Hey, I wanted to post here after a long time away from competitive Pokemon. I chose to do that now and not earlier because I managed to get reqs (
link) after having to play 14 more games than I was supposed to due to losing like half the games I played in the last two days—prior to yesterday, I had to play 63 total with 41 in, so not the best days lol. I have been following this thread so I have some more insight outside of my own picture which, considering my team was poorly built, thinking that there were too many threats to handle was the obvious reasoning.
I only started playing again after Conk and Sylveon's drops and Celebi's reintroduction, which I figured was a good excuse, so I merely played for about ten days before the test started. My knowledge from the Zam meta comes from that and watching UUPL games—as well as a few SPL games before that—so I couldn't really get a well-thought opinion. I tried looking at the weekly stats courtesy of
Pinkin Lark , but that doesn't help much because Zam wasn't much used and it didn't have the best w/l record (before this week, it was used 13 times and won 5 games in total; didn't check if any of those was a Zam v. Zam game). I could use that as an excuse to say "See? It ain't broken, nobody uses it" but that wouldn't be right because people are obviously gonna be prepared for it. In the few games I played against it, I doubt it even got a kill, but that's because I used WP Celebi + Pursuit Aero and it wasn't running Signal Beam—prolly because Celebi had just dropped—, meaning I actually took advantage of it.
As such, I can't honestly vote either to keep it because I didn't find it that hard to handle or to ban it guessing it could be stronger than I realized, meaning I'll prolly end up abstaining—maybe some posts in the future will help me change my mind. It's a good thing there's no max to vote, otherwise it would've been unfair to try to ladder only to abstain. However, I do agree that there are way too many big threats in the metagame so something should be done to make it healthier, unless we wanted to just give up and let it be until Sun & Moon are released (or more precisely, until we get SuMO UU, which will be like a year from now o.O ) lol*. I don't think there's one in particular you can just say "We remove this, and everything's good", and I'm not really sure Mence is more broken than Zam, even if it's still one of the bigger threats. Regardless, the introduction of Conk and Sylveon didn't do much to help either (and I guess NP Celebi, too but it balances out with Defensive variants being really useful), except maybe lessening the chances of ragequitting against AV Machamp's Dynamic Punch—which I honestly haven't seen at all in the past week; talk about losing a niche. Although I haven't tried building it, I'm gonna guess balance is much harder to play with now, and I remember it already being hard after Mamo dropped. Now that's not necessarily a bad thing because let's face it, the bigger number of threats, the harder it's gonna be to build teams that check most of them and you can always update sets and make them faster paced to keep up, but it's never gonna be a good thing, if anything. So to sum up, there's definitely room for improvement in the tier, even though I doubt the Zam-less meta is that better than the other one.
K now I wanted to talk about some sets I used that have been more common recently. The basic point of my team was to reenact the old Celepass one from the Hawlucha days (Fast SpDef WP SD Pass Celebi, SubSitrus Lucha, AssVest Entei, Mega Blaster, SR Queen, and Pursuit Metagross/later Scarf Rachi)with RP Horse as the sweeper, but it ended up keeping only Celebi and Entei. When I first built it I had SR Cobalion because I wanted to try out Slurpuff as the standalone sweeper (that shit's fun to use and ugly to play against, especially when it sets up against my para'd Entei .–. ), but after I rose on the ladder I decided to go with Double Dance Cobalion as the cleaner and Taunt Soft Sand Krook as the SR setter.
Fun calc: +2 252 Atk Soft Sand Krookodile Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sylveon: 342-403 (86.8 - 102.2%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock pretty cool, except when it doesn't work . Then I had Pursuit Mega Aero and Tenta, which at first was defensive but on the second iteration became offensive.
Celebi @ Weakness Policy (Leftovers if you're scared)
248 HP / 112 SpD / 148 Spe
Jolly nature
- Swords Dance
- Baton Pass
- Seed Bomb
- Recover
At first I ran just enough for +Spe Chandy and Mamo (so, slower than Jolly Gyara) to take advantage of Nidoking, but after some calcs I decided that I needed to be faster. The Speed EVs are for Entei, which allow me to outspeed Rotom-H and base 85 as well. Going with reach's spread to outspeed Krook is an option since Knock Off will kill more often than not since without Lefties you'll struggle to be at full health, but I wanted to be slower than Rose for WP purposes. I don't think I ever took advantage of it, so I guess running 192 would be recommended. Anyway, Celebi is really really cool, and if it wasn't because I suck at laddering and I BP out of Suicunes expecting the switch to Mega Beedrill to trap it as they stay in and Scald, it'd be even better. It can beat last Pokemon Cunes/FB Reuni (maybe it'll make Signal Beam more common)/Cress/Slowkings, so basically everything but Lax, but it can't touch Chester which is annoying. Celebi is easily the most versatile mon in the tier.
Cobalion @ Shuca Berry (Lum Berry)
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly nature
- Swords Dance
- Rock Polish
- Close Combat
- Iron Head
Double Dance Cobalion is the love of my life. I ran Shuca to take advantage of Earthquakes (rking boosted Mence and Aero) and also because I was really weak to Ground, otherwise Lum would prolly be better most of the time. This thing 2HKOes whatever the standard Mola spread is if it doesn't burn, so 1 out of 20 games you'll be able to beat it. There are obviously a number of checks to it which I try to wallbreak with Entei and Krook, but after they are weakened, it can go to town. Gyara in particular is annoying because it can use it as setup bait if I had to bring it in earlier, but it's funnily slower than Megad Aero so all I have to do is keep it from getting to +2 (hence why it setting up on Cobalion is my biggest worry). Sacred Sword could be an option to not have to worry about boosted Lax, but it's really weak otherwise so I don't recommend it.
Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Trait: Clear Body (Liquid Ooze is an option I guess)
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Sludge Bomb | Acid Spray
- Rapid Spin
Offensive Tenta is really fun. It can be thought as a lure similar to Shuca Penguin but with the advantage of being faster at the cost of bulk and power. I ran enough for Krook before but I chose to go max Speed to at least have a 50% chance to KO Mence before it EQs, as well as outspeeding LO Hydra and non-Scarf Stan if that's still a thing. This set would be so much better if Hydro Pump didn't miss every time I need it not to, but well. The choice of Sludge Bomb v. Acid Spray is power against the ability to get a virtual NP boost and force switches like a super weak Seed Flare. It helps breaking through Cress and stuff, but remember that if using Clear Body, P2 can take advantage of it. It's happened to me, it's not funny. The biggest issue with not running Scald is the total inability to touch Empoleon, which has become increasingly common.
These sets are by no means innovative (I like how I saw two Offensive Tentas winning UUPL games immediately after I started using it), but I consider them to be interesting trends. You know, unlike Pursuit Aero, which is like the most expected thing ever. I thought I'd share them to maybe spike some conversation now that the suspect is half over, considering before that happened reach and Hogg were talking about their Celepass teams. It's good to be back :P
* Also, can we talk about the new legendary beasts? Solgaleo looks so majestic and Lunala has big wings but it's otherwise rather ugly :\