National Pokemon Association- Finals! [Won by The Sacramento Slakings]

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It's all up to Fish and GEC now as I just witnessed #1 draft pick makiri
GGs to The_Chaser and the rest of the Slakings! Good close match and I'm proud of my Afrobulls for making it this far.
<3 GEC
<3 Makiri
<3 TAD38
<3 Sapphire Birch
<3 The Chaser
<3 Sacramento Slakings

Long live the Cute!

It was a great tour all teams played hard!
If it wasn't for the New York Scraftys going after our Assistant Captain OminousOppressor it is clear that the Cleveland Escavaliers were going to win. However, congratulations to the Sacramento Slakings!

Wait until VGC Nationals come around, the Escavaliers know that Regionals and online tournaments are for the small fries.
So proud of all of the Slakings for showing real character in fighting from the bottom of the table to win the NPA.

Makiri: As my number one pick you really helped me a lot in building the team and your record and teamwork vindicated why you were picked at number 1. Your midseason form was a major element in our surge up the table. It was great to have a person of your ability and experience around the team.

GEC <3 : Your clutchness got us the wins in semis and finals your such a boss. You played really well throughout the year and only legit loss was because of me. It was also fun to have your jovial nature and cuteness around the channel.

tad38: You made me proud with your prompt battles you are definately not a john. You were a great teamworker and helped us a lot in preparation. It was great to see that you got regional success.

Sapphire Birch: Best player in NPA with 3rd last pick, what a steal! You proved that reputation doesn't mean everything with your exceptional performance. You are a pretty chill dude too.

Cypher: For a person not picked in auction you did great and it was cool to get to know you ( I still demand photos though).

JabbaTheGriffin: It was cool to have you around for a while, disappointing your net wasn't working that well.

Carl: Thanks for winning 1 match. Disappointed you retired and didn't tell me or respond to pms though...

Duy: Thank you for running this tournament.

Chicago: You are a great team that gave us our biggest loss in our round 1 match up. It was great to play you in such a close final and congrats in making #1 seed and the final.

the_wolf: It was cool to talk to you, you certainly livened up our channel.

Cheeser: great manager although you live in a stupid ass timezone but anyway thanks for picking me and making such a cool team and making sure you made us play our matches on time and all that, its a shame we're on diff teams for spl but still!!!!

makiririririri: my broseph, first draft pick told cheeser to get me and still the cutest boss

birch: good god lol how nobody picked you up sooner i dont know but to be honest i dont think we would have made it past league stages if it werent for you lol, gj going undefeated for a bit :D

cypher: late but great addition to the team, you saved us that one round we picked you up and needed you desperately and since, you proved your worth, and are v cute

tad: always the first to do his matches i swear but seriously good job winning the 1st match of the finals, really got the morale up but its a shame it had to go to me tiebreaking AGAIN but my boy tad come up strong the whole time

wolf: sure you were on a diff team but when you werent the enemy you were always with us helping me out because lets face it i am a nervous fuck but thanks for all the help!

duy: ty for running this, still love your name change


Chicago, Number 1 seed for a reason. Remember when we thumped Suckramento 4-1 Week 1? Everything comes full circle.

sorry mate had to return the favour, still a v cute team with an even cuter manager though thanks for a great final :)

kinneas & eradd: npa news was wicked funny make sure you make another edition for this round since it was the best round easily and thanks for all the effort you put into it

tts: im just giving you a shoutout because seriously it took us 3 weeks to get one of our matches done then we had to play again and i was like stupid hell, but no really zollner you whooped my ass back and forth the first time but the second time... yeah

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