As much as I love the NU tier, I always end losing due to weird team. Guess it's time for me to recheck the NU pokes.
The sheer power of the Choice Band set on Staraptor allowed other sets such as the Sub-Roost set to be unbelievably powerful. The same is true of Gallade. Even if the choice set wasn't the only set that made it dangerous - the other sets were made powerful of how wary you had to be of the choice sets.
hey man maybe it's because you don't play it right! you obviously can't just spam one move every time and expect to sweep the opponent's team. the key word in your post is my. i could give a new player a shaymin-s and let him loose in ou, but that doesn't mean he would sweep with it. obviously, shaymin-s and medicham are different, with the latter having one or two switch ins that are actually viable, but it's still a fair comparison.
I also know that CAP has taken over as a NU server. I'd like to know if there are any plans to make CAPS for NU.
I also know that CAP has taken over as a NU server. I'd like to know if there are any plans to make CAPS for NU.
My take on brokenness is this:
The Pokemon in NU are the bottom of the barrel so I don't think we should be looking for broken ones as a first step.
IMO, Limbo tiers aren't great for the game because they result in Pokemon that are not viable anywhere since they are banned where they could work and outclassed where they're allowed.
I would much rather that the cream of NU emerged from usage statistics while everything else falls into a natural state of disuse.
Then if people really wanted to use those extremely underpowered beasts a final tier could be created from which overpowered beasts could be banned.
As a final step, anything that stood out among the cream as thoroughly broken could then be doomed to Limbo.
I think this is a natural approach because NU really contains two main categories:
-'Outclassed' Pokemon with some good attributes that are rejected by OU and UU for better alternatives (eg. Charizard, Relicanth, Gastrodon)
-Pokemon that have hopelessly poor competitive prospects (eg. Delcatty, Farfetch'd, Mawile).
On Charizard:
He is a top tier threat, no doubt, but I'm not convinced it is broken.
A number of Pokemon especially Slowking and Flareon but maybe even Thick Fat Walrein, and HP rich Wailord should be able to cope with special sets.
Cloyster can switch into most physical sets (SubDrum on the Sub, DD, SD) and use quad effective Skill Link Rock Blast to get through.
Recoil Bellyzard is risky but potentially dangerous little set if pulled off successfully.
Cloyster comes close to beating it with Ice Shard and Double-Edge/Belly Drum recoil but just misses out on the guaranteed KO.
I agree that if there is any suspect it is Charizard but I think the tier is too young to declare it broken just yet.
Exactly how much Stealth Rock factors is something that needs to be considered as well.
My take on brokenness is this:
The Pokemon in NU are the bottom of the barrel so I don't think we should be looking for broken ones as a first step.
IMO, Limbo tiers aren't great for the game because they result in Pokemon that are not viable anywhere since they are banned where they could work and outclassed where they're allowed.
I would much rather that the cream of NU emerged from usage statistics while everything else falls into a natural state of disuse.
Then if people really wanted to use those extremely underpowered beasts a final tier could be created from which overpowered beasts could be banned.
As a final step, anything that stood out among the cream as thoroughly broken could then be doomed to Limbo.
I think this is a natural approach because NU really contains two main categories:
-'Outclassed' Pokemon with some good attributes that are rejected by OU and UU for better alternatives (eg. Charizard, Relicanth, Gastrodon)
-Pokemon that have hopelessly poor competitive prospects (eg. Delcatty, Farfetch'd, Mawile).
On Charizard:
He is a top tier threat, no doubt, but I'm not convinced it is broken.
A number of Pokemon especially Slowking and Flareon but maybe even Thick Fat Walrein, and HP rich Wailord should be able to cope with special sets.
Cloyster can switch into most physical sets (SubDrum on the Sub, DD, SD) and use quad effective Skill Link Rock Blast to get through.
Recoil Bellyzard is risky but potentially dangerous little set if pulled off successfully.
Cloyster comes close to beating it with Ice Shard and Double-Edge/Belly Drum recoil but just misses out on the guaranteed KO.
I agree that if there is any suspect it is Charizard but I think the tier is too young to declare it broken just yet.
Exactly how much Stealth Rock factors is something that needs to be considered as well.
charizard is the only thing that is even close to broken IMO... but I haven't seen a lot of the "could be broken" pokes... unlike other tiers, teams seem to be REALLY variable in NU play. part of the reason I play it...
Using this to support my argument. Outside of a few static Pokemon, the teams are indeed different and still a lot of useful sets have probably yet to be discovered. Charizard overcentralizes the metagame in the fact that you NEED to have Slowking or you NEED to have Skuntank or you NEED to have a Floatzel or Tauros or Manectric. Granted, these are all good Pokemon, but one should not be forced to use at least one just to CHECK a broken Pokemon in such a vast and changing metagame.
I do not fully understand the importance of NU, these Pokemon are marketing gimmicks for Nintendo to use in the Anime and toys not for Pokemon Battles. Not to be Pokemon-Racist however these POkemon have their place and it is in Marketing, and INGAME [Not METAGAME] checks for the Elite 4