neomon : My dude, this was not how I saw our season going at all. I'm sure you'd agree with me given how awesome our roster is. Thanks for being a good assman and sticking around despite how quickly things went south lol.
OnArceus : You did very well this season regardless of what the games and record show. I have no regerts in retaining you and maybe it'll happen again? Who knows!
Anywho, stay goated and I'll see ya in other tours!
Elias PSY : No complaints with you my dude. You did exactly what I was hoping for and brought the hustle in each game like you did in Snake and loved having you on the team. Lost a couple of games due to horrible RNG but that happens. Either way, keep it up!
GoldCat : My fellow RUer who does well with NU too! Some things just don't work out the way we want them right? I was rooting for you the whole way in your games and they just ended up giving you the middle finger. I wish I could reverse your fortune somehow, but alas I cannot. You'll always be a winner in my book.
Clementine : I know you made your post already but I wanted to do mine to you too =) No issues with how you performed in this tour. SM NU can be a pain sometimes but you stuck with it and you def. can play it better than I can lol. Well worth the 3K no matter what.
Shaneghoul : A true ORAS NU goat! As soon as we started talking and stuff, I knew I had to buy you no matter what. Sorry this season wasn't what you were hoping for with our abysmal record and differential, but you did was I was hoping for and just played and had fun.
MrAldo : 1 ORAS game and 1 W, that's for sure a good thing. Sorry about those SM games against lax and Evi, but thanks for the hustle regardless. Looking forward to ORAS PL when we can redeem our Semis TB loss? Me too!
Bughouse : Going positive is always a good thing, whether it's by 1 W or several. That's exactly what I was hoping to see from a goated old gens player like you when I bought you. Keep it up and I'll see you in other tours
Heysup : I think I owe you the biggest apology my friend. I did buy you hoping you'd be ok with playing DPP and you had your heart set on ADV. In the end, I managed to get you 1 ADV game as consolation. Next time I buy you, I will make sure you play what you wanted! Please forgive me my dude!
Triangles : I expected nothing less from you as the ADV player of the team. Glad I could test with you and gain some more knowledge with ADV NU. I just may retain you 1 more time next year before you start becoming expensive lol. Either way, I'm sorry this season was cut short compared to last year. Revenge tour next year yea?