Project National Dex Teambuilding Lab V2

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Lopunny-Mega @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
Happiness: 0
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Frustration
- Close Combat
- U-turn

Kyurem @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Freeze-Dry
- Draco Meteor
- Earth Power

I want to use these two mons. But I want it to be viable for high ladder but to also to be wacky and fun. If can be done

:lopunny-mega: :kyurem: :corviknight: :landorus-therian: :rotom-wash: :tapu-koko:
Built by pannuracotta, this team is centered around pivoting in Mega Lopunny and Kyurem to break for each other using Corviknight, Landorus-T, and the Electrics. Mega Lopunny and Choice Specs Kyurem are a tried-and-true breaking core that excel in breaking each other’s checks. Corviknight was added to check Weavile, Melmetal, and Tapu Lele among other Pokemon as well providing Defog and pivoting. Groundium Z Landorus-T acts as the Stealth Rocker and Ground-type, adding another pivotas well as a way of luring and destroying Corviknight and Zapdos with Smack Down + Tectonic Rage. It’s also the best means of handling Volcarona for the team. This lets us run Rotom-W as our Water-type, which is yet another pivot that can slow things down for Kyurem with Thunder Wave and lure Grasses for the big ice dragon as well. The team is rounded out by Tapu Koko who acts as secondary speed control, revenge killing Garchomp and Kyurem and acting as the Dark resist for the team. The team capitalizes on keeping momentum on its side and knowing how your Pokemon will play their specific roles in each match. Hope you enjoy!

Hey all, Im looking for an updated version of the following core. I was a big fan of pannuracottas Mega Mawile + Ash Gren bulky offense but was just looking for the same core or team just updated with how the current meta is going.

Greninja @ Choice Specs
Ability: Battle Bond
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Dark Pulse
- U-turn
- Water Shuriken

Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off

Thankyou :)

:mawile-mega: :greninja-ash: :toxapex: :serperior: :garchomp: :corviknight:

Mario34 built this team to take advantage of the raw strength of Mega Mawile + Garchomp + Ash-Greninja when backed by a solid defensive core and some status support. Mega Mawile + Ash-Greninja have few switch-ins when paired together so they make great headway in many matchups. Toxapex was added to handle dangerous offensive Pokemon that can limit Mega Mawile while wearing down the opposition with Scald and Toxic Spikes. Serperior‘s Glare support makes Mega Mawile and Garchomp nightmares to face, as suddenly Pokemon like Heatran and Mega Latias can’t check them when paralyzed. Garchomp is the Electric immunity and Stealth Rock setter for the team, as well as the sole Heatran check. Lastly, Corviknight does the same as above, being a check to Psychic- and Fairy-types that trouble the squad. Hope you enjoy!
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:lopunny-mega: :kyurem: :corviknight: :landorus-therian: :rotom-wash: :tapu-koko:
Built by pannuracotta, this team is centered around pivoting in Mega Lopunny and Kyurem to break for each other using Corviknight, Landorus-T, and the Electrics. Mega Lopunny and Choice Specs Kyurem are a tried-and-true breaking core that excel in breaking each other’s checks. Corviknight was added to check Weavile, Melmetal, and Tapu Lele among other Pokemon as well providing Defog and pivoting. Groundium Z Landorus-T acts as the Stealth Rocker and Ground-type, adding another pivotas well as a way of luring and destroying Corviknight and Zapdos with Smack Down + Tectonic Rage. It’s also the best means of handling Volcarona for the team. This lets us run Rotom-W as our Water-type, which is yet another pivot that can slow things down for Kyurem with Thunder Wave and lure Grasses for the big ice dragon as well. The team is rounded out by Tapu Koko who acts as secondary speed control, revenge killing Garchomp and Kyurem and acting as the Dark resist for the team. The team capitalizes on keeping momentum on its side and knowing how your Pokemon will play their specific roles in each match. Hope you enjoy!

Looks like a real fun team. However, I wanted to understand how this team deals with Ash-Gren reliably. I know that Koko can take Dark Pulse and Rotom-W can take Hydro Pump, but they can't take vice-versa moves. Doesn't it make the process of checking Ash-Gren very prediction reliant?
requesting buzzwole preferably not on stall
:tapu koko: :buzzwole: :latios-mega: :landorus-therian: :tapu fini: :heatran:
Hello, I built this team around offensive 3 attacks Buzzwole + Specs Koko. Buzzwole takes advantage of Tapu Koko getting momentum on Blissey and Ferrothorn, while also providing fantastic defensive utility against the likes of SD Garchomp, Kartana, Rillaboom, and other powerful physical breakers. Mega Latios was added as a check to dangerous Fire types like Heatran and Mega Charizard Y, which can take advantage of Buzzwole, while still packing tremendous offensive pressure with its excellent coverage. Buzzwole appreciates hazard support a lot, as it requires them to achieve key 2HKOs such as Corviknight after Stealth Rock. Thus, 3 attacks SR Landorus-T was chosen as the rocker, as it keeps rocks up against virtually any defogger, while also luring Tangrowth which is a nuisance to Tapu Koko as well as Buzzwole. Tapu Fini was added as the necessary Ash-Greninja check and a secondary Heatran check while also functioning as an excellent Defog user, as well as wearing down opposing teams with Knock Off. The team struggled with Tapu Koko, Clefable, and Mega Latias, so specially defensive Heatran with Heavy Slam and Toxic was added to round out the team.

Hope you enjoy! ^_^
requesting a team built around Nasty Plot Gengar!
Gengar @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Substitute

Requesting a team with M.Latios-Heatran core, they seem to (kind of) cover for each other
Edited :3 (Was M.Alt-Heatran)
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Requesting a team with M.Altaria-Heatran core, they seem to (kind of) cover for each other (plus M.Alt is cute :3)
Hi! unfortunately as stated in the rules, Pokemon that are not on the VR are not able to be requested:
  • A Pokémon can only be requested if it's listed somewhere on the Viability Rankings thread. Exceptions can be made with prior approval from the host.
So please request another Pokemon / Core !
:tapu koko: :buzzwole: :latios-mega: :landorus-therian: :tapu fini: :heatran:
Hello, I built this team around offensive 3 attacks Buzzwole + Specs Koko. Buzzwole takes advantage of Tapu Koko getting momentum on Blissey and Ferrothorn, while also providing fantastic defensive utility against the likes of SD Garchomp, Kartana, Rillaboom, and other powerful physical breakers. Mega Latios was added as a check to dangerous Fire types like Heatran and Mega Charizard Y, which can take advantage of Buzzwole, while still packing tremendous offensive pressure with its excellent coverage. Buzzwole appreciates hazard support a lot, as it requires them to achieve key 2HKOs such as Corviknight after Stealth Rock. Thus, 3 attacks SR Landorus-T was chosen as the rocker, as it keeps rocks up against virtually any defogger, while also luring Tangrowth which is a nuisance to Tapu Koko as well as Buzzwole. Tapu Fini was added as the necessary Ash-Greninja check and a secondary Heatran check while also functioning as an excellent Defog user, as well as wearing down opposing teams with Knock Off. The team struggled with Tapu Koko, Clefable, and Mega Latias, so specially defensive Heatran with Heavy Slam and Toxic was added to round out the team.

Hope you enjoy! ^_^

Requesting a team with M.Latios-Heatran core, they seem to (kind of) cover for each other
Edited :3 (Was M.Alt-Heatran)
Hello, I have already built and posted a Mega Latios + Heatran team, so here it is!
Also, feel free to ask for any other team you'd like.
Hope you enjoy using the team :)
Requesting a team around Mega Lopunny + Reuniclus as they seem to cover each other with mega lopunny taking out the dark types like Ash Greninja, Hydreigon, and Weavile while Reuniclus can take out mons that mega lopunny struggles against like toxapex, clefable, and physically defensive Zapdos.
Thank you for the team btw :3. It kinda showed the difference between the mega lati twins for me

Can I request a team built around Jirachi+Hydreigon?
:jirachi: :hydreigon: :tapu koko: :mawile-mega: :landorus-therian: :rotom-wash:
Hello, I decided to build this team around the popular koko-mawile-hydrei core, alongside Healing Wish support from Choice Scarf Jirachi. 4 Attacks MMaw with HWish should virtually guarantee a win against stall, while Tapu Koko and Hydreigon round out the offensive core, while also offering defensive utility against mons like Hawlucha, Heatran, and Ash-Greninja. Tapu Koko provides free momentum for the powerful wallbreakers on the team, while also providing secondary speed control alongside Choice Scarf Jirachi. HP Fire defensive Landorus-T provides a physically defensive backbone to the team, helping against wallbreakers like SD Kartana, SD Garchomp, and Mega-Mawile, along with Stealth Rock support for the offensive core. Lastly, specially defensive Rotom-W provides the team with Defog support, as well as being a secondary Heatran and Ash-Greninja switchin along with Hydreigon, while also easing the team’s Mega Swampert matchup.
Hope you enjoy the team!
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requesting a team built around Nasty Plot Gengar!
Gengar @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Substitute

:gengar: :lopunny-mega: :tapu fini: :garchomp: :ferrothorn: :zapdos:
Hi, I built this bulky offense team around NP Gengar and Mega Lopunny. These two form an excellent offensive core, as Gengar is really good vs stall and bulkier teams, while Lopunny shines against offensive teams. Defog Tapu Fini and Rocks Tankchomp form a hazard core, checking notable offensive monsters such as Heatran and Greninja together. Garchomp also provides the team's electric immunity, a check to opposing Mega Scizor with Flamethrower, while also punishing contact moves by the opposing team extremely hard with Rocky Helmet + Rough Skin. Ferrothorn was added to provide Spikes support, while also acting as a check to Tapu Lele and Tapu Koko. 3 Atks Zapdos was chosen last to round the team out by providing a defensive backbone against Rillaboom and Kartana, while also being surprisingly annoying to switch into, with the combination of its STAB moves and HP ice.
Hope you enjoy the team! ^_^
Requesting a team around Mega Lopunny + Reuniclus as they seem to cover each other with mega lopunny taking out the dark types like Ash Greninja, Hydreigon, and Weavile while Reuniclus can take out mons that mega lopunny struggles against like toxapex, clefable, and physically defensive Zapdos.
View attachment 371411View attachment 371412
:reuniclus: :lopunny-mega: :gastrodon: :corviknight: :clefable: :volcarona:

gmgm, reunilop is a tried and true core, and i intended to build some solid fat around it. gastroclefcorv is the defensive core, helping you deal with waters kart grounds etc. physdef volc is there to help you deal with mmawile who usually annoys these teams a lot. hope you like it !
:reuniclus: :lopunny-mega: :gastrodon: :corviknight: :clefable: :volcarona:

gmgm, reunilop is a tried and true core, and i intended to build some solid fat around it. gastroclefcorv is the defensive core, helping you deal with waters kart grounds etc. physdef volc is there to help you deal with mmawile who usually annoys these teams a lot. hope you like it !
Oh wow thx!
requesting a team built around Tapu Lele and Kartana. Also requesting that it doesn't have Heatran or Rillaboom and can beat Rain Teams well.

:kartana: :tapu-lele: :weavile: :heatran: :landorus-therian: :tapu-fini:

Yo whats good, firstly, would like to apologise as i couldn’t not slot Heatran in due to the building difficulties that were provided, although I did, however, not include Rillaboom. Fight Z Kart + Lele + Weavile is an amazing offensive core, with Kartana removing the likes of Scizor, Skarmory, Corviknight and Melmetal for the other 2, Weavile removing Latis as well as pressuring Zapdos, and Tapu Lele cleaning once everything is weakened by the other two. The defensive core is standard, with Slam Heatran for CM Clef, Helmet Lando mainly for Lop which can get scary if you let it in a lot, but your best bet is to play extremely proactively around it. Have fun with the team !
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:tapu koko: :buzzwole: :latios-mega: :landorus-therian: :tapu fini: :heatran:
Hello, I built this team around offensive 3 attacks Buzzwole + Specs Koko. Buzzwole takes advantage of Tapu Koko getting momentum on Blissey and Ferrothorn, while also providing fantastic defensive utility against the likes of SD Garchomp, Kartana, Rillaboom, and other powerful physical breakers. Mega Latios was added as a check to dangerous Fire types like Heatran and Mega Charizard Y, which can take advantage of Buzzwole, while still packing tremendous offensive pressure with its excellent coverage. Buzzwole appreciates hazard support a lot, as it requires them to achieve key 2HKOs such as Corviknight after Stealth Rock. Thus, 3 attacks SR Landorus-T was chosen as the rocker, as it keeps rocks up against virtually any defogger, while also luring Tangrowth which is a nuisance to Tapu Koko as well as Buzzwole. Tapu Fini was added as the necessary Ash-Greninja check and a secondary Heatran check while also functioning as an excellent Defog user, as well as wearing down opposing teams with Knock Off. The team struggled with Tapu Koko, Clefable, and Mega Latias, so specially defensive Heatran with Heavy Slam and Toxic was added to round out the team.

Hope you enjoy! ^_^
Asking because I like the team and am relatively new, not because I disagree with the choice; why psychic over psyshock?
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