firstly, a counter doesn't necessarily have to be a 100% one. those you mentioned are 100% ones, but there are many great lando checks such as torn-t, lati@s, and pratically everything that outspeeds it and hits it super effectively, like keldeo, weavile, cb azu, mamo, etc, or, if you're using stall, chansey/blissey. and then again, if the person is relying on those psychic types to beat lando-i, he will (assuming he's a good player) have countereasures for aegislash. so if there is a battle between lando + aegi vs lando counter + aegi counter, the battle will be decided on who plays better, which is exactly the goal of trying to have a competitively balanced metagame.
You used the term "counter", therefore that is the term I was applying in coming up with an answer. Yes, Lando-I has checks, so did Greninja, Aegislash has them, etc.
And part of the reason those three I listed are solid counters to Landorus-I right now is because they don't come with a massive opportunity or a necessity to prepare immensely for their counters. Having to prepare even harder for Aegislash in order to fit one of those answers on your team is a further constraint on teambuilding, but if I don't want to lose to Landorus-I/Aegislash cores, I have to prepare significantly for Landorus on top of preparing for the multitude of Aegislash's sets.
ok, aegislash does defeat those, but, then again, a well built team that relies on bulky psychics/faries to beat lop, will necessarily have answers to aegislash, which returns to my point (lop + aegi vs lop counter + aegi counter will be decided on who plays better). and tell me how pup or encore lopunny is coming close to get past chesnaught, slowbro, defensive celebi, etc.
+1 252 Atk Mega Lopunny High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Chesnaught: 207-244 (54.4 - 64.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery.
Lopunny Subs or PuP's as Chesnaught comes in, and then forces it to predict. Chesnaught also has to come in immediately when Lopunny gets that first boost, because at +1, Lopunny can 2HKO it with either STAB + a HJK. Plus, if Chesnaught has to break a Sub, Lopunny has the option to make a second and Encore him into an exploitable move.
And I didn't say Lopunny was going to 6-0 Stall or anything. I said those options stopped it from being useless against non-offensive teams. Encore and Sub both give it opportunities to exploit defensive switch-ins.
+1 252 Atk Mega Lopunny Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro: 175-207 (44.4 - 52.5%) -- 80.9% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Mega Lopunny Return vs. 252 HP / 148+ Def Celebi: 204-240 (50.4 - 59.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Mega Lopunny High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 144+ Def Hippowdon: 229-271 (54.5 - 64.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
Not KOing, but I'd say that's respectable damage for what would otherwise be reliable switch-ins.
well i cant objectively prove it, i'm speaking based on my experiences on the ladder and watching the suspect tours. i went 41-10 on the ladder without losing to matchup a single time, and that was because my team (scarftar, ferrothorn, aegislash, gliscor, charizard-y, latios) was severely weak to lopunny, a mon which was being spammed. i lost one game because of a triple rock slide miss, another one because of a disconnection, and the other 8 losses were because i either choked or got outplayed. i also then laddered for fun with a team with no OUs just to try and prove how it was possible to be creative in the aegi meta and went approx 5-1 (i only got 4 replays though,
4. well i forfeited the last one because i didnt need points, and u can argue i got lucky in some of those but yea). that coupled with a lot of creative teams we saw on yesterday's tour imo evidence how this metagame can be innovative and surprising.
Replay 1 - He quit after losing 3 bulky mons to a Mega Heracross, a Wallbreaker, before even attempting to retaliate. he also thought it would be a good idea to try using Slowbro against a Base 185 Bug Type with a 125 BP Stab. Tank or not, Slowbro ain't surviving a SE hit like that. And while not OU, I'm not sure how impressed I should be when the only mon you demonstrated work with is still a B+ threat, not to mention a Wallbreaker who killed 3 walls before the opponent quit.
Replay 2 - This one I can't argue, but I feel like a play at the end that might have hurt you would've been if he switch to Hydriegon for a Sac. At -1, it would've threatened your Heracross out and beaten Crawdaunt if you tried to switch. Wouldn't win him the game, but would've gotten one more faint in before losing to Hera.
Replay 3 - Early game he went for Fire Blast instead of Scald, despite your Aerodactyl clearly demonstrating it was a Suicide Lead and thus wouldn't hard switch to Whimsicott. He also chose to leave Aegislash in on your Diggersby, despite Slowbro having a better chance to survive even a LO Diggersby (King's Shielding makes me think he expected Scarf, because that would be a horrid move choice otherwise), would've broken your Sub with Scald and forced you out, barring the crit that occurred. Also took a somewhat uneccessary risk with Psychic over Draco Meteor on Turn 20, considering Draco would've gotten the KO on Heracross, Tornadus (Psychic does 76-90%), and Crawdaunt would've been much more dangerous to give a free-switch than Whimsicott. Leaving Diggersby alive also left Venusaur too weak to take a hit from your Heracross, which it could've survived and dealt 37-44% to your Heracross with Sludge Bomb. Might not have been a win all things considered, but the guy was playing oddly.
Replay 4 - He made 3 attempts to switch mons based on non-Attack moves into your Aerodactyl after already seeing it had Taunt, and went for Toxic over Shadow Ball with Aegislash, which would have served him better than losing the Taunt turn and then going to Manaphy, who can't set up either and ended up eating Taunt as well.
252+ SpA Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Aerodactyl in Sand: 135-160 (44.8 - 53.1%) -- 31.3% chance to 2HKO
Again, while it may not have won, there wasn't anything on your team that made Stealth Rock important for him on Turn 13. Would've been better to go for a coverage move (if he had one), or Stall with Slack Off, forcing your Tornadus to take Sand Damage and LO recoil, not to mention potentially missing a Hurricane (not dependable, but didn't have too many options at that point anyway). Diggersby needed him weakened so you couldn't risk a switch
252+ Atk Life Orb Huge Power Diggersby Return vs. 252 HP / 144+ Def Hippowdon: 196-231 (46.6 - 55%) -- 12.5% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 Atk Hippowdon Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Diggersby: 147-174 (47.2 - 55.9%) -- 77.7% chance to 2HKO
I assume your Diggersby had Quick Attack for Landorus, but the LO recoil would wear him out if he didn't come in on a weakened Hippowdon.
And all these replays were around 1400's, mid-Ladder. Considering how fast even less skilled players ladder due to a bias towards HO in suspect metas, I think these would've demonstrated more at a higher level.
they serve different roles, but they have terrible synergy if put together, since that's compounding a lot of weakness. also wtf? slowking gets paralyzed by jirachi, while starmie has natural cure; starmie fails to beat clefable but so does slowking; both beat hippowdon; both would beat that charizard y set (eq, flamethrower, wow, roost), and both would lose to max spa solarbeam zard, so i dont really understand the last part of your post.
Slowking gets paralyzed by Jirachi, but is Jirachi going to KO it after? Slowking's too slow to care about Paralysis.
164+ SpA Slowking Scald vs. 252 HP / 224+ SpD Jirachi: 82-97 (20.2 - 24%) -- possible 6HKO after Leftovers recovery
So Slowking spams Scald. If Jirachi gets burned, Slowking can then near 2HKO after Burn damage
164+ SpA Slowking Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 224+ SpD Jirachi: 150-178 (37.1 - 44%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery and burn damage
(~40% * 2) + 24% - 12% = 92% damage
Yes, this is a specific 1 v 1, but Defensive Starmie (Offensive runs Analytic > Natural Cure) does even less damage, and becomes an easy switch for the opposing team. Starmie doesn't quite beat this Zard-Y set. If it's coming to spin, it took Rock damage, potentially also missing some health from the TS
252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 16 SpD Starmie in Sun: 144-171 (44.5 - 52.9%) -- 85.5% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
Slowking, meanwhile, runs Power Gem on standard AV specifically because it can survive any one hit from Zard-Y
252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 96 SpD Assault Vest Slowking in Sun: 72-86 (18.3 - 21.8%) -- 0% chance to 4HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Solar Beam vs. 248 HP / 96 SpD Assault Vest Slowking: 172-204 (43.7 - 51.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
164+ SpA Slowking Power Gem vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard Y: 264-312 (88.8 - 105%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
And my point wasn't that Slowking and Starmie should be used together. My point was that if he valued hazard removal enough to use them, he would have swapped Slowking for a different mon to answer Metagross, which there are in fact answers besides Slowking, especially since he also had Scarf Lando-T as a soft check.
the difference is people can actually afford to ABSOLUTELY COUNTER an S rank if there are only 30 A ranks instead of 53. especially if they have an aegislash, which blanket checks a lot of them. in the non-aegi but with gross/altaria metagame you need to counter those because they're S ranks, then you have an additional 51 very different mons to counter.
Aegislash blanket checks plenty, but he significantly inhibits the list of viable mons from which to pull checks for those remaining 30, especially since you also have to check however many sets Aegislash could be running. And "absolutely countering" something like Landorus-I when Aegislash forms cores to remove so many would-be answers is a huge teambuilding constraint, since by preparing to "absolutely" counter Landorus-I I have to run one of the aformeated Psychic types, and then I need something to check the opposing Aegislash, which at minimum is 1-2 more team slots (because no one Pokemon is going to consistently answer Aegislash as a whole). So that's 1/3-1/2 of my team spent on dealing with two Pokemon alone, not even with a guarantee they put in work against the remaining 28 Pokemon.
well, i honestly don't really give a fuck about how our tiering philisophy should be made. (and are you at least a tier leader to decide how it should be made anyway?) what i care about is how good the current metagame currently is. and i think a lot of people agree with me that oras ou is terrible right now, even if they want to keep aegi banned. and again, i prefer broken checking broken than nothing checking broken.
I don't claim to be a tier leader, but why do I have to be in order to argue why the one I'm seeing in the Aegislash test seems wrong to me? Do I have to be a Politician to voice my grievances with the way politics are handled in a nation?
My point of entry into competitive Pokemon was early XY, and I personally found the Aegislash meta incredibly stale. I couldn't build any team without using him and win consistently, but I got tired of every team I made basically only giving me choice over 5 members because I had to use Aegislash to optimize it. In spite of that, I argued for Aegislash to stay because I wondered if maybe I just wasn't seeing things. Then in the post-Aegislash meta I noticed a night and day difference in how my teambuilding worked. I didn't want Aegislash to stay because I found his game better, but because I leaned on his usage extensively for my teams.
And the bold emphasizes the conflict in viewpoints. I found one of the core unspoken rules for OU is usually considered that Broken should not check Broken. Even ignoring the idea of future tiering philosophy, bringing something into the Metagame hoping to fix it rather than see if it fits into something already working is counter-intuitive to that policy. If OU is terrible right now, then run other suspects to fix it and try bringing Aegislash back when it's not terrible.
It's not even like Metagross stayed by a landslide. His "staying" margin was only slightly below the margin Aegislash was banned by. There's no proof we couldn't test other potentially broken Pokemon before Aegislash (including a second Metagross test). If this had come after tests that definitively proved that nothing in OU was decided to be broken, I'd have less to argue, but this is only the 3rd test for ORAS after only testing two potential suspects. I'll stop going into other potential suspects, but my point is that
adding Aegislash for this purpose doesn't make him an addition, it makes him a crutch.