I just don't get it, Deoxys-A was banned in Gen 4 due to it was too powerful. What is the different in this gen
? There are even more Fighting type in this gen, which make Deoxys-A even stronger
Shandera, Doryuuzu are broken, too. Most of the time they take at least one pokemon down.
I'm pretty bored with the metagame right now, it's all about the weather, if your team isn't a weather team, you will likely lose
. Tyra + Shan + Dory + Bre, yep, it's all about them
. Let's ban weather abusers or weather makers so that we can have a much more interesting metagame. I rather play Ubers which much more better than this Dream World Weather tier
Btw, there are even someone said that Rayquaza should be in OU

Shandera, Doryuuzu are broken, too. Most of the time they take at least one pokemon down.
I'm pretty bored with the metagame right now, it's all about the weather, if your team isn't a weather team, you will likely lose

Btw, there are even someone said that Rayquaza should be in OU