New Name and Profile Change Requests (Yet Again) [READ THE OP]

Hello, My name on Showdown is yunggaze, which is the full name I go by professionally.
I originally wanted "Gaze" but that was taken so I had to put the full thing.
But on Discord my name is "Gaze!" and I am hoping for that, please. I would like that, thanks.

(If "Gaze!" is not possible go with "yunggaze")

done -maroon
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requesting a name change to F.X

I use this tag on discord, which is also my name and the way my friend call me. I also dont use the boulicrok name anywhere except on smogon so i dont see a reason to keep it

sorry, this is too close to an existing username, would be confusing. if you want a different name lmk -maroon
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Haven't logged on in forever but can I get my formerly tag removed, please? Thanks!

ok -maroon
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I'd like to change my name from Besom to didls (which doesn't appear to be in use).

I originally picked this name because I was playing Dragon Quest IX and saw it in one of the characters' dialogue boxes. I don't have any connection to this name anymore and would rather use one I identify with on other platforms.

done -maroon

requesting unlock :)

ok -maroon
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requesting namechange to camsill19

it's been my discord for my entire existence on smogon so it makes things way less confusing, and let's be real this name is too long and kinda sucks.

only reason i haven't asked before is bc i wasn't sure if i could get access to the camsill19 alt on showdown, which i lost the password to almost a decade ago bc i was like 14, if that could be unlocked for me to reg again or w/e that would be awesome but either way i'm done w this long ass user

ok -maroon
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I'd like to request to change my nickname to Otak'out.
I no longer use my old nickname, and I now use this nickname on Showdown.
I've checked, and no one currently uses this nickname on smogon.


Requesting unlock pls

Should be done - deetah
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requesting namechange to Gallinova
actually nobody knows me as pinto anymore, I use this name in discord and I have the nick in ps

Giving you a chance to make sure you're set on this, you won't be able to request another name for a long time. Are you okay with that? - deetah
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Link to name change request

Requesting a name change to KazenoAUs. I go by some variation of this on Discord, PS!, and it is my YouTube channel name. I want to become more active on forums (especially for CAP Project) and uniformity across all platforms would be good. I think I fit the three years requirement (made Aug. 23, 2019, so basically just over coincidentally).


Text of name change request

Requesting account unlock, if there's any additional steps I need to take because of the long delay on this post let me know! Thank you!

You should be unlocked now - deetah
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Hi, if possible could I get my name changed to SphynxWasHere? When I made the account I misclicked

Or just Sphynx for my one name change because I checked and I don’t think there is one
Hi, if possible could I get my name changed to SphynxWasHere? When I made the account I misclicked

Or just Sphynx for my one name change because I checked and I don’t think there is one
Actually never mind, I think I’d rather correct the misclick than waste my one name change so just a change from SphynxWasHerw to SphynxWasHere

Yeah that's totally fine, I did this - deetah
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requested a name change to Blazing to better match my discord account, no longer using the name Royal5888 anywhere

Done - deetah
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If there is no problem with the 'i could be banned' message, I would like to go back to my main nick Kiry4n. That way the whole spanish community knows me. Besides, it seems more original to me and I felt very comfortable going back to the origins in PS after so long. I hope it won't be a problem, thanks.

No sorry, you have an active infraction - deetah
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Hello, I would like to change my name to kimer, this fits better with my discord account and I don't really like being called KimerCat

You'll need a badge to do that - deetah
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Request change of name to Snipyy

Reason- its the name i use everywhere, made this account with Noob in it cuz i was new to the scene, would like it to be just Snipyy now

You don't meet the requirements, sorry - deetah
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I'd like to request to change my name to MisterCrum since it's what I use on all other platforms I engage in and would like it to match those.

Also, could my birth year be fixed to be 1998? I dunno what past me was doing lying about my age lol.

Did both - deetah
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requesting namechange to Gallinova
actually nobody knows me as pinto anymore, I use this name in discord and I have the nick in ps

Giving you a chance to make sure you're set on this, you won't be able to request another name for a long time. Are you okay with that? - deetah
Yes, I'm sure with Gallinova

Did - deetah
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Hello, requesting a birthday date change.
It should be August 21st, 2002.

It was incorrectly written before because middle school me thought you had to be at least 18 years to use smogon XD

Thank you.

Done - deetah
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Birthday change -> June 30, 2002
Put in a random birthday when I signed up because I didn't know if I would actually use the site.

Did - deetah
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Hello, I would like to request a username change and a birthdate change. I created this account in 2016 when I was still a kid, and I feared I would be unable to create an account or navigate through the website in fear of this forum being 18+ lol, and I have grown out of my edgy phase to be having a name like this.

New Name: Chowd
New (actual) Birthday: June 19, 2004

ok -maroon
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Hey I'd like to change my username from augustakira to Akira 153.
I'd like to avoid having the name august associated directly to me because it's my real first name which I don't want people to know me by online. I also go by Akira or Akira 153 on discord and other places online and have used the PS alt since 2018.

Also I'd like my birthday changed from sept 22 1990 to sept 22 2005, I made the account as a child and thought it'd be a good idea to make my age older than it is. There's no point in that anymore.

done -maroon