Noble Items

Lava Cookie: If the holder is burned, they recover 100% of their health, and their burn is cured. The item is then consumed.
Flavor: While it used to heal all status, burn is more related to lava. Also, eating food items is usually associated with HP gain.
Competitive: Basically an alternate Lum Berry for Pokemon that are total burn magnets. It's less flexible, but it can have fun turn-around moments. I can see it being good on DD Dragonite -- Rotom tries to burn it, and instead restores its Multiscale.

Magmarizer: If the holder is hit by a Fire type move, they take no damage and their Speed is raised one level. The item is then consumed.
Flavor: The Fire-type equivalent of Motor Drive, Electrivire's signature ability. Once we do his item, I'll submit the same idea, but for Electric.
Competitive: Serves as a less reliable yet more convenient Salac berry on Fire-weaks. Scizor will love this item, patching up it's low Speed as it sets up an SD on Magnezone using HP Fire. Even if you don't need the speed, the temporary Fire immunity is nice.

Magma Stone: If the holder is Heatran, enemy Stealth Rocks will melt and be absorbed by the holder upon switch-in. The holder takes no damage and the Stealth Rocks are removed from the field.
Flavor: Magma is more or less melted rock, thus, a Magma Stone melts rocks. Heatran is a lava Pokemon. Yeah.
Competitive: Gives an alternative niche to Heatran, trading recovery for free hazard control. Basically the same principal as Toxic Spikes being absorbed by Poision types, but more limited in scope. Good on offensive teams that can't get a chance to Spin/Defog, or even stall where Heatran is a staple.

Soot Sack: If this holder switches out with boosted stats, upon switching back in, they will retain half of their boosts, rounded down.
Flavor: While storing stats in a bag is kind of silly, it makes sense that as a sack, it should be holding on to something/saving it for later.
Competitive: If you're able to set up an SD but then are forced out, you still get to be +1 when you come back in. It's a neat toy for sweepers that may prove to be useful, specifically if you use a +2 boost, as +1 will be rounded down to zero.
The holder cures the status of the Pokémon switching in upon switching out.
Flavor: Passes some of the cookie to the switch-in. This originally cured status.
Competitive: Allows some Pokémon to act as mini-clerics in addition to pivots.
If the holder is hit with a non-SE move, it has its type changed to Fire.
Flavor: "Magmarizes" moves.
Competitive: Allows Fire-types and Fire resists, especially Flash Fire mons, to turn neutral hits into resistances or immunities.
If the holder is Heatran, their Defense and Special Defense are boosted by 50%.
Flavor: Heatran can draw on this magma to bolster his defenses.
Competitive: Basically trades recovery for huge bulkiness, making Heatran a much more formidable wall.
I got nothing.
I don't know about Gen 2, but they can't be held in HGSS because otherwise the player would be able to catch DPPt Pokemon in those balls. Basically a gameplay mechanic.

Throbulator's point (Unless he wants to pop in and say I'm off the mark) is that what I said still holds true -Showdown doesn't provide representation for items that are impossible to hold.

It does provide representation for items that are completely, 100%, totally useless but still holdable. If you want to give an item that is useless in every way, even for Flinging, to your Pokemon, Showdown is 100% behind you.

And I'm still not a fan of doing Key Items. The goal of this mod is to make a bunch of items that are supposed to be good stop being shit (Specifically, be worthwhile picks over Mega Stones), not essentially invent, whole cloth, new items from nowhere that have the names of Key Items.
Lava Cookie: The user cannot be frozen and takes half damage from Ice type attacks
Flavor Reason: Makes it a counterpart to the Castellia Cone. The half damage from Ice type attacks was to make it less useless
Competitive Reason: Could be used by many pokemon who are weak to ice, such as dragon types. And I also wouldn't really say this outclasses the NevermeltIce since that also decreases damage taken from Fire type attacks

Magmarizer: Doubles the chance of burn on the user's attacks with a chance of burn. If the user is Magmar or Magmortor, the chance is tripled instead
Flavor Reason: It seems natural that this would make stuff burn more. The special effect for Magmar and Magmortor is to have it so that they still have an attachment to this item in some form
Competitive Reason: Great item for physical walls to use, allowing them to cripple phyiscal attackers more easily. It also gives Magmortor a niche of having some attacks with increadible burn chances, such as a Lava Plume with a 90% burn chance, and a 30% burn chance Fire Blast isn't to bad either
Time to vote!
First Choice:UserX
Second Choice:UserY
Third Choice:UserZ

The First Choice gets 3 points, second gets 2 and third gets 1. The user with most votes will have their submission added into the project itself.

Magic bounce effect once - (Tarontos)
The holder is cured of major status ailments when they switch out. Not used up. - (Ghoul King)
If the holder is burned, they recover 100% of their health, and their burn is cured. The item is then consumed. - (Jajoken)
The holder cures the status of the Pokémon switching in upon switching out. - (Phione)
The user cannot be frozen and takes half damage from Ice type attacks - (The Pizza Man)

50 percent chance to burn opponent when they make contact(100% on a move that takes or knocks off the item - (Tarontos)
If the holder is Magmar, their Attack and Special Attack is increased by 50%. - (Ghoul King)
If the holder is hit by a Fire type move, they take no damage and their Speed is raised one level. The item is then consumed. - (Jajoken)
If the holder is hit with a non-SE move, it has its type changed to Fire. - (Phione)
Doubles the chance of burn on the user's attacks with a chance of burn. If the user is Magmar or Magmortor, the chance is tripled instead - (The Pizza Man)

Fire types gain 1/8th health back each turn - (Tarontos)
If the holder is Heatran, enemy Stealth Rocks will melt and be absorbed by the holder upon switch-in. The holder takes no damage and the Stealth Rocks are removed from the field. - (Jajoken)
If the holder is Heatran, their Defense and Special Defense are boosted by 50%. - (Phione)

Removes entry hazards on switching (still take damage on switch) - (Tarontos)
If this holder switches out with boosted stats, upon switching back in, they will retain half of their boosts, rounded down. - (Jajoken)
Send your votes to me via PM.

To keep this thread active in this phase, here are some questions
  • Are there any items you want to see in the next slate?
  • Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]
  • Are there any new possible strategies/sets that can be made with the last week's items? What Pokemon take advantage from those items?
  • You can also discuss Ghoul King's Heat Rock unless someone changes their votes or speaks up until the start of the next submission phase.
Let's do an accuracy slate, next! ^^
What do you mean by that? There are only two accuracy-related items and one evasion-related item (we already did the other one). I can make a Lens/Glasses after the type-specific items are done.

Throbulator's point (Unless he wants to pop in and say I'm off the mark) is that what I said still holds true -Showdown doesn't provide representation for items that are impossible to hold.

It does provide representation for items that are completely, 100%, totally useless but still holdable. If you want to give an item that is useless in every way, even for Flinging, to your Pokemon, Showdown is 100% behind you.
Nope. It's impossible to hold the Park Ball as it's unobtainable. It isn't even an actual item in DPPt. As an item, it doesn't appear in the bag once you enter HGSS Pal Park (I don't think Bag and Pokemon menu options are even accessible). The Sport Ball has the same problems IIRC.
Gamefreak simply doesn't allow Pokemon to hold Key Items because people could break their games by releasing the Pokemon holding it. It allows Pokemon to hold the most useless items just because those items are safe to be released. Gamefreak just added an effect to a key item in their latest installment, transforming it into a normal item with a holding restriction before the story event that involved it. They could do the same for other story-related key items, but that would be pointless work since they don't have effects. While Showdown does have some useless items, it doesn't have many of them (Relic items, evolution-inducing stones, medicines). As for this Pet Mod, take it as the Key Items gaining effects and being reclassified like the Blue and Red Orbs or something, if that really bugs you.

And I'm still not a fan of doing Key Items. The goal of this mod is to make a bunch of items that are supposed to be good stop being shit (Specifically, be worthwhile picks over Mega Stones), not essentially invent, whole cloth, new items from nowhere that have the names of Key Items.
Well, the original goal of this Pet Mod is still in the OP. Adding Key Items is a part of it, to a lesser extent. The goal needs to be updated though, seeing as I planned on adding Mystery Dungeon items but will probably not do so. We'd end up having hundreds of items (close to one for every Pokemon), the complexity of it would be insane for a project that will probably not have a large quantity of players for suspect tests, viability tests, etc. Out of the 153 Key items, we've given/are giving effects to three, and will only give effects to more 10 or so of them. The sheer majority of them are complex human-made items, and don't fit as held items at all. The added complexity of it is not nearly as bad as the PMD items, and so I don't see a competitive reason as to why they should be removed. I'm always up for debate as to whether or not Key Items are going to influence the metagame for worse though.
Oh, and maybe Soot Sack was too big of a stretch, but you did submit an effect for Red Scale, which is a Key Item that could pass as held item. :P
The Red Scale is an item from Gen II. You can hold it in Gen II.

The Park Ball is an item in Gen II. You can hold it in Gen II. (Not within normal play, I mean, because the Bug-Catching Contest is weird, but with minor hacking)

The Soot Sack is an item from Gen III. It has never been holdable by a Pokemon, the end.

I don't think you're getting the distinction being made here. Gen II was different than its remakes. There were items you could give to Pokemon that you can't give to Pokemon in the remakes. That sort of thing.

I might do commentary on last week's items tomorrow, but not right now.
I've been thinking maybe it's time we did the choice slate (choice items plus assult vest or metranome ). I've been think about ways to make these spice up certain things. Not going to go into detail but priority is definitely a influence on my concepts for these items.

An orb slate(sinnoh trio items plus life orb(leave toxic orb for poison slate) ) would be nice-these have enogh flavor to get some real unique effects out of the deal.

Drives(gensect items) could also produce interesting effects.
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The Red Scale is an item from Gen II. You can hold it in Gen II.

The Park Ball is an item in Gen II. You can hold it in Gen II. (Not within normal play, I mean, because the Bug-Catching Contest is weird, but with minor hacking)

The Soot Sack is an item from Gen III. It has never been holdable by a Pokemon, the end.

I don't think you're getting the distinction being made here. Gen II was different than its remakes. There were items you could give to Pokemon that you can't give to Pokemon in the remakes. That sort of thing.

I might do commentary on last week's items tomorrow, but not right now.
The Red Scale was always a key item, but it's attached to the Red Gyarados. What happens if you remove it from Gyarados and then try to give it back to something else?

The Pal Park and it's ball debuted in DPPt. You're confusing it with the Bug-Catching Contest one, the Sport Ball, which is named Park Ball in the Japanese version. And if we take hacking into consideration, Key Items can be held with hacking.

How about a Poison-type slate, then?

I've been thinking maybe it's time we did the choice slate (choice items plus assult vest or metranome ). I've been think about ways to make these spice up certain things. Not going to go into detail but priority is definitely a influence on my concepts for these items.

An orb slate(sinnoh trio items plus life orb(leave toxic orb for poison slate) ) would be nice-these have enogh flavor to get some real unique effects out of the deal.

Drives(gensect items) could also produce interesting effects.
I'll leave the currently viable items for last. I'll also leave legendary signature items for last, since this will be an OU metagame.
The Red Scale was always a key item, but it's attached to the Red Gyarados. What happens if you remove it from Gyarados and then try to give it back to something else?

What happens is: you have a Pokemon holding the Red Scale. I distinctly recall this, because I experimented with giving Pokemon the Red Scale on the assumption it would do something interesting, and it didn't, but I absolutely could give it to them. It was a waste of time to do so, but still possible. Not so with Key Items of any kind from Gen III onward.

The Pal Park and it's ball debuted in DPPt. You're confusing it with the Bug-Catching Contest one, the Sport Ball, which is named Park Ball in the Japanese version. And if we take hacking into consideration, Key Items can be held with hacking.

Wrong again. The Bug-catching contest ball is called the Compe Ball in Japanese (Probably short for Competition Ball) and the Park Ball in Gen II. You can check Bulbapedia's page on Pokeballs if you like. It's only in Gen IV that it got switched to "Sport Ball" in English.

Did you even play Gen II?

Also, my own point about minor hacking was that the items exist in the code and can be given to a Pokemon without any modification of game data, it's just that the game will never place you in a position of being able to do so. Hacking a Key Item onto a Pokemon in Gen III onward is not creating a situation that could happen in normal play but doesn't, it's bypassing an explicit rule against doing a specific action by cheating. There is an important conceptual difference.

Are there any new possible strategies/sets that can be made with the last week's items? What Pokemon take advantage from those items?

The Flame Plate is probably useful to a lot of random Pokemon, but particularly bulky physical attackers who want enemy damage pushed down. Entei probably resents everybody else getting stronger-more-accurate-Sacred-Fire albeit they have to carry an item, but eh, whatever.

The Charcoal is going to be a goddamn nightmare, and in particular starters are way more lethal. Also, Greninja is ultra-broken, being able to spam Hydro Cannon and Hyper Beam. Yikes. Also this is arguably better for Dialga than its Orb. Oh and Sylveon and Aurorus love this for being able to spam Hyper Beam too, but its elemental and boosted to boot. Cripes. And Porygon-Z can replace Specs Tri Attack with Charcoal Hyper Beam. Ironically, actual Fire types aren't that impressed, not even the Fire starters. (Charizard would rather Mega, half the Fire starters are Physically oriented and so aren't fond of Blast Burn, Typhlosion may still prefer Specs Eruption... I guess Delphox might appreciate it?

The Flame Orb is mostly a slight upgrade for Guts users, but it does have the mildly interesting quirk of turning every attack from a Fire type into having a Burn chance, freeing them up to focus on coverage attacks even when they want a Burn. (eg Heattom might run it so even its Volt Switches have a Burn chance, which would be quite obnoxious against the likes of Azumarill)

The Heat Rock basically is a straight upgrade to Sun-setter Ninetales, but also has more niche secondary uses -you can give it to a Talonflame to ignore hazards entirely, which is arguably a better choice than Leftovers, for instance.
Drives aren't technically signature as they can be used by Smergal(or anyone whom learns techno blast), any more than plates are the signature item of arceus.
But i digress.
The voting phase has ended!

Lava Cookie | If the holder is burned, they recover 100% of their health, and their burn is cured. The item is then consumed. (by Jajoken)
Magmarizer | Doubles the chance of burn on the user's attacks with a chance of burn. If the user is Magmar or Magmortor, the chance is tripled instead (by The Pizza Man)
Magma Stone | Heatran gains 1/8th health back each turn. (by Tarontos)
Soot Sack* | Removes entry hazards on switching (still take damage on switch) (by Tarontos)
Also, Ghoul King's Heat Rock is confirmed.

New Items for Submission:
(Note: Please try and do all if possible. Thank you.)
Poison Slate part 1
Toxic Plate
Poison Barb
Black Sludge
Toxic Orb

*Addendum: As per demand, we will deal with Key Items differently. Here's what I came up with. Flavorful Generation I and II Key Items will be added normally. Flavorful legendary-related Key Items will be retconned into legendary signature items, just as the Blue and Red Orbs were. Key Items unrelated to legendaries from Gens III~VI will not be added. This makes Key Items consistent with the main games.
The Soot Sack will be removed, and another item that wasn't upgraded will receive it's effect. Suggestions are welcome for choosing what gets the effect. As Tarontos's version won, he'll have the last word.
Thanks everyone for the input on Key Items.

Drives aren't technically signature as they can be used by Smergal(or anyone whom learns techno blast), any more than plates are the signature item of arceus.
But i digress.
True. I guess we can change the signature items or add more than one effect (like Plates changing Judgement type plus something else). So Genesect's Drives will not be last on the list.

Did you even play Gen II?
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Toxic plate

the holders normal moves become poison have 50 percent chance to badly poison
mirrors the fire plate
Poison Barb

(change)-Grants poison touch and poison point and iron barbs
allows for some boosted defenses that punishes u-turn and generic hitting of this Pokemon and really just punishes things, u-turn/dragon tail deal's damage
Toxic Sludge

poison types gain 1/8 hp every turn, Badly poisons holder, moves that make contact with the holder have recoil+(1/4)
keeps the initial flavor acts as poison heal for poison types and adds a neat side effect to hitting them with contact moves, use
Amoongus, and Scoliopede and poison heal, and steel types that want to punish contact
Toxic Orb

poison's holder, moves that make contact with the holder have a 30 percent chance to badly poison(100 percent on knock off).
can make tangled feat activatable without putting a really short time limit on your self. poison heal is nice as well
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Toxic Plate: Tarontos came up with what I would have put.
Flavor concept: N/A
Competitive concept: N/A

Poison Barb: Using the move Toxic Spikes sets a second layer of Toxic Spikes, at the cost of 1/8 total HP.
Flavor concept: They're toxic spikes you pull out of yourself. Ouch.
Competitive concept: Allows the holder to avoid that thorny issue of only getting one layer up before the opponent switches into regular Poison and renders their 'mon immune to a better status. Also saves Spikes-stacking teams a turn of hazard laying.

Black Sludge: Functions as usual, except when held by Grimer or Muk, it allows the holder to hit twice with the same move in one turn. Second hit has 0.5x power. Does not affect Status, multihit, self-KO, or spread moves (in doubles). Does not heal Grimer or Muk.
Flavor concept:

Competitive concept: By basically giving Muk Parental Bond (and it has the Sticky Hold to keep it there), maybe Muk will actually be usable in... I dunno, UU or something. It can already run a Choice Band set, so this would basically be a straight upgrade.

Toxic Orb: No change.
Flavor: Whatever it is already.
Competitive concept: It performs its job well already and doesn't need a change. No fucking way am I gonna buff Gliscor.
Fire type is realy bad defensively, exclusive items don't have to remain exclusive(see every exclusive item we have done so far)
the only realy good users of this item are heatran, victini and maybe volcanion.
I like the drives because they have the flavor necessary to start screwing with typing.
the someone come to think of it looking at the plates effects we may have broken ubers with arceus
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Shouldn't Magma Stone only work for Heatran instead of all Fire-types then, the someone?
Yep, my bad. Edited.

the someone come to think of it looking at the plates effects we may have broken ubers with arceus
So far, the only real problems are the Flame Plate and the Splash Plate. Fire Arceus with STAB Extreme Speed and 50% chance of burning is OP, especially in sun. Parental Bond -esque Water-type Judgement can also be deadly in rain.
Right now i'm thinking relic vase for the soot sack effect. any one have any other ideas they'd like toss my way? and i changed poison barbs effects
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Toxic Plate: Pokemon that are Badly Poisoned increment their Toxic counter two steps per turn so long as the holder is on the field.
Flavor: It's yet another of God's magic rocks, what do you want from me?
Competitive: Toxic itself is a lot more useful than Poison type moves.

Poison Barb: The holder's attacks do 50% more damage against Poisoned or Badly Poisoned targets.
Flavor: Venoshock, the item! But weaker and more general.
Competitive: Toxic -or even regular Poisoning- becomes a tool to open targets to follow up attacks. Most notably, it makes using Toxic on, say, Magic Guard Clefable not completely useless, assuming you're willing to commit an item slot to a situational benefit.

Black Sludge: So long as the holder is on the field, Poison type Pokemon gain 1/16th of their health per turn while Pokemon that are not immune to Poisoning lose 1/16th of their health each turn.
Flavor: Ugh! What's that awful smell?
Competitive: A very slight upgrade, but with major implications, most notably for breaking Sashes/non-Steel Sturdy passively.

Toxic Orb: Seconding no change. The only thing I might want to do is make it more useful for Quick Feet Pokemon, and I'm really struggling to come up with a natural way of doing that without the effect being too good.

Right now i'm thinking relic vase for the soot sack effect. any one have any other ideas they'd like toss my way?

Absorb Bulb (Feed hazards to plant!), Shell Bell (Stuff them into the clam), Odd Incense (It's odd!)... I've got nothing else.
Toxic Plate: All moves and abilities used by the user that inflict Poison inflict the Badly Poison status instead (With the same chance of occurring)
Flavor Reason: Goes by the name sake, causing moves to Toxic the opponent
Competitive Reason: Helpful for certain Poison types to wear down walls that are not immune to it, and makes the moves better overall.

Poison Barb: If this item is removed from the user via Fling or Knock Off, then a layer of Toxic Spikes is laid on the Opponent's side of the field
Flavor Reason: Creates a poisonous hazard on the ground since it was forcefully removed
Competitive Reason: Becomes an incredible item, can be held by a pokemon who resists Knock Off to make it a rather effective Knock Off absorber, and can also be used for certain Hazard users to lay down another hazard, and it also gives Fling a use.

Black Sludge: No Change
Flavor Reason: N/A
Competitive Reason: The item is good enough as it is
Toxic Orb
If held by a non poison type, at the end of the turn the holder is badly poisoned and increases their special attack by 15%. If the holder is poison type, their attacks have a 25% chance to poison the opponent. (This is additive to any existing poison chance)
Flavor: Same as Chaoswalker's Flame Orb, except with Poison types.
Competitive: Quick Feet Jolteon gets a decent boost. Who's going to use Special Gliscor?
Time to vote!
First Choice:UserX
Second Choice:UserY
Third Choice:UserZ

The First Choice gets 3 points, second gets 2 and third gets 1. The user with most votes will have their submission added into the project itself.

The holders normal moves become poison have 50 percent chance to badly poison - (Tarontos)
Pokemon that are Badly Poisoned increment their Toxic counter two steps per turn so long as the holder is on the field. - (Ghoul King)
All moves and abilities used by the user that inflict Poison inflict the Badly Poison status instead (With the same chance of occurring) - (The Pizza Man)

Grants poison touch and poison point and iron barbs - (Tarontos)
Using the move Toxic Spikes sets a second layer of Toxic Spikes, at the cost of 1/8 total HP. - (Akumeoy)
The holder's attacks do 50% more damage against Poisoned or Badly Poisoned targets. - (Ghoul King)
If this item is removed from the user via Fling or Knock Off, then a layer of Toxic Spikes is laid on the Opponent's side of the field - (The Pizza Man)

Poison types gain 1/8 hp every turn, Badly poisons holder, moves that make contact with the holder have recoil+(1/4) - (Tarontos)
Functions as usual, except when held by Grimer or Muk, it allows the holder to hit twice with the same move in one turn. Second hit has 0.5x power. Does not affect Status, multihit, self-KO, or spread moves (in doubles). Does not heal Grimer or Muk. - (Akumeoy)
So long as the holder is on the field, Poison type Pokemon gain 1/16th of their health per turn while Pokemon that are not immune to Poisoning lose 1/16th of their health each turn. - (Ghoul King)
No change. - (The Pizza Man)

Poison's holder, moves that make contact with the holder have a 30 percent chance to badly poison(100 percent on knock off). - (Tarontos)
No change - (Akumeoy/Ghoul King)
If held by a non poison type, at the end of the turn the holder is badly poisoned and increases their special attack by 15%. If the holder is poison type, their attacks have a 25% chance to poison the opponent. (This is additive to any existing poison chance) - (the someone)
Send your votes to me via PM.

To keep this thread active in this phase, here are some questions
  • Are there any items you want to see in the next slate?
  • Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]
  • Are there any new possible strategies/sets that can be made with the last week's items? What Pokemon take advantage from those items?
  • PS: Relic Vase will substitute Soot Sack.
How about a switching slate? (eject button/red car/shed shell/Smoke ball)
or a weight slate consisting of iron ball, float stone, air balloon, ring target(don't have a good fourth option)
(Sill want a drive slate but oh well that can wait).
Are there any new possible strategies/sets that can be made with the last week's items? What Pokemon take advantage from those items?

The Lava Cookie is basically a straight upgrade over the Rawst Berry, except that it doesn't constitute a Berry and therefore doesn't benefit Cheek Pouch (Irrelevant since it's a full heal) or Harvest. (Not very relevant, but technically relevant) Given the Rawst Berry is almost never used anyway (Pokemon that hate Burns usually carry Lum for incidental protection from all other major statuses) this doesn't overly bother me. Honestly, it sounds interesting on paper but I suspect in practice it will be disappointing -I guess Dragonite might run it so it can switch in on Stealth Rock Will O Wisp and get back its Multiscale?

The Magmarizer seems unlikely to see much use on much of anything. I guess Magmortar might acquire a niche using it with Lava Plume, since it gets in some damage and is actually more likely to Burn the target than Will O Wisp, but beyond that I don't see it happening -the Pokemon that might like to have its effect would probably rather run Leftovers... or more accurately, the Sea Incense, as covered before. One of the only stall Burn-spamming Pokemon that might want to use it has

the Magma Stone available as Super Leftovers, and would far rather run it. As for the Magma Stone itself, it's basically a flat upgrade to a lot of Heatran builds -there is of course Air Balloon Heatran, but for the myriad Leftovers Heatran of the world it's a flat upgrade.

Lastly, the Soot Sack Relic Vase means no one will ever run Rapid Spin ever again. (If you fear Knock Off, Sticky Hold Gastrodon or Muk might be worth running!) I exaggerate slightly, but seriously, wipe hazards on switch-in, for free? Way better than Rapid Spin, and unblockable to boot. And unlike Defog it doesn't trigger Defiant. The only flaw it has is that you do take damage from hazards on the switch-in, but this is still superior to Rapid Spin, which has the same problem magnified by the potential for spinblocking. Well, actually, there is one other point: a Rapid Spinner that's currently sitting out means setting hazards is pointless, whereas the Relic Vase-holding Pokemon has to switch back out and back in. Still, this is a huge item.

Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]

Tarontos' Poison Barb is really, really ridiculous, and completely unconditional. The nicest thing I can say about it is that inflicting regular Poison usually isn't very good. (Well, that and it's damage reflection is actually weaker than the Rocky Helmet, though that just raises the question "Do I really want to inflict regular Poison by holding a crappy Rocky Helmet?")

I'm also not a fan of the "upgrade regular Poison to Toxic" examples. Yeah, Toxic is usually more useful than regular Poison, but not against anything that intends to switch out in short order, and spending an item slot on "upgrading" your Poison in this manner seems really dubious. (Note that I'm counting the "two layers of Toxic Spikes at once" item in this description, which in particular is really really bad for a stall team obsessively trying to force-switch the enemy into hazards)
The voting phase has ended! Sorry for the delay!

Toxic Plate |
Pokemon that are Badly Poisoned increment their Toxic counter two steps per turn so long as the holder is on the field. (by Ghoul King)
Poison Barb |
The holder's attacks do 50% more damage against Poisoned or Badly Poisoned targets. (by Ghoul King)
Black Sludge |
So long as the holder is on the field, Poison type Pokemon gain 1/16th of their health per turn while Pokemon that are not immune to Poisoning lose 1/16th of their health each turn. (by Ghoul King)
Toxic Orb |
If held by a non poison type, at the end of the turn the holder is badly poisoned and increases their special attack by 15%. If the holder is poison type, their attacks have a 25% chance to poison the opponent. (This is additive to any existing poison chance) (by the someone)

New Items for Submission:
(Note: Please try and do all if possible. Thank you.)
Ground slate
Earth Plate
Soft Sand
Smooth Rock
Shoal Salt

Shoal Shell (The Shell items can have similar effects between themselves or between the Shell Bell or not.)
How about a switching slate? (eject button/red car/shed shell/Smoke ball)
or a weight slate consisting of iron ball, float stone, air balloon, ring target(don't have a good fourth option)
(Sill want a drive slate but oh well that can wait).
I want to finish element items first. Shed Shell should've been in Bug, and there'll be an extra element slate for leftover items (no pun intended). The few items that are related to more than one typing like the Float Stone will also have a separate slate. I actually didn't make a Poison slate part 2 this week because mushrooms are related to poison and grass, for example. We could make a Steel slate with Iron Ball, Flying slate with Air Balloon, etc.