I've been reading up on your comments regarding our decision to ban Houndoom-Mega instead of Drought and I see it's turning some heads. As one of the members of council that voted to ban Houndoom-Mega instead of Drought, I'll happily explain why I voted the way I did.
re: Consistency Why not ban Drought as well, considering we also banned Drizzle.
While both situations involve abilities that summon a weather effect and both situations involve 'mons that take advantage of said effects, they're not the same. Not to me, anyway. For starters, I feel Drizzle is the stronger ability, because the abusers of Drizzle (primarily Swift Swim 'mons, but others as well) can potentially boost both their Speed stat
and the power of their STAB-attacks. There are no Chlorophyll Fire-types that can do the same in combination with Drought. Furthermore, Drizzle wasn't voted on due to a
single abuser of its weather. Kingdra was obviously extremely threatening, but so were other Swift Swim users, like Kabutops and Ludicolo for example. Drizzle based teams was a dominant force throughout its reign in UU, while Drought based teams were not (at all). This is also why
I voted 'Ban' when we first tested Drizzle, which was before Kingdra dropped. Before Houndoom-Mega became a thing in UU, where were the Drought based teams then? Where is the evidence that Drought was ever a real (and potentially broken) issue? Where were the Drought based teams in UUPL? To me it's Houndoom-Mega that's the broken force in UU, not Drought. Houndoom-Mega is supported by an otherwise functional and (crucially) non-broken archetype, which in turn propels it to broken levels.
re: Baton Pass comparison We didn't ban Celebi in ORAS instead of Baton Pass, so why ban Houndoom-Mega instead of Drought now?
Well, that's because while we acknowledged Celebi played a big part in the Baton Pass test, at the same we thought Celebi wasn't the sole reason Baton Pass was such an issue in UU. As of right now the majority of the UU council does believe Houndoom-Mega is the sole reason Drought is currently being brought up. The same questions about Drought before Houndoom-Mega's introduction from the previous point apply here, btw. The comparison between Baton Pass and Drought isn't a fair one, because Drought has been a non-problem throughout SM UU, while Baton Pass was quite frankly cancerous with
and without Celebi. That's my personal opinion, anyway.
Please note that, if anything, we as a council look back on our previously made decisions as we continue to do our best to make this metagame as good as it can be (something that the Terrakion in your teambuilder can confirm). If Drought based teams as a whole end up being too good for the UU metagame, even without Houndoom-Mega, then we will look into that. As of right now, however, they aren't and they haven't been.
If any of the other council members that voted 'Ban' on Houndoom-Mega have anything to add, then I urge you to do so. Transparency and openness is the way to go about this, in my opinion. I hope this explanation makes some type of sense to those of you that are confused by our decision. Other than that I'm very curious to see your findings and thoughts regarding Weavile, considering the metagame absolutely transformed since it was last UU. c: