Number of steps-to-hatch changes RESEARCH

it is always running (just tested).

but one small deteil i would never have noticed without you guys...
if you get en egg from daycare the counter is reset to zero. Meaning: get many new egs from daycare and your eggs will take a little longer to hatch.
it is always running (just tested).

but one small deteil i would never have noticed without you guys...
if you get en egg from daycare the counter is reset to zero. Meaning: get many new egs from daycare and your eggs will take a little longer to hatch.

It figures now even more. :] So that's why Peterko always took 1023 steps to hatch an egg... it was resetting to 0 every time he fetched an egg from the breeders.

And now it's clear why it takes 1023 steps and not 1024. The decrement of 1 to the egg counters is done when the counter reaches 255, and NOT 256.

Okay, this makes complete sense now.

Breeding a Magikarp egg:

Egg counter - 5, Step counter - 0, Steps made - 0.
Egg counter - 5, Step counter - 255, Steps made - 255. Egg counter decreases by 1.
Egg counter - 4, Step counter - 255, Steps made - 511. Egg counter decreases by 1.
Egg counter - 3, Step counter - 255, Steps made - 767. Egg counter decreases by 1.
Egg counter - 2, Step counter - 255, Steps made - 1023. Egg counter decreases by 1.
Egg counter - 1, Step counter - 255, Steps made - 1279. Egg counter decreases by 1.
Egg counter - 0, Step counter - 255, Steps made - 1535. Egg hatches.

Breeding a Magikarp egg with Magma Armor/Flame Body:

Egg counter - 5, Step counter - 0, Steps made - 0.
Egg counter - 5, Step counter - 255, Steps made - 255. Egg counter decreases by 2.
Egg counter - 3, Step counter - 255, Steps made - 511. Egg counter decreases by 2.
Egg counter - 1, Step counter - 255, Steps made - 767. Egg counter decreases by 2.
Egg counter - -1, Step counter - 255, Steps made - 1023. Egg hatches.

This is how it's happening, I believe.
Wow you totally beat me to this.

I was hatching Skorupi eggs like crazy yesterday and had the same results. They're saved in notepad I think. SPP said the egg takes 5,120 steps but mine hatched at a much later step count.

Wait so they made it so everytime you pick up an egg from the daycare and have one in your party, it'll take longer to hatch?

Wow the devs can go screw themselves. It's already tedious trying to get the right nature, ability, and IVs. :|
ideally you coud pick up a new egg exactly when a previous one hatched. In that case you could actually spare a step... (the 255->0 one) but yeah it will increase by 126,5 steps on averange
Interesting things:

+2 -> 785 = 1023 - 252 + 14 - 2 + 2.
+14 -> 1053 = 1279 - 252 + 14 - 2 + 14.
+106 -> 1401 = 1535 - 252 + 14 - 2 + 106.
+252 -> 2059 = 2047 - 252 + 14 - 2 + 252.

I saw this pattern.

This is what might have happened.

For the fourth egg, Peterko must have got another egg after 253 or 254 steps carrying it. Thus the game step counter resetted to zero. After walking 254 or 253 more steps, he boxed the egg. Thus, the internal counter for egg 4 was still 5.

For the other eggs, the move counter reached 255 once, so their internal counter is 3.

When Peterko got out all the eggs again, the internal step counter must have been 239.

So, so far, we have:
Egg 1: 257 steps (255+2). Internal counter: 3
Egg 2: 269 steps (255+14). Internal counter: 3
Egg 3: 361 steps (255+106). Internal counter: 3
Egg 4: 507 steps (255+252). Internal counter: 5
Step counter: 239

Peterko now got the four eggs out, and placed them in the order determined by the egg number. He now walks 16 steps, and the step counter reaches 255, so the egg counters are decreased by 2. So now we have:

Egg 1: 273 steps. Internal counter: 1
Egg 2: 285 steps. Internal counter: 1
Egg 3: 377 steps. Internal counter: 1
Egg 4: 523 steps. Internal counter: 3
Step counter: 255

He walks 256 more steps, and the egg counters decrease by 2 again:

Egg 1: 529 steps. Internal counter: -1
Egg 2: 541 steps. Internal counter: -1
Egg 3: 633 steps. Internal counter: -1
Egg 4: 779 steps. Internal counter: 1
Step counter: 255

After moving 256 more steps, we have the following situation:

Egg 1: 785 steps. Internal counter: -1 <- Hatches
Egg 2: 797 steps. Internal counter: -1
Egg 3: 889 steps. Internal counter: -1
Egg 4: 1035 steps. Internal counter: 1
Step counter: 255

The internal counter of the first egg is less than 1, so it hatches. Notice that the egg counters are NOT decreased.

256 steps later, we have the following situation:

Egg 2: 1053 steps. Internal counter: -1 <- Hatches
Egg 3: 1145 steps. Internal counter: -1
Egg 4: 1291 steps. Internal counter: 1
Step counter: 255

The internal counter of egg 2 is less than 1, so it hatches. Again, the egg counters are not decreased.

256 steps later:

Egg 3: 1401 steps. Internal counter: -1 <- Hatches
Egg 4: 1547 steps. Internal counter: 1
Step counter: 255

The internal counter of egg 3 is less than 1, so it hatches. Again, the egg counters are not decreased.

256 steps later:

Egg 4: 1803 steps. Internal counter: -1
Step counter: 255

The internal counter for egg 4 is decreased by 2. Finally, 256 steps later:

Egg 4: 2059 steps. Internal counter: -1 <- Hatches
Step counter: 255

Egg 4 hatches.
So here's my data (Sneasel eggs):
----Step#----Hatched At
1st-- 0 ----- ~5525 (missed this one >.o)
2nd- 860------ 6812
3rd- 2704----- 8852
4th- 4532---- 10892
5th- 5792---- 11912