Echoing Rabia a bit here and looking at some fellas that dropped that I think are going to be very potent to the point where they should be banned. Granted this is all somewhat speculative but based on initial looks, I'm p confident these are all stupid
- Hoopa is ungodly strong with 150 base special attack and access to a pretty deep movepool. Nasty Plot 3A with dual STAB (Psyshock for Chansey/Blissey) + Focus Blast feels ideal, otherwise you're dicked by Umbreon and other shitters. However, I think Tera Blast with Tera Fairy for every Dark type (Umbreon, Sableye, and Grimmsnarl all in one slot without having to rely on FB accuracy) is also cute. Additionally, I think Hoopa can make use of all 3 choice items and bring immediate power to the table. Even CB has big coverage options such as Knock Off and Drain Punch to target potential switches. Frankly, I don't think this is a balanced mon on paper and would love to see it banned sooner rather than later.
- How did we get this LMFAO. Tornadus, similarly to Hoopa, has a high attack and special attack stat which allows for sets to be ran on both sides of the spectrum. I believe Nasty Plot Torn will be the go-to set with its new stab move of Bleakwind Storm (100 BP, 80% accuracy) being a more reliable STAB option in comparison to Hurricane with regards to accuracy. Tornadus also retained a majority, if not all, of its coverage on the special side (don't quote me on this). Powerful coverage options such as Focus Blast, Heat Wave, Sludge Bomb, and Grass Knot target the potential answers for Tornadus, which creates a limited amount of answers when coupled with the very balanced and definitely not broken mechanic of Tera. Physical sets with Prankster Bulk Up + Rest with Chesto Berry Acrobatics will be a pain to revenge (SHOUTOUTS TERA ONCE AGAIN) and can snowball through teams. 4th move Crunch allows Tornadus to hit Rotom specifically, as well as do neutral damage to the likes of Eelektross and Jolteon. Tornadus also has Prankster Taunt, the ability to pivot in the face of unfavorable matchups, and also has a bit of item diversity (though running a choiced item or non-HDB item on a rocks weak mon is kinda ass). For more niche / experimental sets, Tornadus can also set weather! Phantomistix is shitting himself. I think there's like a 2% chance this is balanced.
- This is probably the least egregious case of being broken, but this pokemon looks kinda dumb on paper (I said this last gen too and I was kinda wrong so who knows). Similarly to the above, this pokemon has an insanely large pool in all three (physical special status) facets and has multiple ways to make progress. Firstly, I think (like Tornadus), this guy can run Bulk Up + Rest pretty easily and snowball with relative ease. Due to its high offensive stats, I think CB is going to be a great progress maker in a tier that doesn't really have a ton to deal with its dual STABS. Similarly, with Tera boosting the BP of moves under 60 BP to 60, I think special Grimmsnarl also has a nice surprise factor with Draining Kiss (it has Dazzling Gleam too but DKiss is funnier). Grimmsnarl also has pivoting with Parting Shot, Taunt, Trick, Thunder Wave, and really anything else it could really want at its disposal outside of Power Whip. Like I said, this mon isn't inherently broken, but if it doesn't get banned, I think it will be really fucking good.
- Him. This mon kinda goes federal ngl but it feels okay-ish? We have a couple mons with Intimidate and ways to force damage onto Tauros such as hazards and Rocky Helmet, which sounds okay, but is it? Tauros has a crazy solid damage output, as well as a high speed tier at 110, which allows it to outspeed mons that Pauros can't. This pokemon definitely should be on the radar though, and I'm curious to see how it pans out.
To respond to something posted here,
There's a lot to discuss in this new meta- I still think pokemon like Frosmoth deserve to be Old Yeller'd as well- but I'm looking forward to seeing how balance and other structures pan out. We now have auto-Snow with new drop
plus Frosmoth,
, and every other shithead to become dangerous. We also got new toys for bulkier / stall teams in
, offensive utility in
, and could possibly see the christening of Electric Terrain offense with
edit- It has come to my attention we also got Mesprit. I think it'll be broken asw but I'll make a future post on that

To respond to something posted here,
I agree with the pivoting portion of this, however Tauros still has one (1) option to hit Ghosts- Assurance. While yes, it's not boosted by Sheer Force like Throat Chop (ergo forcing it to take LO chip), its doubled by Stealth Rock damage. This means a mon like Rotom offensively switching in to gain momentum / force a switch drops. Might be worth some exploration, but realistically it may be better to use a more consistent option it lacks Ghost-type coverage and can be pivoted around somewhat with Pokemon like Sandaconda and Intimidate Qwilfish
There's a lot to discuss in this new meta- I still think pokemon like Frosmoth deserve to be Old Yeller'd as well- but I'm looking forward to seeing how balance and other structures pan out. We now have auto-Snow with new drop

edit- It has come to my attention we also got Mesprit. I think it'll be broken asw but I'll make a future post on that
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