Barraskewda sdouldn't be in A- rank.Barraskewda is highly repetitive to floatzel and Basculegion. Both floatzel and Basculegion have a way much higher-powered wave crash compared to Barraskewda's liqiudation. The only advantage of Barraskewda is the mere speed and attack advantage.
First, the speed.
By comparing the speed of Barraskewda, floatzel , and Basculegion(speed IV 31):
Barraskewda 252speed3(under rain there is no need for +speed nature)-371(under rain 742)
Floatzel 252speed-329(under rain 658)
Basculegion 252+speed-255(under rain 560)
Compared with other fast pokemon:
+1speed 252+speed greninja-565
+2speed ceruledge 252+speed-590
quark drive 22+speed iron boulder-571
252+speed choice scarf tapu koko-591
252+speed choice scarf weavile-523
252+speed choice scarf tapu lele-475
quark drive 252+speed iron valiant-546
+1 252+speed dragonite-426
from above we can see that there is little threats that have speed above 600. The slight speed boost doesn't actually show many response. Floatzel and Barraskewda basiclly have the same speed compared to others:faster.Only Basculegion is slightly slower taht actually makes a difference.
Next, the attack boost VS wave crash:
252+ Atk Choice Band Tera Water Floatzel Wave Crash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew in Rain: 554-654 (162.4 - 191.7%)
252 Atk Choice Band Tera Water Basculegion Wave Crash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew in Rain: 530-624 (155.4 - 182.9%)(why not +Atk explained before)
252+ Atk Choice Band Tera Water Barraskewda Liquidation vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew in Rain: 440-518 (129 - 151.9%)
Very easily explained how wave crash is stronger than the attack boost
Another problem is that barraskewda is actually frailer.
Barraskewda has a bulk of 61/60/51
floatzel has a bulk of 85/55/50
Basculegion has a bulk of 120/65/75
having a better bulk means being able to survive more hits and do more damage. There is no restriction on that floatzel and basculegion must use wave crash. Better bulk also can help to not be OHKOed by priority moves better
Finally the typing. Both Barraskewda and floatzel are pure water, while basculegion is a water and ghost type. So what we are comparing is how a ghost type benefits more. You get a fighting and normal immunity. This is very good at preventing priority moves such as Extreme Speed and Mach Punch
By comparing how Barrasweda is to floatzel and Basculegion, it is ovious Barrasweda shouldn't be in A- when Floatzel and Basculegion isn't even on the list.
Last word: if you don't agree with me, yo can discuss friendly-don't be mean: I did a lot of comparision to get to this.
The main issue between the 3 is how barraskewda does what the other pokemon want to do better, while floatzel's access to wave crash makes it stronger short-term, the sheer amount of chip damage it takes means that at most it's going 1 for 1 with most water resists. Basculegion's got a better hp stat which makes it better at clicking wave crash, but since it's drastically slower than barra, it's forced into running jolly over adamant to hit important breakpoints, severely hindering its offensive capabilities. They're also much larger liabilities when rain is down, since they're so reliant on swift swim to be active to outspeed their threats, at the very least barra functions outside of rain, hitting a very good 371 in speed without jolly, beating a lot of notable threats like specs ival not in terrain and most ogerpon forms. It's also got the best coverage options for the job in close combat, which is much better than floatzel's crunch and basculegion's psychic fangs. The main issue for the physical swift swim breakers is ferrothorn which barraskewda can heavily dent with correct prediction. Toxapex is less of an issue for these teams with how phenomenal archaludon is at breaking pex balances wide open barring support from something like mtar.
252 Atk Choice Band Basculegion Wave Crash vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Toxapex in Rain: 137-162 (45.2 - 53.4%) -- 35.5% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Floatzel Wave Crash vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Toxapex in Rain: 144-169 (47.5 - 55.7%) -- 79.3% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Barraskewda Liquidation vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Toxapex in Rain: 114-135 (37.6 - 44.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
while barra does less damage, it's able to be a lot more versatile since it isn't taking constant chip from its main stab option, letting it come up multiple times, especially if hazards are up
252+ Atk Choice Band Floatzel Wave Crash vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Toxapex in Rain: 144-169 (47.5 - 55.7%) -- 79.3% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Barraskewda Liquidation vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Toxapex in Rain: 114-135 (37.6 - 44.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
while barra does less damage, it's able to be a lot more versatile since it isn't taking constant chip from its main stab option, letting it come up multiple times, especially if hazards are up
I'd argue that basculegion's ghost typing is more of a hinderance than a boon. Since last respects got banned (thank god) its only other option for a STAB is phantom force, which burns valuable rain turns and is only a measley 90 bp for your troubles. Mach punch isn't very common either, while fake out is a pretty common option on pokemon like Mlop and Mmedi, but Mlop's scrappy ability ignores it and mmedi is already beaten pretty hard by rain teams, especially ones with either zapdos or tornadus. Espeed's only abuser really is Dragonite, who all of these pokemon are already struggling with on preview, not to even count its usage falling off significantly lately for eq/spinner. The main issue with its ghost typing however, is sucker punch. It's possibly the 2nd most common priority move in the tier behind bullet punch, and being weak to it is a major reason as to why it's not ranked currently. Floatzel's bulk is also rather poor overall, while not as bad as Barraskewda's it's not great either. The main reason as to why most people use Barraskewda is because its bulk is comparable enough to the other best damaging options, but since it's got access to very important coverage in close combat, a better speed and attack stat on top of its utility outside of rain makes it the most common option for these teams. The tradeoffs of less short-term damage and slightly lower bulk have widely considered to have been worth the tradeoff for Barra's benefits, causing it to be ranked where it is right now.
also, minor aside but having competition doesn't lower a mon's place on the viability ranking, if it was like that then shifu and lele would both be lower on the ranking as they're both common scarfers rn