This is probably a result of metagame stratification (higher rungs vs lower rungs of the ladder) but I have hardly seen any shift towards stallish play (I suck, so I'm not exactly a great barometer). As good as Obi's team is, I can't seem to wrap my mind around how it could be that successful in a Trick-happy environment such as the post-Platinum metagame. If anything, it seems like Obi's repost of his stall team just resulted in a surge of players trying out the team for the first time. With so many teams packing TrickScarfers (sometimes two!), I can't see how defensive teams can keep up in the long haul.
Please feel free to enlighten me on this potential shift from offensive play to more defensive play.
Regardless of whether I encounter defensively-based teams on the ladder - incidentally I often do - threads, around Stark Mountain, particulary in the RMT sub-forum, stall-type teams are becomming favorable. Whether this be by my own experiences on the ladder, and coincidentally I end up with a defensive opposition, I do not know; however, I tend to favor that I meet these teams more and more through a definate increase in usage, and not a freakish coincidence.
Take Brawley's "What style are you most comforatble with?". In this thread, there is a suprisingly capacious ammount of choice towards
stall. Of course with a thread widely responded to, you're bound to recieve many votes for each style. But I don't discount the fact that there are many players, who favor stall remarkably, claim that they constantly play on the ladder with
stall teams with great success.
With Obi's latest, most popular RMT thread currently active, I am not suprised why we may encounter a replica used by someone else.
It is imperative that I understand why you'd be uncertain with what I claimed, as it is not ostensible.