Survey results are in!
On a scale of 1 to 10, most players found the game to be a 7 in terms of balance, with pretty evenly spread results for other values. This is a great number but obviously could be higher. Game balance can mean a couple things; a balanced metagame could mean that the better player
usually wins, a balanced metagame could also mean many playstyles are viable. Up to the reader's interpretation but regardless 7 is a good score.
A lot more concentration on higher values, again averaging out at a 7, most players generally find the metagame enjoyable.
Zoroark had very evenly distributed results, with a majority of votes going towards a 2 out of 5 in terms of being broken. Zoroark will not be receiving any tiering action based off this, but due to the number of votes for 3 and 4, we will be keeping an eye on it in the future.
Medicham, the day 1 king of NU, received 0 votes for a 5, and most votes in 1 and 2. Medicham will definitely not be seeing any tiering action. Damn this guy fell off.
Bruxish got most points in a 4 out of 5, with an average of about 3 out of 5. Bruxish will most likely have tiering action considered towards it based on this information, but a lack of 5's is also quite telling.
Eelektross, much like in the teambuilder, is very well-rounded for votes, with a nice bell curve meeting right at the 3 out of 5 mark. Due to the number of 4's and 5's voted, Eelektross may be considered for tiering action in the future.
And now for Florges.
Yes we will be Quick Banning this. The sheer percentage of 5's has never been seen in an NU survey before and truly speaks to the community's perception of this Pokemon, further cementing the council's opinions of the Pokemon as well.
Rabia messed up the formatting for this question, so I'm just going to cherry-pick the most common / notable sentiments from this.

Many people expressed that Sandaconda deserves consideration for tiering action. I imagine this can be attributed to Sandaconda's overwhelming usage stats and potent Coil set coupled with Tera.

More than one person mentioned Damp Rock. Manual Rain teams will be something we keep an eye on in the future.

Many people mentioned Vivillon, Oricorio, or just the move Quiver Dance. While we cannot ban Quiver Dance, we will keep a close eye on Vivillon and Oricorio. Vivillon in particular has been mentioned in the council chat a couple times already.

Mabosstiff has been something council has been eying since the tier's start, it hasn't proven to be too overbearing but trust the moment it shows to be we will Old Yeller it.
Togkey: like 3 people said Togkey.. fuck you
- Terastallization: I do not see Tera being tested any time soon, it has not proven to be too overbearing in the tier. (complaining about Tera is so last year)
- Other things I thought were interesting were mentions of Dudunsparce, Blastoise who doesn't exist this gen, Barraskewda who we literally already banned, and two people just submitted the number '2'.
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please feel free to message me or
Rabia on here, Discord, or PS!