Mienshao doesn't get enough usage to be a UU pokemon and even then it's for a reason, it might be a good scarfer with longevity but it's hardly able to do anything given the amount of excellent Fighting resists in the meta, some of them don't even mind Knock Off as much (Clefable, M-Latias, Slowbro or Buzzwole to name a few) which just leaves it to become a U-Turn machine (Why isn't Mienshao in NatDex UU? Are there certain Fighting-types that outclass it?

Fighting types in general have it rough in this meta as they kind of need a secondary offensive typing or a different niche in order to do something. Buzzwole being the best fighter in the tier who still takes decent offensive qualities is more known for it's defensive profile, while Gapdos and Iron Hands have a secondary typing in order to threaten all the Fairies, Psychics and Flying types in their own way to keep up.