New New Name and Profile Change Requests [READ THE OP]

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I'd like to request a name change to ''theaprilfool'' (all lowercase), please. Thanks in advance.

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Would like to change my name to Palmesote
The reason is that I can't put an ä in pokemon showdown...

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Hi, I would to delate the [神凯] from my name. The reason is that I didn't get tagged in the tournaments.

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requesting the username "MK" as I've been trying to distance myself from the full name but haven't warranted the activity for actually changing it in years until now. thanks in advance!

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Hi, I had failed to realize this account wasn't 3 years old when I made the name request because I'm genuinely stupid, but I earnestly don't want a gendered name. If I don't qualify to have it changed could I have this account deleted so as to make a new one?

nah sorry thats fine then, failed to make that connection--mari
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Hi, I’d like to request “Sabelette” for my Smogon username, I’ve been distancing myself from my current username in other places due to harassment and it’s about time to get to this one. Thank you!

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i would like to get my name changed to "roxybot". I made this account when i was a kid and i don't use this username anymore on any website.

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hey! i've been told by a few members of ss that I would be able to change my name on smogon to Rae and I think that would be very cool and swag and awesome

thank you!!

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would like to request a name change to Cosmicmemer to match my name on PS and other platforms please :)

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Howdy! I made this username when I was about 12/13ish on showdown and I would like it changed from
Mr. ShinyUmbreon -> Mr. SU
The shortening rolls off the tongue better and Mr. SU is what I go by on showdown so I'd like them to match. Thank you in advance!

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Hi, can I revert back to my old name Reken? I have the ps alt for that one and I don’t want to get confused with the user Ron

thank you in advance

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Reactions: Ron
i would like to request a name change to Nas1r which is my irl name and PS/everyother platform name
hopefully this is a acceptabel request

sorry you don't qualify
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i would like to change my name to mojitos, i made this username years ago but it kinda makes me embarrassed looking at it now

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My original name was noobswag created it jan 20th 2015. Was more of an active player in those years and fell off but now i find myself playing more and more because of the new games and my current life allows me to have more play time. Had forgotten what email address I had assigned to it and can no longer figure what the password would be. Would there be a way to get it reset or is a name change qualify for this type of thing?

pm me (Lumari)
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I'd like to get my name changed to Seismic Gravity
That's my online name and even on Pokemon Showdown though, I'm having trouble logging in.
Also the name Myao is something I used a long time ago and I don't like the name anymore.
Thank you for your time.

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Can i change my name to "patos" pls
don't use this name anymore and use that more

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Requesting a name change to: goldenghost

"ghost" would be preferable, but I understand this is not likely due to the old account having more than 100 posts

Reason: This is a second name change request, but I'd like to ask for an exception because my current name is based on an album by a musician who recently declared that he "loved Hitler"; ghost is a name that members of the community know me by as well

yea for sure--mari
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Hi, my date of birth is incorrect. It's 25 Aug instead of 26 Aug, please change it. Thank You

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Requesting name change to Flying Beagle.
I’m aware I don’t fulfil either requirement for a name change but I’m hoping an exception can be made, as my current username is a variation on my dead name (and I’m not far off the 3 year requirement anyway). Thanks in advance.

yea sure--mari
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requesting to change my name from ibby0034 to ibby. I haven't gone by ibby0034 in eons and ibby is what most people call me now

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