Even then, U-turn Lando isn't even THAT good at killing stall anyway. I know it works very well, but how much better does it do than you average joe stallbreaker anyway? It only has 331 Speed, slow as Stall is, you should have either at least 1) a Pokemon that outspeeds that (generally Latias), or 2) something that doesn't get killed by it very easily (eg Blissey, Jellicent, etc etc), or a combination of them. Hell, I just realised that ScarfTar (relatively useful on stall teams) can revenge kill U-turn Landorus. Just stick Ice Beam on it or something. It's not like anyone's going to see it coming. Lando can merrily think it's going on its way and boom it's dead to Ice Beam. You could say that RP Lando beats that, but that can't get past Latias, and Latias + ScarfTar isn't a bad gluing core in itself. You can say "well now you require 2 Pokemon to beat Landorus-I", but I'll just remind you all that you're using Tyranitar + Landorus to beat Latias, so I'm going to say that it's perfectly fair.
Scarf Tar with Ice Beam is actually fairly standard as I understand it. Dice and BKC can correct me if I am wrong I think as both of them are prolly more experienced with the Tourney scene than I am but I encountered that set a bit on the ladder so its sorta lost its surprise value. In addition, if you're relying heavily on Tyranitar as your Landorus-I check on your stall team, then something is very wrong.
With that said, its apparently clear that Pocket has had some success on the suspect ladder with his stall team. Good on him I guess, but this doesn't mean that stall handles Landorus-I. I laddered with CB Ferrothorn during the suspect test, and destroyed with it, but this doesn't mean that CB Ferrothorn is a good pokemon. Obviously, players such as yee and BKC (and others) feel that Landorus-I is a problem for stall. I confess, I agree with them based on the importables of a couple of stall teams that have been floating around where I can look at them and say "yep, that struggles with Landorus-I". I don't have access to Pockets team (and don't expect him to post it either, its his team) so its hard for me to make statements in favour of stall vs Landorus-I because I haven't had that experience. This doesn't make Pocket and Co wrong, and it doesn't make me wrong either, it means that (obviously) people have different experiences on the suspect ladder, with Landorus-I vs stall.
So can we not make "100%" statements anymore (on either side) unless your posting some pretty serious evidence in which case I don't really care.
I'd also like to say that Cress + Dugtrio + Starmie/Latias/Latios on a sun team is pretty much a guaranteed way to beat the almighty core of Ttar + Keldeo + Lando-I.
You are 100% correct. Id also add that you have a 4 man core (compared to the 3 man core) of Ninetales / Cress / Dugtrio / Latias (since id argue Tar could traps and kills cress, duggy traps back, and Landorus-I Rock Polishes ftw and Latias stops that better than Starmie) with 2 slots left to cover everything else in the meta. Plus you prolly want Venusaur on the sun team and I bet a spinner or something otherwise SR rapes your Ninetales making it harder to win the weather war. In other words, id argue that you have over centralised your team around beating Landorus-I, leaving yourself open to like, CM Latias, Volcarona or Gengar something. Besides, no-one said the core is unbeatable (shit, I ran Reflect CM Latias to laugh at Tyranitar trying to trap me), just that its exceptionally strong / good and cheap, as well as being a mind numbing strategy that (I at least) am tired of seeing on the ladder. Yes its beatable, but it constrains your teambuilding to a large extent, (your example proves my point very well I think) making the meta unhealthy.
Interesting thing to note about the "U-turn Lando vs stall team" argument is how people are throwing around that U-turn is completely a risk-free move. It really isn't. Yes, you could U-turn on the Forretress instead of Earth Powering it, but you just lost 22.5% of your health (if we count SR), and most likely just gave the Forretress a free spin, or a free layer of Spikes, or whatever. Yes, I know you could just straight up kill it, but please don't make it look like U-turn is risk-free.
But in general, it is risk free. I am well aware of the "prediction" argument, but you yourself are ignoring the risk vs reward argument (something people tend to forget). For example, are you REALLY going to sacrifice that Forry to an obvious Earth Power just in case it U-Turns, like it seems a pretty risky move to make. Sure, you can make it and sure, it might pay off, I am not arguing otherwise. However in terms of Risk vs Reward, if you stay in, you made the "bad" move so to speak, in that you just risked a free KO in exchange for, what, 10% of Landorus-I's health + a layer of Spikes? (assuming I don't have a spinner to nullify that gain and no, do not post after this claiming my core now includes a spinner ffs) Like, I will be the first person to put my hand up and claim im not the worlds most amazing battler, but in general, that looks seriously like a bad trade to me. Personally, the reason why I subscribe to the arguement that Landorus-I frustrates stall so hard, is because unlike offense, it can legit just park itself on the field and spam powerful moves. Sure, its not going to 6-0 your team, but im just saying when you have mons such as standard Hippowdon (I am not including Ice Fang since thats rare af in my experience and costs a key moveslot (plus I can predict it if you have a common SRer as well) are going to give it free switches to fire off an Earth Power, or something and just tear off chunks. It might not 6-0 you but its going to be frustrating, spamming those moves over and over...and I forgot where I was going with this but it always looks annoying when I run defensive teams.
Couple of more things I want to highlight from other posters:
252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Slowking: 169-200 (43 - 50.89%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Jellicent: 175-207 (43.31 - 51.23%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
So with Leftovers recovery these are 3HKOs. Additionally, you're assuming Landorus went straight for the EP. Also, Slowking is a solid Pokemon. No need to bash it.
Ok, assuming SS recovery, those are no longer 3KOs. I see no reason at all to claim forcing Landorus-I to use EP is uncommon or a "risky" move. EP is very often its general go to move as well as FB, since both of these moves avoid LO recoil, and in the case of EP, its its STAB move so yea, I wouldn't consider Jellicent a good check, specially since that one is Specially Defensive which I really don't like as much now. Personally, i would give you Slowking because it has regeneration, so you can switch in, scout, switch back out, although technically your not really winning I guess unless you have a Latias as well. You are still vulnerable to Tar + Landorus-I tho imo, but from experience its not impossible to play around.
0- Atk Life Orb Landorus U-turn vs. 72 HP / 0 Def Latias: 156-185 (48.9 - 57.99%) -- 95.7% chance to 2HKO
So much for "boned by U-turn".
Come on man, your a good guy but that statement is poorly worded. U-Turn doesn't 2KO, but you cannot switch in (U-Turn into Tar beats you) and U-Turn forces you to recover that damage off, risking that Tyranitar switch on the heal, trapping you. Like, I use a Latias myself to check Landorus-I, and yea, I can beat it (or survive long enough against it to win) but even I can admit to myself that against a really skilled player, every single time I recover, is a 50/50 call on Tyrantiar switching in. Often sometimes im forced to take a super effective hit, and switch straight back out (knowing that if I don't recover at some stage im in serious shit) or just accept that im going to get trapped if they being in Tar, and take the gamble, knowing ill have to play a little riskier to discourage Landorus-I later. You flat out cannot deny its usually a risk using Latias to counter Landorus-I + Tar because christ I know from experience how vulnerable you feel.
Stealth Rock isn't doing anything even if it is up.
Christ man you know thats worded really badly (and im being kind here). Losing 25% health + damage from U-Turn + that switch to a counter forcing you out again, is huge and you know it. Despite this I will consider Gyarados a really good / solid check (despite always running into Psychic Landorus (yes that easily predict my switch x_x)) because it just is. Gengar is also a good check although Scarf Tar cockblocks it really bad (which discourages me from relying on it) and Mandibuzz I will always consider a mediocre pokemon at best (because sadly it really is).
That's not boned because you can Roost up. If you're running any more bulk like SubCM it doesn't even always do over half accounting for Stealth Rock damage. Also you can't exactly 2HKO with U-turn...
As stated above, from experience every Roost (Yes I run Sub CM Latias as well occasionally) feels like a coinflip (Shit, it doesn't have to be a Tyranitar, Scizor switch is always a decent possibility if I have revealed Substitute thus informing my opponent im prolly SubCM) because that Tyranitar can oh so easily predict that roost (and hey, if it guesses 'wrong' then you very likely switched out anyway instead of recovering pushing you into that 2KO) and from experience, I feel so vulnerable :(
This post is way 2 long (so 90% chance of typos) so sorry about that tbh, just needed to respond to a few things.
Don't use statements such as "Landorus-I ALWAYS beats stall" or Landorus-I ALWAYS loses to stall" because its obvious (since various people have posted contrary to the above) that it doesn't quite fly atm, (even if I still disagree with one of the above statements). You can post evidence to the above tho, or argue against points and shit, just don't....be so emphatic or something as idk, it might not be so cut and dry.
Fuck im tired.
Cut down on statements like this "Wait a sec, so you plan on beating Landorus-I with guess work and if you guess wrong you lose?" (Yes I picked a pro ban post to show im not just picking on anyone in particular) as they just inflame and shit. TRY to be civil / diplomatic / nice / phrase things better or something pls, even tho its really fucking hard sometimes cos it makes my job 100% easier.