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Tournament NDMPL IV - Replays

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is a Tournament Directoris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Host
Monotype Leader

Art by Bka Onon

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Semifinals | Finals

:blacephalon: [DD] Diglett's Cave Discoballs [DD] :blacephalon:
:hydreigon: [HH] HEAVENLY HYDREIGONS [HH] :hydreigon:
:sandslash-alola: [IS] Ice Path Sandslash [IS] :sandslash-alola:
:litwick: [LL] Larry's Litwicks [LL] :litwick:
:pheromosa: [PP] Pharloom Pheromosas [PP] :pheromosa:
:quagsire: [QQ] Quirky Quagsires [QQ] :quagsire:
Week 1


[PP] Sunnyboi0 vs FadedCharm [HH]
[PP] Bouki vs maroon [HH]
[PP] autumn vs Mateeus [HH]
[PP] Elyoss vs Concept Everything [HH]
[QQ] Bka Onon vs schwipper [DD]
[QQ] Mihowk vs Don Bork [DD]
[QQ] Serise vs Tico [DD]
[QQ] Memedose46 vs adjustments [DD]
[IS] TTK vs Piyush25 [LL]
[IS] Leafium Z vs Mada [LL]
[IS] crashy vs Feen [LL]
[IS] Dunes vs Ina Fable [LL]

[PP] CrossHeart vs Rinda [HH]
[QQ] Neko vs Cielau [DD]
[IS] Trouser Snakes vs Azick [LL]

[Z-less NDM]
[PP] roxie vs Sificon [HH]
[QQ] Ashbala vs TDR [DD]
[IS] Ethereal Sword vs TTTech [LL]

[NDM Ubers]
[PP] Fraolain vs Elvira [HH]
[QQ] PrinceOfAllTacos vs sapphiree [DD]
[IS] King Billu vs ToxaNex [LL]

[Monothreat Fire]
[PP] twinkay vs UNBR3AKABLE [HH]
[QQ] Gelbel3c vs Hyjinks [DD]
[IS] Big Chungus irl vs Exotic64 [LL]
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[PP] Sunnyboi0 vs Dunes [IS]
[PP] Elyoss vs Leafium Z [IS]
[PP] Bouki vs TTK [IS]
[PP] hidin vs crashy [IS]
[HH] Mateeus vs Serise [QQ]
[HH] Sificon vs Bka Onon [QQ]
[HH] FadedCharm vs Neko [QQ]
[HH] UNBR3AKABLE vs Mihowk [QQ]

[PP] CrossHeart vs Trouser Snakes [IS]
[HH] Rinda vs Ashbala [QQ]

[Z-less NDM]
[PP] sealoo vs LuckyPiper [IS]
[HH] maroon vs SHONE [QQ]

[NDM Ubers]
[PP] Fraolain vs King Billu [IS]
[HH] Saurav the Great vs R8 [QQ]

[Monothreat Dark]
[PP] twinkay vs Ethereal Sword [IS]
[HH] Elvira vs Gelbel3c [QQ]
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