NeverUsed Champions League II - Commencement
Hosted by goldmason, adorluigi, and Zacpz.
Message me on Smogon or on Discord (goldmason) if you have any questions or concerns, and I'll try to keep everyone updated. Good luck, everyone!
- 2x SV NU
- 4x Flex slots per team, which can be any NU tiers from SS to RBY. Each team cannot select repeats, but there can be overlap between teams.
- Hunky Dory Munkidoris - Oathkeeper
- Let Flygons be Flygons - Stories and zS
- Starabias - Rabia and etern
- Flamigo Amigos - Shengineer and Be13costa
- Goo Lagoon Garydos - Aawin and Kiyo
- Limber Ditto Lovers - Danny and Pokeslice
- TBD - Meri Berry and shiloh
- TBD - estra and Envy
Message me on Smogon or on Discord (goldmason) if you have any questions or concerns, and I'll try to keep everyone updated. Good luck, everyone!
Please remain respectful and courteous to others when posting in this thread.
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