Appletun moved from PU to ZU

Articuno moved from PU to ZU

Avalugg-Hisui moved from PU to ZU

Basculin moved from PU to ZU

Bellossom moved from PU to ZU

Crabominable moved from PU to ZU

Cryogonal moved from PU to ZU

Dewgong moved from PU to ZU

Eelektross moved from PU to ZU

Exeggutor moved from PU to ZU

Glaceon moved from PU to ZU

Granbull moved from PU to ZU

Gurdurr moved from PU to ZU

Komala moved from PU to ZU

Lilligant moved from PU to ZU

Lurantis moved from PU to ZU

Magneton moved from PU to ZU

Medicham moved from PU to ZU

Meowstic moved from PU to ZU

Minun moved from PU to ZU

Oricorio-Pa'u moved from PU to ZU

Orthworm moved from PU to ZU

Persian-Alola moved from PU to ZU

Piloswine moved from PU to ZU

Plusle moved from PU to ZU

Probopass moved from PU to ZU

Pyroar moved from PU to ZU

Raichu-Alola moved from PU to ZU

Regice moved from PU to ZU

Samurott moved from PU to ZU

Shaymin moved from PU to ZU

Shiftry moved from PU to ZU

Spiritomb moved from PU to ZU

Swanna moved from PU to ZU

Toucannon moved from PU to ZU

Veluza moved from PU to ZU

Vivillon moved from PU to ZU

Zebstrika moved from PU to ZU