Necturna is CAP's most versatile Pokemon thanks to its access to 1 Sketch move, allowing it to perform a varitey of roles, (RC) from spreading status, (AC) setting up entry and hazards, (AC) and being an to offensive sweeper. With the addition of Sticky Web, King's Shield, (AC) and Spiky Shield in XY and as well as Precipice Blades and Dragon Ascent in ORAS, Necturna got a whole host of new and dangerous toys to play with, giving the opponent even less of a chance of guessing which set it is running. It has the joint-second highest BST base stat total of all CAPs, (RC) Pokemon with an impressive base 120 Attack and Special Defence, which are complimented by a decent base 100 Defense. In addition, its base 81 Speed allows it to outspeed common base 80s like Speed Pokemon such as Mamoswine and Tomohawk, although it is still rather slow in comparison to most of the tier, which means it can be outsped and KOed by many common threats such as Colossoil and Cawmodore.
However, its only ability, Forewarn, is rather poor, allowing you to see the move with that highest Base Power that the opponent foe carries. Although this does have some competitive use in that it allows you to scout to an extent, it can be tricked by moves which change their Base Power, most notably Knock Off, and can often be useless. Moreover, it Necturna has a very mediocre base 85 Special Attack, preventing Necturna it from being able to take full advantage of its specially offensive Sketch moves. Most of all, it suffers from being weak to 4 forms of priority as well as Knock Off, limiting its use as a sweeper and allowing slower Pokemon to deal large amounts of damage to it. Lastly, it has a meager base 64 HP, meaning that its good defense stats are somewhat wasted somewhat.
Defensive Sticky Web
Name: Sticky Web
Move 1: Sticky Web
Move 2: Will-O-Wisp
Move 3: Shadow Sneak
Move 4: Power Whip / Horn Leech / Super Fang (add spaces)
Ability: Forewarn
Item: Colbur Berry
Evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Nature: Impish
Sticky Web is extremely useful, as it slows slowing down opposing threats and allowing allows your Pokemon to win what would otherwise be Speed ties. Will-O-Wisp can cripple the physical sweepers, most notably Cawmodore, that try to use Necturna as setup bait, and it can be used on any physical threats in general. Shadow Sneak is a STAB priority move that allows, (RC) allowing Necturna to potentially KO Pokemon and avoid things, (RC) as well as avoiding Sucker Punch. Horn Leech can be used as an alternative to Power Whip, as it which gives Necturna a form of recovery, but the lower Base Power makes it much harder to KO Colossoil, so Power Whip is recommended, while Super Fang can halve the HP of any Pokemon that isn't a Ghost-type annoy everything that isn't a Ghost type by halving their HP.
Set Details
Necturna is arguably the best Sticky Web setter in the CAP metagame and can also take advantage of its Ghost typing to also function as a spinblocker. The 4 Speed EVs allow it to Speed creep other Necturna, while the Colbur Berry in tandem with 252+ Defense EVs allow Necturna set up Sticky Web even against Colossoil, (AC) as a (Knock Off from Colossoil does less than 50% with Colbur Berry). (period, this sentence is super long) Colbur Berry also and gives Necturna her an opportunity to hurt Colossoil back with Power Whip, which does around 85% even without any Attack investment.
A specially defensive alternative with a spread of 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 Spe, a Calm nature, (AC) and Leftovers could be used, as Will-O-Wisp already deals with physical threats, but without the great physical investment, Necturna cannot stomach attacks from Colossoil.
Focus Sash is also an option, as it guarantees guaranteeing that Necturna can set up Sticky Web is set up, but it is liable to getting broken by the ever-present Stealth Rock and other entry hazards. On the other hand, Focus Sash also allows Necturna to stop sweepers. Leftovers could be used to give Necturna passive recovery, but at the cost of Colbur Berry, which is essential against Colossoil.
Usage Tips
Players will often predict a Sticky Web Necturna to lead, (RC) and send in a Pokemon to lure the Sticky Web and then switch to Colossoil to Rebound it back, leaving you with Sticky Web on your side, as well as a potentially bad match-up. (period; this is another massive sentence) – Predicting this correctly and hitting the Colossoil with Power Whip on the switch-in allows you to set up Sticky Web, (RC) then potentially tank bulk the second Knock Off and KO the Colossoil. Similarly, Magic Bounce users, most notably Mega Sableye, can bounce back Sticky Web and Will-O-Wisp. Note that other Magic Bouncers do not appreciate being hit by Power Whip and Shadow Sneak, so they take a risk if they switch switching in.
In regards to Sucker Punch from Colossoil (and other Sucker Punch users), Predicting a Sucker Punch from Colossoil and other Sucker Punch users (e.g. when Sucker Punch will do more than Knock Off due to Necturna having used up her Colbur Berry) allows you to set up Sticky Web for free, (RC) or cripple the opposing Colossoil with Will-O-Wisp, (AC) (assuming it's Rebound and not Guts). On that note, be careful when using Will-O-Wisp on watch out for burning Colossoil, as they which could have Guts, thus meaning you have gifted them a 50% increase in Attack. Heatran and Mollux both resists Power Whip and can absorb Will-O-Wisp (Heatran also gets the Flash Fire boost), allowing it them to completely wall Necturna and KO it with their super effective Fire-type STAB moves, although it they can't stop it from setting up Sticky Web.
On the other hand, many things Pokemon that will wall Necturna, such as Skarmory, Scizor, (AC) and Cyclohm, don't appreciate getting burned, as a burn which will grind down their health and, (AC) in some cases, cripple their attacking moves, so burning them on the switch-in can be a great nuisance.
Team Options
Obviously, Sticky Web Necturna is best on a team which that appreciates Sticky Web, so Pokemon which that lack a little bit of Speed, such as Choice Specs Sylveon or bulky offensive Pokemon, will benefit from the Speed drop that Sticky Web brings, (RC) allowing them to outspeed things.
Bisharp can be a good partner, as it covers 4 of Necturna's weaknesses while she Necturna covers 2 of his Bisharp's, (AC) (although they are both weak to Fire, and Bisharp is rather frail). (period) – Bisharp discourages Defoggers from removing Sticky Web, (AC) as it can get a +2 Attack boost if it switches into Defog through fear of giving Bisharp a free +2 Attack (through Defiant), and in return, Bisharp benefits from the Sticky Web Necturna puts down sets up. Staying with the theme of Bisharp, (RC) Because opposing Bisharp can get a free +2 Attack boost through Sticky Web, so it might be advisable to run a Bisharp counter, such as Haze Tomohawk (most notably the Haze set) or Unaware Arghonaut, which can take any of Bisharp's boosted attacks and/or counter it; (semi) - Tomohawk also completely walls Colossoil, Necturna's arch-nemesis.
A Mollux and Heatran counter may also be useful, the most prominent being Guts Colossoil, which can also take out other Fire-types, which are immune to Will-O-Wisp and can hit Necturna with a super- (remove hyphen) effective STAB move, as well as Chansey, who which can bulk take the Power Whip and heal off any burns that Necturna may have dealt inflicted.
Pokemon with high SpD Special Defense, such as Sylveon, can help to counter the stronger specially attacking threats, which can KO Necturna and are not affected by a burn's Attack drop. Necturna has a nasty weakness to Knock Off, but that can be allievated by having a teammate that with Pokemon who can take Knock Off, (AC) such as a Fairy- or Fighting-type like Fairy and Fighting types, as well as Megas. Necturna is weak to 4 forms of priority, and the most worrying of these is Fly-spam Flying-type spam, so a Fly-spam Flying-type spam check, such as Cyclohm or Rotom-W, (AC) can be a great partner.
Bulky Band/Attacker
Name: Bulky Band/Attacker
Move 1: Power Whip / Horn Leech / Leaf Blade (add spaces)
Move 2: Shadow Sneak
Move 3: Shadow Claw
Move 4: V-Create / Dragon Ascent / Sacred Fire (add spaces)
Ability: Forewarn
Item: Choice Band / Life Orb
Evs: 140 HP / 252 Atk / 116 Spe
Nature: Adamant
Your choice of a Grass-type STAB move: (colon) – Horn Leech gives recovery, while Power Whip is devastating but at the price of 85% accuracy. (period) - Leaf Blade is a kind of compromise, with more power than Horn Leech but without the lowered accuracy of Power Whip. Shadow Sneak is a STAB priority move that is, (RC) and good for revenge killing and avoiding priority from opponent opposing Pokemon, while Shadow Claw is Necturna's only other physical Ghost-type STAB move.
The Sketch moveslot is a choice: Choice Banded V-Create allows it Necturna to get some important KOs, such as OHKOs on Mega Metagross, Skarmory (ignoring Sturdy), (AC) and Kyurem-B (after Stealth Rocks) and 2HKOs on Chansey and physically defensive Mega Venusaur (Physically Defensive) and Chansey,. (comma -> period) However, (AC) this comes but at the cost of drops in both defenses and Speed and a lower accuracy than Sacred Fire, which gives burn utility in return for losing some power (but it's better for LO sets), while Dragon Ascent can used to lure and OHKO Necturna's arch-nemesis Tomohawk.
Set Details
This set takes advantage of Necturna's good Attack stat and decent 64 / 100 / 120 bulk (64/100/120) to be able to take hits and hit very hard. 116 EVs in Speed allow Necturna you to outspeed base 95s Speed Pokemon, most notably Colossoil, as well as max Speed Azumarill.
Choice Band allows you Necturna to hit extremely hard, (RC) at the cost of being trapped into a single move, while Life Orb allows means Necturna to change moves isn't trapped into a single move, but at the cost of some of its impressive provides less power and residual damage. (repetition)
Precipice Blades can be used as an alternative to lure and 2HKO Cyclohm and Cyclohms, (RC) as well as, both of which can deal with Necturna quite well otherwise. Bolt Strike can be used instead of Dragon Ascent, (AC) as a (Choice Band Bolt Strike has 62.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock and will 2KO even if Tomohawk Reflects or Roosts, although it has an unreliable 85% accuracy). This has the added advantages of beating Skarmory as well as Tomohawk with (and no defence drops), (RC) at the cost of OHKOing Tomohawk and lower accuracy.
Usage Tips
Sets without Horn Leech have no recovery, so only switch it Necturna in when you are sure it won't get hurt too much or after one of its teammates has fainted, allowing it to revenge kill. Choice Banded V-Create hits anything that doesn't resist incredibly hard, (RC) and so it pretty much guarantees KOs, but it lowers Necturna's defenses. (period) If it is run, use and so Necturna often comes in, uses V-Create to punch holes in the opposing team, and then is forced to switch Necturna out. Dragon Ascent is in a similar position, except that it doesn't lower Necturna's Speed.
Defensive walls such as Cyclohm, Skarmory, (AC) and Tomohawk can like to switch in and wall Necturna, as since they all resist Necturna's Grass-type STAB moves and can take bulk Shadow Claw fairly well too, although they don't like getting hit by Necturna's powerful Sketch moves. (period) (Cyclohm dislikes Precipice Blades, while Skarmory doesn't appreciate Bolt Strike, V-Create, (AC) and Sacred Fire, (AC) and Tomohawk hates Dragon Ascent and Bolt Strike).
Team Options
Necturna appreciates Gothitelle, which traps and removes physical walls like such as Cyclohm, Skarmory, (AC) and non-Shed Shell/Baton Pass Tomohawk, or powerful special attackers like such as Syclant and Stratagem. (period) which can take out these physical walls (new paragraph isn't needed) Once again, (RC) Bisharp can outspeed and easily revenge kill Necturna with its STAB Knock Off or Pursuit, although it can't switch in on anything it don't doesn't resist,. (comma -> period) This means Pokemon that and so things which can take Knock Off and other powerful Dark-type STAB moves such as Fighting- types, (RC) and Fairy-types and most Mega Evolutions are good partners. Entry hazards are also very useful for Necturna, as they and allow it to get more KOs, (AC) (most notably on Kyurem-B and Tomohawk), (RC) and break Sturdy and Focus Sashes, (AC) which would otherwise prevent KOs,. (comma -> period) and it can block Rapid Spins in return, giving it a free switch-in (although it is unwise to do this against Rapid Spin Colossoil, in case it predicts it and KOs with STAB Knock Off). (What does "it" refer to? Necturna can block Rapid Spins in return for what Pokemon?) Lastly, Flying-type spam is everywhere, so a counter like to it such as Rotom-W or Cyclohm will do wonders for Necturna. (period)
Physical Sweeper
Name: Physical Sweeper
Move 1: Shell Smash/Shift Gear
Move 2: Shadow Sneak
Move 3: Shadow Claw
Move 4: Horn Leech/Power Whip/Leaf Blade
Ability: Forewarn
Item: White Herb/Focus Sash/Life Orb/Colbur Berry
Evs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
Nature: Jolly
Shell Smash and Shift Gear allow it Necturna to double its Speed, as well as giving its already respectable attack a boost. (period) – Shell Smash gives it a bigger boost but at the cost of lowered defenses or the loss of an item. Again, (RC) Shadow Sneak and Shadow Claw are priority and Ghost-type STAB moves, (AC) respectively. (period), (RC) while there is again choice of Grass STAB – Horn Leech gives recovery, while Power Whip is devastating but at the price of 85% accuracy, (AC) and - Leaf Blade is a kind of compromise, with more power than Horn Leech but without the lowered accuracy of Power Whip.
Set Details
168 Speed EVs and a Jolly Nature allow Necturna it to outspeed Choice Scarf Kitsunoh, (AC) Latias, (AC) and Latios/Latias as well as Timid Mega Aerodactyl at +2, meaning it outspeeds everything relevant in the CAP metagame,. (comma -> period) while 108 Speed EVs with a Jolly Nature can be used to outspeed Choice Scarf Plasmanta if outspeeding Choice Scarf base 110s Speed Pokemon at +2 doesn't matter to you. If you want an Adamant Nature for more power, 252 Speed (?) EVs just miss out on outspeeding Choice Scarf base Scarfed 110s Speed Pokemon, (AC) but they allow Necturna to outspeed Choice Scarf Keldeo; (semi) or 192 EVs let Necturna outspeed Choice Scarf Plasmanta. A mixed set with Shadow Ball can be used to hit physical walls like such as Skarmory and Tomohawk slightly harder; (semi) – moving the 88 EVs into Special Attack allows you to 2HKO both after Stealth Rock.
Stone Edge is a powerful alternative which gives that provides coverage against Ice-, Flying-, and Fire-types; (semi) it can be used over a priority move. (period) (Super Effective against Ice, Flying and Fire types) if priority is not a priority, while Thunder Fang works in much the same way with higher accuracy and a lower Base Power, although boosted Shadow Claw will usually deal with most things Pokemon anyway.
In the slashfest of items: Focus Sash allows Necturna to take a hit when needed, and White Herb can be used to offset the stat drops of Shell Smash,. (comma -> period) Alternatively, (AC) Life Orb lets Necturna hit very hard and get some important KOs, most notably an OHKO on Mega Pinsir after Stealth Rock and an OHKO on 252 HP Kitsunoh, but at the cost of residual damage, which can really grind down Necturna's already mediocre bulk. (period) and Colbur Berry is really only useful for (only) Shift Gear sets, because it lets it Necturna reliably beat Colossoil and isn't broken by entry hazards. (period)
Usage Tips
If Shadow Sneak doesn't KO, Necturna is susceptible to getting hurt quite badly by common priority users, especially by Ice Shard and Shadow Sneak, (AC) which are all super effective, and by Sucker Punch if it didn't use Shadow Sneak; (semi) – Talonflame and Mega-(remove hyphen) Pinsir are OHKOed after Stealth Rock by Shadow Sneak.
Focus Sash and Colbur Berry sets can be used to bait and kill KO Colossoil, (RC) while possibly regaining the Necturna's health back through Horn Leech. (period) - Other sets shouldn't be put near a Colossoil, as it will OHKO them with Sucker Punch and is resistant to Shadow Sneak. (period)
Physical walls like such as Tomohawk, (AC) (which can also erase your Necturna's boosts with Haze or set up Reflect), Skarmory, (AC) and Cyclohm can easily take care of Necturna, so taking them out before setting up is essential. On the other hand, with boosted 120 Base Power attack and the ability to outspeed more or less the entire metagame at +2 Speed, it can take out a variety of Pokemon. Necturna is better for late-game sweeps, when its counters are gone and it can operate much more freely. Much like any set up sweeper, make sure you set up at a time where you are it is not viable to getting seriously damaged.
Team Options
Again, Gothitelle can trap the physical walls which that stop Necturna's sweep, while specially offensive Pokemon can take them out; (semi) - Landorus is a particularly good partner, (AC) as it can deal with the stall cores that trouble Necturna. Tomohawk can deal with Colossoils and Bisharp (and Bisharps), while offensive variants can heavily damage Cyclohm and Skarmory with Earth Power and Aura Sphere, (AC) respectively; (semi) – it (REPLACE it with whatever Pokemon you were talking about because I can't tell) can also set up Stealth Rock, (AC) which allows Necturna to OHKO (at +2) Talonflame at +2 and offensive Kitsunoh without Life Orb, as well as Mega Pinsir with it. Again, Pokemon such as X (physicaly or specially?) like defensive Rotom-W and Cyclohm can be helpful teammates, as they can take taking care of Pokemon such as Ice Shard and Sucker Punch users and Flying-types, which can annoy Necturna with super- (remove hyphen) effective STAB priority moves.
Spore and Friends
Name: Double Status
Move 1: Spore
Move 2: Will-O-Wisp
Move 3: Horn Leech
Move 4: Super Fang / Shadow Claw
Ability: Forewarn
Item: Leftovers
Evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Nature: Careful
Spore is the Sketch move of choice here and the focus of the set, allowing you Necturna to put send foes to sleep with 100% accuracy. Will-O-Wisp allows Necturna to burn foes, most notably due to the switches that Spore will force, crippling their Attack and whittling down their HP. This, along with maximum HP and Special Defence EVs, allows Necturna to wall quite effectively against more or less all non-super effective STAB moves. Horn Leech gives Necturna is a STAB move that also gives it Necturna some form of recovery, while Super Fang means allows Necturna to halve the foe's can half the opponent's HP, (RC) which is obviously very useful, (RC) and also gives Necturna some wall-breaking ability,. (comma -> period) or Shadow Claw can be used for a Ghost-type STAB move. (period)
Set Details
The set is aimed at crippling one foe with sleep, (RC) while still retaining the ability to burn others if the opponent foe switches out. Leftovers gives Necturna the passive recovery that it needs, allowing to increasing its longevity and so it can spread more status. The EV spread and a Careful nature maximize Necturna's special bulk, while Will-O-Wisp halves the opponent's foe's attack, meaning Necturna becomes quite bulky. An alternative EV spread of 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 Spe can be used to outspeed run Bisharp and cripple it with Will-O-Wisp.
(no need for separate paragraphs here)
Usage Tips
Necturna isn't fast and struggles to bulk take physical attacks a little bit on the physical side without the burn, so you need to be prudent about when you are switching it in. (no new paragraph) However, Spore allows you to send put a foe (as long as it isn't a Grass type or has Overcoat) to sleep, essentially removing them from the battle until they wake up,. (comma -> period) and Often as a result, the opponent will switch them out in order to not give away free turns, allowing Necturna to either cripple them the new foe with a burn or halve their health with Super Fang. (period)
Beware of Necturna's nemesis, Colossoil, which can Rebound Spore (although Necturna's Grass typing stops it from being sent to sleep itself) and Will-O-Wisp or absorb the Will-O-Wisp with Guts, while Horn Leech is too weak, (AC) (especially without investment in Attack), (AC) to cause any important KOs,. (period) although it is SE and therefore does hurt Colossoil. Of course, this also applies to other Guts users, although Colossoil is really the only prominent one in the CAP metagame. Fire-types are immune to Will-O-Wisp, while Grass types (and Overcoat users) are immune to Spore, so the opponent can get a free switch-in if they predict correctly. Also, note that Pyorak completely walls this set. Magic Bouncers, most notably Mega Sableye, can bounce both Spore and Will-O-Wisp, while Super Fang doesn't hit Mega Sableye, although Mega Diancie doesn't like getting hit with SE super effective STAB Horn Leech and can't hit Necturna super-(remove hyphen) effectively with anything other than HP Hidden Power Fire. Chansey can come in and take a Spore or a Will-O-Wisp, (AC) (which will then be cured due to Natural Cure), (AC) and Wish pass to a teammate, most notably Colossoil, (RC) or Toxic Necturna, although it doesn't particularly like getting hit with Super Fang.
Team Options
Spore (and Will-O-Wisp) can force a lot of switches, so an entry hazard setter such as Tomohawk or Ferrothorn, (RC) is useful for wearing down the opposing Pokemon and can also lure luring in the Magic Bouncers Bounce users and Colossoil that stop Necturna from spreading status. Tomohawk is also a sure counter to Colossoil, and it can set up Reflect, (AC) which boosts Necturna's ability to take physical attacks, as well as Hazing a Mega Sableye that is setting up Calm Minds after switching into Necturna.
Hard-hitting Pokemon such as like Colossoil or Shadow Tag users like such as Gothitelle can take out or trap Chansey and other clerics, (AC) like Chansey which can come in and use Heal Bell or Aromatherapy to get rid of the status that Necturna spreads, or Wish passing to get rid of the pesky Super Fang damage that it brings. Necturna is liable to getting easily KOed by SE super effective moves, most notably from Fire-types such as like Talonflame or Mega Charizard X, (AC) which Charizard-X who can predict a Will-O-Wisp and get a free switch-in, so (specially or physically?) defensive walls like such as Cyclohm and Rotom-W are great teammates once again.
Other Options
Sketch Moves
A specially attacking set with Geomancy and Power Herb can also be used, although it is outclassed by the physical sets due to Nectura's superior Attack stat, which allows Necturna to boost its mediocre Special Attack to good levels, as well as give it insane Special Defense, (RC) while still allowing it to outspeed most of the metagame. Belly Drum is also an option, using Necturna's already impressive base 120 base Attack and boosting it to insane levels. However, Necturna is too slow to really be able to pull it off as well as say Cawmodore, and it is much easier to shut it down, especially if the opponent knows that it is running BD Belly Drum, unlike Necturna's other sets.
King's Shield halves their the foe's Attack and Spiky Shield hurts the opponent foe when they try to attack Necturna. (period) These moves are hit with a move that makes contact, and can force switches, stop sweeps, (AC) and get KOs if used correctly, although they are generally outclassed by other sets. Parting Shot gives Necturna the ability to carry momentum while also crippling opposing attackers, with the exception of Defiant Bisharp. Dark Void can be used instead of Spore to give Necturna the ability to send Grass-types to sleep at the cost of lower accuracy and no longer being immune to Magic Bounced or Rebounded sleep-inducing moves. (period) Non-Sketch Moves (no new paragraph) Gravity gives Necturna's teammates some support, allowing Ground-type moves to hit Flying-types, most notably Skarmory and Cawmodore, while Thunder Fang and Stone Edge provide Necturna with coverage. Pain Split can be used (on the bulky sets) as a viable form of recovery, and Necturna can also set up Toxic Spikes (and also serves as a Spin blocker).
Checks & Counters
**Physical Walls **: Physical walls such as like Cyclohm, Skarmory, (AC) and Tomohawk can wall Necturna's STABs moves with relative ease, (RC) and can potentially stop Necturna's sweep or force it to switch out, allowing them to take control of the flow of the battle. (period)
**Taunt**: Taunt stops Necturna's defensive variants from doing their job, preventing them from spreading status or setting up entry hazards and limiting them to just using Super Fanging or hitting with other not very powerful STAB moves, (AC) – more or less stopping them in their tracks. (period)
**Priority super effective moves**: Flying-type spam, Ice Shard, Sucker Punch, (AC) and Shadow Sneak are common priority moves which that can stop Necturna in its tracks, severely damaging hurting or KOing all variants, (AC) (with the exception of Colbur Berry against Sucker Punch),. (period) in particular Flying-type spam in particular, (AC) (such as Talonflame's Brave Bird), (AC) can cause massive problems for Necturna. (period)