributor
NUPL Champion
third nu teamtour in a row, 2nd one as manager and it fucking feels good to win again. i’m super happy with the group of people i ended up with, it was a super fun ride interacting with y’all was very cool. time for shoutouts now:
kythr one of the best lower tier players rn, i have no fucking idea how you do it. you’re also such a funny person to interact with while being amazing at the game. i’m glad we got you and would do it again everytime.
DugZa fifth time’s the charm, we finally won something together. and i’m super happy because at this point of all people i really wanted to win something with you. your play is always on point and you’re great as a person, one of the most reliable teammates of all time no cap.
OranBerryBlissey10 im gonna be honest, i had no intention on putting this much money on your during the auction LOOL. look i was kinda panicked and i wanted a good SSer and aawin was in fucking shambles when i went atw to 15 for you, but it did pay off greatly so i’m glad we ended getting you. you’re a smart builder that sometimes goes a bit too far (i’m the same so i feel you) and you’re very eager to learn from your mistakes which is impressive and am sure will lead you far. continue playing goat and next time you’re not going positive but you’re going X-0 trust.
ishtar kekky, my dear friend. same with obb we had no business getting you but we got you for cheap and you’re great so i was happy. i’m sorry the 2nd half of the season didn’t go optimally for you, but you’re still goated don’t doubt yourself you’ve rly earned this. your performance is even more impressive when knowing you haven’t played this tier in years and just came back from retirement. love you friend hoping to play with you again in the future
Chloe pretty much same as above except we had business getting you. you’re an amazing player and presence and i loved having you around. well you know everything you’ve been my friend almost since i started playing mons, and i hope everything goes on well for you now that you stepped down of ur pu leading function.
Elfuseon the generalist, someone you want to get everytime you don’t know who to put in a random slot and you want at least 4 wins. you’re so good at adapting it’s actually impressive. keep your head up chief and big things will await you in the future.
fatty the go to dpp player every team should go for. you carried our ass this season going 8-1 which is absolutely amazing. you also went autopilot not even posting much which just shows how much you know your way around this tier. you’re a fucking legend bro i was super happy we got you. thanks for the carry goat
SuperEpicAmpharos the fucking best buy i’ve ever had the chance to get in a teamtour. you’re a lovely presence and person as well as a fucking amazing player if i’ve ever seen 1. watching you play adv makes it seem so easy and i really enjoyed our talks in the adv channel despite me not knowing shit you ended up agreeing to most of the bullshit i said which how much of a nice person you are. big love brother hope we’ll continue the streak in pupl.
Beraldo youre such a funny guy and great player. i always love teaming up with you and your character this tour didn’t disappoint. always a blast to have you around and i’m happy we won it again together!
outbackrabbit the finch slayer, imo fix your accent and you’ll become the best player ever no cap. you have lots of potential so keep working and you’ll get there. was fun to have you around!
Baloor THE FUCKING LOOR. hey, this time i made you play and you own 1-0 baloor = autowin. you’re such a blast to be around and i always have fun when i talk to you! nice red get the green next imo.
Aawin oops we did it again. loved managing with you friend and i’m hoping we get to continue leading our teams to victory. 2 for 2 man let’s fucking go!!
thanks to everyone who helped, especially Phantomistix for the huge work you put for us every week, you’re the goat bro
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Thank you to Oathkeeper for choosing to draft me after our previous successful teamwork in ALTPL. I'm sorry that I did not deliver in the finals vs. SEA; the one bad turn of exploding my Metang vs. Torkoal and the constant disconnects costed me the game. My record of 3-3 was alright, and I took games off of Lpz and Ima who had excellent ADV NU runs, and Ara. My original loss vs. SEA was a spectacle of luck, granted my game vs. SEA in the finals had two big crits in my favor and I ended up losing because of his preserved Haunter last vs. my Huntail. My game vs. Rabia I played too conservatively, but despite that I was in striking distance. Overall I can respect my record (anything worse than 3-3 and I wouldn't), but I see how I can perform better in the future. As you had mentioned, I over-prepped some weeks. I think my playing was on point throughout the entire tour, and maybe I should have kept it simple with builds such as the one I used vs. Ima and let my playing carry me. Thank you again Oathkeeper for the opportunity to compete this year, and I want to shout out my great teammates, in particular my ADV friends HSOWA JabbaTheGriffin and Bughouse who are proficient in other NU tiers and preformed well in these respective tiers. Congrats to the MF PLOOMS for another successful year. Next year we will rise to scorch you.


formerly Test Techles
is a Tiering Contributor
Sad to see Oath losing in the final with an exceptional squad but at the same time… wow’d after Plooms got the repeat.
Grats double A and zS (pls don’t face me with scarf scyther again)

also Lumii good job running the tour much appreciated!


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Congrats to the plooms on going back to back, very impressive job - cant remember seeing this happen in a lower tier team tour in my long time on the site. Special props to Aawin zS and any other b2bers i forgot

ALSO congrats to oath and the gang on the finals appearance glad to see u go on a good run this tour

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