Hold on, while it's true that Necrozma can't run any of these spreads due to requiring 3 perfect IVs:
shouldn't it be able to run other IVs LESS than 30 in the 3 stats that aren't perfect and just bottlecap them up to perfect to pull an HP Fighting? Are there really no random spreads out there like 17/31/22/5/31/31 that produce HP Fighting that we simply didn't use until now because bottlecaps didn't exist, or does every single possible obscure variant of Hidden Power Fighting absolutely require 3 perfect IVs?
- 30/30/31/30/30/30
- 31/31/30/30/30/30
- 30/31/30/30/30/30
- 31/30/30/30/30/30
- 30/30/30/30/30/30
All out Physical Necrozma sucksI'm still confused why we have a Pokemon with 20 SpA higher than Atk but most of its movepool consisting of Physical attacks. However 107 Atk is not bad by any means so I thought that we could run a Physical set on it.
Necrozma @ Life Orb / Choice Band
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Psycho Cut
- Shadow Claw
- Brick Break / Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Brick Break / Swords Dance
Psycho Cut is Necrozma's only Physical STAB move. Shadow Claw is used to hit Ghost types that can threaten Necrozma & Psychic types that resist it's main STAB. The last two spots is mainly filler, Brick Break can be used to hit Dark types & Steel types together. However if you want to hit Steel types harder you could go for Earthquake. You can also run Stone Edge to hit Bug types, & to go along with Earthquake for near perfect coverage, but your left without something to hit Dark types. Swords Dance can be used if running Life Orb to set up for sheer power while also faking out the Sucker Punch.
Adamant can be run for sheer power, especially in conjunction with Choice Band. While Jolly can be used to outspeed full invested Base 70's, like Bisharp, Mega Heracross & Heatran.
Also tried calm mind but with a bit of a different set
Necrozma @ Darkinium Z
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Dark Pulse
- Flash Cannon
- Calm Mind
Black Hole Eclipse is a pretty sick move as it punishes Aegislash heavy for switching in, as well as doing a decent chunk to most other mons if you need a nuke.
Generally,I prefer 240 timid So that Necrozma can out speed and ko max speed heatran,bisharp,breloom and Mega Heracross and also to outspeed the Admant variants of Mega-Altaria and Dragonite which are common but max HP Modest Necrozma is viable as well but u generally are gonna run a mixed set with offensive Necrozma and u have to lower ur Spdef or defense nature so u can run it effectively.So i would say 240 Spe+ is better.Is there a consensus on good natures for this thing? Should specially offensive sets (like a rock-setter attacker set) run Timid, or is it slow enough that you're better off just going for tanky Modest builds?
He has Brick Break as an option for Bisharp, it's a physical attack so he would use his attack and calm would be detrimental.For Calm/Sassy sets, I don't understand why you would run Sassy over Calm? Isn't it better to reduce a stat you won't use?
I agree that X-Scissor and maybe Night Slash are probably better attacking options, but with stuff like Aurora Veil running rampant (and probably will be for a while even after the Pokebank update happens) I figured being able to smash through screens and let teammates deal with Ghosts would be better. Either way, I edited my post to include some more options for the second move; the coverage Necrozma gets is surprisingly diverse. Charge Beam might even be workable with its bulk and the increased oomph on Stored Power, or maybe even Thief after Weakness Policy goes off to screw with the opponent (imagine stealing Leftovers on a bulky set!).A lot of people have been writing off physical variants, but it seems like a waste to limit his already small movepool. It's unfortunate that Necrozma doesn't get any +Atk boosts (besides Weakness Policy), but I want to do some calcs (maybe after work) to see if a physical set isn't salvageable.
Also, wouldn't X-Scissor be a better choice for dark coverage, since it doesn't get walled by ghost multi-types? I get that it doesn't hit Bisharp for SE but Bisharp is hardly the only threat in the metagame.
Brick Break hits Ttar,Heatran,weavile,Bisharp,Ferrothorn and Magnezone much harder and x-scissor hits so weak even against Multi Ghost types.A lot of people have been writing off physical variants, but it seems like a waste to limit his already small movepool. It's unfortunate that Necrozma doesn't get any +Atk boosts (besides Weakness Policy), but I want to do some calcs (maybe after work) to see if a physical set isn't salvageable.
Also, wouldn't X-Scissor be a better choice for dark coverage, since it doesn't get walled by ghost multi-types? I get that it doesn't hit Bisharp for SE but Bisharp is hardly the only threat in the metagame.