[NEW] Official Smash Bros. Tournament Series for 3DS/Wii U


levitate, levitate, levitate, levitate
Smash BG1.jpg

General Information

So the smash room hasn't done this in quite a while but our OFFICIAL room staff hosted tournaments are back! As a reminder for those new to the room or those who have forgotten the eventual winner(s) of the tournament are featured in the roomintro for many months as the best players of each respective console!

With 1 Tournament every 2 months for 10 months you can have a chance to win it all even if you enter late or have a poor performance on one day!

Host of Wii U Tournament: Crestfall (same PS username)

Host of 3DS Tournament: ZinogreVolt (SleeperGarland on PS)

Points Awarded for Placement:
~Up to 64 entrants
1st - 5
2nd - 4
3rd - 3
5th (tie) - 2
7th (tie) - 1

~64 - 128 entrants
1st - 7
2nd - 5
3rd - 4
5th (tie) - 3
7th (tie) - 2

If you have any questions (or clarifications you need made) before - or even during - the tournament feel free to ask us here on smogon via PM/VM or find us in the room to message us!

Tournament 1
Because we are just starting up again sign-ups for the FIRST tournament will be open for 2 weeks. From today's date (April 1st) to (April 15th). The bracket will be posted on Saturday April 16th for BOTH tournaments (in the form of a challonge bracket).

Your sign-up post should be in this format:
PS Username: Crestfall
Tournament(s) I want to Join: Wii U
Nintendo ID/NNID/Friend Code etc: #####
Wii U
  • 2 stock
  • 6 minutes
  • NO Customs (whether singular custom moves nor full sets; 1111 is mandatory on everyone)
  • MEDIUM SIZED 1-1-1-1 Mii's are allowed.
  • Double Elimination
  • Items OFF
  • DSR is ON (Dave's Stupid Rule: No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set unless agreed upon by both players)
  • Matches will be Best of 3 until top 8 (or top 4 if 32 or less entrants)
  • Matches will be Best of 5 from top 8 through Grand Finals (or top 4 if 32 or less entrants)
  • Gentleman's Agreement IS allowed (you may play on an illegal stage if BOTH players agree)
  • Legal Starters (Neutrals): Battlefield, Final Destination, Town and City, Smashville, Lylat Cruise
  • Legal Counterpicks: Duck Hunt, Dreamland 64
  • Stage striking for game 1 will be 1-2-1. (The player who is on the TOP of the bracket matchup on challonge will strike first. This is completely randomized)
  • Winner may (read: should) ban 2 stages in a Best of 3. Bans only apply to that game of course - only DSR restrictions carry over throughout a set.
  • Winner may only ban 1 stage in a Best of 5.
  • 2 stock
  • 6 minutes
  • NO Customs (whether singular custom moves nor full sets; 1111 is mandatory on everyone)
  • MEDIUM SIZED 1-1-1-1 Mii's are allowed.
  • Double Elimination
  • Items OFF
  • DSR is ON (Dave's Stupid Rule: No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set unless agreed upon by both players)
  • Matches will be Best of 3 until top 8 (or top 4 if 32 or less entrants)
  • Matches will be Best of 5 from top 8 through Grand Finals (or top 4 if 32 or less entrants)
  • Gentleman's Agreement IS allowed (you may play on an illegal stage if BOTH players agree)
  • Legal Starters (Neutrals): Battlefield, Final Destination, Yoshi's Island
  • Legal Counterpicks: Duck Hunt, Prism Tower, Dreamland 64
  • Stage striking for game 1 will be 1-1. (The player who is on the TOP of the bracket matchup on challonge will strike first. This is completely randomized).
  • Winner may (read: should) ban 2 stages in a Best of 3. Bans only apply to that game of course - only DSR restrictions carry over throughout a set.
  • Winner may only ban 1 stage in a Best of 5.

  • Round 1 - 7 days
  • Round 2 onwards - dependant on # of entrants
Each tour will last about 2 month giving you PLENTY of time to get your matches done.

Similar to Pokemon Tournaments held here on Smogon we will have similar rules. I expect to see contact between you and your opponent on eachothers walls here on Smogon (or through PMs and submit screenshots if necessary). We need PROOF that you genuinely attempted to schedule time(s) to play your games in case you want to claim your opponent was "unavailable."

This should be last resort because of how much time you guys have to get shit done - I REALLY done want to give act wins, don't make me I'll get mad >:(

IN CASE OF DISCONNECTS/LAG/BAD CONNECTION - If your connection goes off once before a stock is taken - you must restart the match, regardless of any %age lead*. If it goes off for a 2nd time, your opponent (the one who did not disconnect) will get the entire set win**. If the opponent that progresses continues to only have a bad connection with his opponents, he will be unfortunately DQ’d/potentially unable to enter future tournaments :(

*If anyone is found to be abusing this they will be DQ'd and tour-banned immediately. This is an honesty based system folks, please let's just have good sportsmanship, eh?
**If the game is LF/WF/GF exceptions may be made to accommodate extenuating circumstances in order to get the best games possible at the end!

Extra Things to keep in Mind!

  • You ARE allowed to enter both tournaments just be sure to specify in your sign-up post with both your codes labeled for which console.
  • Points gained from winning in the Wii U or the 3DS tournament cannot be transferred over; they remain separate.
  • Any bad behaviour, trolling, dishonesty or bad sportsmanship will lead in an automatic disqualification. In addition, you will be permanently banned from entering any future tournaments if you are caught.
  • Replays are more than welcome if you have recording software. Feel free to upload and post in the thread!

empty for now!

empty for now!
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PS Username: Starmei
Tournament(s) I want to Join: Wii U
Nintendo ID/NNID/: zRaavv
PS Username: Megazard
Tournament(s) I want to Join: 3ds
Friend Code: 4699-6455-1828