I'm not gonna discuss whether Breloom is broken or not, I think a public suspect test is the right thing unless people are looking forward to complains about it being broken in UU for the rest of USUM - agreeing with what yeezyknow said.
Anyways, I know it's pretty late, but I wanna question the ban of Drought as the result of Mega Houndoom dropping from OU. I think it is sad to see an entire (in my opinion) viable play style being removed do to
1 B+ rank pokemon that isn't very meta-defining in the first place. I completely acknowledge Solar Power M-Houndoom possibly being too much for UU, but the ban just feels like such a waste as we aren't allowed to use Drought, which we banned to be able to use M-Houndoom that doesn't see very high usage anyways.
I know some of you understandably might think "Sun in UU, WTF", as it was little to not seen at all when it was allowed in the tier, but that is, to me, solely a result of missing creativity, and the tendency of only sticking to UU tiered mons and what is popular in the meta in the moment. I used to spam Sun teams in the Mega-Latias meta (shoutouts M-Lati
http://pokepast.es/3a2ef3a967a505a4) and to get reqs for it, and lord it was solid. Chlorophyl Venu is such a good mon in UU with Growth - Giga Drain - Sludge Bomb - HP Fire, to those who haven't tried it out. It works both speed control, a SUPER good stall breaker and a breaker in general, also being able to run Z-moves on it over LO, a mixed set with EQ and other stuff. Also being able to outspeed everything in the meta with a Timid nature.
The Sun setters in Ninetales and Torkoal are not UU-caliber mons, but can def work here too. Torkoal un dedicated Sun teams with Heat Rock, supporting with Spin and Rocks and being a good Scizor Check, and Ninetales which can potentially be used as a Specs user, a NP Firium user or whatever you need on the team. So a dedicated Sun team isn't the only option - you could just run one of the 2 with Venu like we have seen rising in RU, again there are just a lot of unexplored opportunities here.
Speaking of abusers of Drought, then I'm not just talking about Chlorophyl users like Venu. Fire stab is generally super strong and Drought making it stab for the mons that it otherwise wouldn't be is a super cool option, especially with Scizor running around. Think about stuff like Specs Hydreigon with Sun boosted Fire Blasts (252 SpA Choice Specs Hydreigon Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Togekiss in Sun: 232-274 (62 - 73.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery), Gliscor being able to freely SD up on every Scalds and a lot of other stuff. I just think there is so many ways of capitalizing on Sun in the meta, heres an example of a Sun team from the M-Lati meta I made:
http://pokepast.es/8baa135322c1912a - I know it's not the most solid shit, as I was rather new to UU back then, and it looks
too much like RU, but the stability of the team (at least on the ladder) surprised me and made me realize that it was solid.
I just think it is sad that Drought (Sun) got banned to make room for only 1, mediocre, not-too-used mon, limiting the building opportunities in a tier which is already too limited to me. So please, council, reconsider the ban of Drought and consider getting rid of M-Houndoom if it is too much with Drought support.
And don't come and say that you can run Prankster Sunny day or whatever instead lol, imagine Drizzle being banned in OU and being forced to run either mons that unreliable gets up rain, or Klefki + Tornadus or whatever - not reliable.
And if you feel Sun in UU is ass, and not worth the fuzz, then let me know if u've tried properly building around it and if so, what made it bad. I can only speak for myself, and there is definitely a number of points I have missed.