Dear sunny004, you are The Psychopath.
Alias: try and find me.
You are a bloodthirsty murderer, intent on massacring all who stand in your way. Or so the news reports say. The truth is that you’re just bored and better than everybody else, and what better way to show it than to reign supreme over the smoldering ashes that the rest of these peons call a ‘Big City’?
Each night, you may submit “NX - Kill <Alias1> and Frame <Alias2>”. You will kill <Alias1>. This has the highest priority of any killing action in the game and cannot be tracked, watched, or otherwise ID’d. You may submit any flavor for this kill that you like, and it will be shared with the daily update. Additionally, you will frame <Alias2> for the death, making it look like <Alias2> carried it out for any Track / Watch / ID purposes.
As you are a genius and clearly more capable than anyone else, you are able to emulate anything you see. Any time a villager dies who has a regularly targeted action (i.e. not a one-shot, but something usable every other cycle is fine), you will gain the ability to use that action with the same effect and cadence. Note that this only applies to regularly submitted abilities, and not passives.
Also, once in the game, you may submit “NX - Convert <Alias>”. You will convert <Alias> to your side if they are a member of the Big City, and they will become your minion. Your minion will inherit the nightly killing action should you die, but no other abilities. You may also opt to have your minion die in your stead and swap aliases, but are not required to do so. You cannot die in your minion’s stead, obviously. Recruitment actions have the highest priority in the game, and yours has the highest priority of all recruitment actions.
You know that your mere presence sends the rest of the game into a state of panic. There are a number of roles that will be seen as The Psychopath on Big City inspection and / or death. At any time, you may submit a PM for what they will be falsely seen as under these conditions. There may be slight variations from your submission based on who dies, at the host’s discretion. Should you die, this cloud of paranoia will cease, and there will no longer be any false results of this nature. These roles all have the same text hint in their role PM, which says this: “You’ve felt recently that a wave of panic has swept through the Big City. Others may not be as trusting of you as they should be.” Whatever PM you submit will also be what you are seen as on inspection by the Big City. The PM you submit must have the role name ‘The Psychopath’ with a last-man-standing win condition.
You also know how to keep your presence under the radar. You are immune to death of any kind until the end of Night 500, and are immune to all Night actions permanently. You may choose to drop this protection for inspections only if you so choose. Additionally, you are permanently immune to any Roleblock effects.
You are a master of stealth. You may choose whether or not to reveal your alias at the conclusion of the day any time you make a vote by PMing the host separately.
In this game there is a role called the Conspiracy Theorist. While this role is not an immediate threat to you, you know that it’s been digging into Neutral affairs and should be dealt with sooner rather than later.
Finally, you are aware of the other Neutral players in this game. They are:
- The FBI Agent
- The Anarchist
- The Assassin
These players can win under certain conditions. You cannot win while they are in the game, but if one of them achieves their win condition and leaves the game prematurely, then you can still win. If two leave the game as winners, you will automatically lose and be removed from the game. They are not aware of their relation to you and I will not confirm or deny it beyond ‘The Psychopath needs all others dead to win’.
You may, once per day and night, send an anonymous note to the Cartel. They cannot reply. The host will help you anonymize yourself in discussions with them if you need help with this.
You are allied with yourself. You win if either you or your minion are the last player standing.
As it is now Day 500, your immunity to all night actions has not ceased, as has your immunity to death. You are, however, now permanently immune to all disruption effects, including redirection and harmful safeguards.
Additionally, you may now recruit at any point during the day or night. You may still only successfully recruit once.