Nintendo Wii U:Next Gen. of Games

When (or not) are you getting a Wii U?

  • I have one

    Votes: 4 4.1%
  • Hopefully by the end of the year

    Votes: 13 13.4%
  • Sometime in the future

    Votes: 46 47.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 14 14.4%
  • Still not sure if I will

    Votes: 18 18.6%
  • Wait...what's that?

    Votes: 2 2.1%

  • Total voters
The analog sticks being above the buttons is the only reason why I'm mad about the WiiU.

Yes...tried one out today...I suppose that it could be a little laborious to control. However, I adapted to KI: Uprising so I can handle this. Also, I don't really play many games that rely on two analog sticks.
so cute

no wi-fi though, or gc compatibility (but we knew that). still a nice looking console by all means.

oh but it's exclusive to canada :(
i surprisingly find the wii u tablet controller very comfortable to hold. it isnt heavy and the form is great for the hands. the placement of all of the buttons has been great as well. the most frustrating thing about the tablet has been attempting to use it to look around. i dont want to move my arms all over the place just to look around.

to be honest, this shouldve been the wii to begin with. analogs are necessary for any serious gaming. swining stuff around is a ok for a couple gimmicky games, but it shouldnt be something you always have to do.

also, lack of blu-ray/dvd is ridiculous.

also, transferring stuff from the wii->wii u was retarded.

1) put sd card in wii u
2) put sd card in wii
3) put sd card back in wii u

seriously? couldnt just make it a 2 step process...?
Wii has some data stored that is intentionally blocked from being able to mess with. WiiU probably loads something onto the SD card to get around that. To make it a 2-step process would likely require a wii update (which would allow you to move data that's designed to not be moved) or hacking you console (lol). Makes sense.
I don't see why it would require a Wii update. I still had to go through the process of downloading the app for both consoles. The necessary items that the Wii U put on the SD card could've been added from the app that I downloaded on the Wii.

noob programming/design/planning.

also, transferring stuff from the wii->wii u was retarded.

1) put sd card in wii u
2) put sd card in wii
3) put sd card back in wii u

seriously? couldnt just make it a 2 step process...?
Wow...I seriously have not thought about that when playing your Wii games on the Wii U you might actually want the data. It was easy going from
GC->Wii because of memory cards, but this? Oh, well. Time to pack a lunch. I'm going to work.
Man, launch day was a fucking disaster for me, my Wii U's OS was slower than a fucking PS1, and I got crashes a LOT. But after getting my Nintendo ID, its actually been smooth sailing, so thank god for that! I have 4 Wii U games at the moment: New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo Land (came with the system), Scribblenauts Unlimited, and Nano Assault Neo.

Anyways, after playing tons of New Super Mario Bros U (I still have to finish challenge mode as well!), I can safely say that this is my favorite 2D Mario EVER! The level design is about as brilliant as New Super Mario Bros Wii, and of course the return of the world map is welcome. The real winners here though are the 5 player mode and challenge mode. Over Thanksgiving weekend I played 5 player with my friends, and oh jesus its even more chatoic than New Super Mario Bros Wii. We had a rule where anyone who got a game over had to switch with the person using the gamepad... which meant that anyone who was placing blocks were HUGE assholes. With the gamepad you can ruin people's trajectory and make them fall into pits, trap them, destroy power ups, ect. The purpose of the mode is to help the players, but fuck that, being a dickhead is much more fun =)

Challenge Mode is really one of the most amazing additions ever to the Mario series. I heard some reviews compare Challenge mode to coin rush, but actually that's what Boost Rush Mode is like (more on that later). Challenge mode is basically a mode where you have to complete stages in special ways (and often times, these are original stages too!). At first it starts out easy, but when these challenges get tough, oh Christ they get brutal. Seriously challenge mode makes New Super Mario Bros U the most challenging Mario game since Lost Levels, and that makes me extremely happy! And to make the deal even sweeter, there are apparently 80 challenges!

Boost Rush is sorta like Coin rush in some ways. The idea of Boost Rush is that every stage in these packs are auto scrolling, and you collect coins to speed up the scrolling. Also, unlike Coin Rush, there is only one randomized pack, and in total there are 8 packs. I actually like this a lot more than New Super Mario Bros 2's Coin Rush because Boost Rush REALLY changes the way you play the courses. Trust me, courses are way more difficult to clear without losing a life when they are auto scrolling!

Honestly the only 3 blemishes that annoyed me were: The lack of leaderboards, recycled music AGAIN, and the Final Boss wasn't as good as New Super Mario Brothers Wii's (I'd put this games final boss right below World's). But overall, this has been my favorite launch game EVER!

As for the other games, I'll talk more about them later, I've played the other 3 for about an hour each, and while my views on these games are positive atm, I still want more time with them to give my full view on them!

I've also been playing around with Miiverse (I have around 47 posts there now), and I'll be honest, I actually really enjoy it so far. This is mostly because the Wii U seems to have attracted A LOT of artists, so every day I usually find some cool new picture to give a yeah to (a yeah is basically a thumbs up). Also shockingly, I've only seen one penis and a few swear words, the Nintendo mods are REALLY fucking fast!

Edit: OH I forgot to mention one thing: How the controller feels. Honestly I'm sorta shocked here, this thing is actually almost as comfortable as the 360 controller o_O.

If anyone in this thread wants to add me to their Wii U friend list, go right ahead, my Nintendo Network ID is Theorymon

was going to post this in weird news butt

the article said:
Kurisu-san suggested we study different types of penises in order to create figure out the relative shape and size people would draw. We spent a week doing that before we realized that we should have been looking at drawings of penises rather than real-life pictures. (laughs) We were very embarrassed about that.

I'm not sure if that's real or fake, but either it's still funny. Just imagine going into work one and your boss comes up and says "I need you to help me look at pictures of penises." lol
Oh btw guys I'd just like to mention that I registered a "Smogon" user on Nintendo Network. I may use it for some sort of smogon Miiverse thread later on. However it has a Mario mii atm because I can't find a QR code for a koffing mii x_x
I have 4 Wii U games at the moment: New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo Land (came with the system), Scribblenauts Unlimited, and Nano Assault Neo
*assorted NSMBU praise*

How is Scirbblenauts? I was looking into getting that with my system...oh yeah and I totally want Trine 2 on e-shop. Also, nice to hear such nice things about the new Mario, definitely getting that.
picking one of these up as a xmas present for my nieces but i think a huge part of why i'm doing that is because i want one myself! getting mario, scribblenauts and sega all-stars racing, all of the other games seem ehhhhh or just ports of ps3 games. still, looking forward to seeing their little faces light up on xmas and then promptly curbstomping them on mario
I don't know how many of you know this, but the WiiU's CPU and GPU clock speeds have reportedly been hacked.

CPU: 1.24 GHz Tri-Core PowerPC
GPU: .55Ghz

. If there's anything groundbreaking about the WiiU, it's pumping out gorgeous 1080p graphics with a system configuration that slow. I know about the megahertz myth, but I can't help feeling that the WiiU is sort of lacking for power.

Do keep in mind that the hacker isn't disclosing his methods of extracting the machine's clock speeds, so take it with a grain of salt.
picking one of these up as a xmas present for my nieces but i think a huge part of why i'm doing that is because i want one myself! getting mario, scribblenauts and sega all-stars racing, all of the other games seem ehhhhh or just ports of ps3 games. still, looking forward to seeing their little faces light up on xmas and then promptly curbstomping them on mario

You curbstomp little girls? Jeez Lee... :/