Project National Dex Teambuilding Lab V2

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Solaros & Lunaris

Hold that faith that is made of steel
is a Site Content Manageris an official Team Rateris a Forum Moderatoris a Top Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
approved by NatDex moderators
op mostly stolen from here and partially here

:smeargle: Builders :smeargle:

:tyranitar-mega: Rules :tyranitar-mega:

  • Welcome to the National Dex Teambuilding Lab! Here, we'll take requested starting points of a single Pokémon or a core of two Pokémon and produce a team based around it, post it here, and include a description of our teambuilding process to hopefully help others improve their building toolkit.
  • To request a core, simply post the sets and have a brief description providing an overview of how the core works/what it does.
  • You may only request once at a time, please wait until your request is done before making another.
  • A Pokémon can only be requested if it's listed somewhere on the Viability Rankings thread. Exceptions can be made with prior approval from the host.
  • Please do not ask us to make use of unviable Pokemon / cores, I recommend them to be at least B+ or higher.
  • If you'd like to change one of your requests please contact the host beforehand.
  • Please don't pester any builder to build quickly, we all have our busy lives and we're doing this completely voluntarily.
  • I reserve the rights to claim a request as unworkable and not list it if it features a impractical core or an awkward set.

:clefable: Building Applications :clefable:

If you wish to become a member of the Lab staff, please send the hosts a forum PM containing an application that follows the format below. Bear in mind that demand for builders will fluctuate based on the volume of requests and the activity level of the Lab's current staff.

1. Be knowledgeable regarding National Dex and the current metagame
2. Provide evidence demonstrating your skills as a builder (RMT Team Showcase, examples of successful teams, etc.)
3. ~A paragraph in length describing how you build / what playstyle you are best at building (offense, stall, or balance, to be precise)
You must clearly demonstrate to the hosts that you deserve consideration as a builder. If you do not provide enough useful information to successfully enable us to judge your suitability for the position, your application will be declined.
edit: builder applications are OPEN. Please PM me so I can review the applications.
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:heatran: Unreserved Requests :heatran:

:dragonium-z: :garchomp: + :slowking-galar: - Dorron
:zapdos: + Calm Mind :clefable: - Adib10
:hydreigon: + :aegislash: - AnubhavMega
Rock Polish :landorus-therian: - ChrisPBacon
:rillaboom: + :magnezone: - alectaguesma
:latios-mega: + :volcarona: - Avaritia GC

:corviknight: Outdated Teams :corviknight:


Magearna + Zard Y VoltTurn by Zneon


Rillaboom + Normalium Z Kartana by Sevelon


Mega Scizor + Choice Band Tyranitar by Jordy


Zard Y + CB Tyranitar by Sputnik & Pannuracotta


CM Tapu Fini + Magnezone by yugon.exe


Magearna + Choice Scarf Landorus-T by Solaros & Lunaris


Calm Mind Clefable + Ash-Greninja by Zneon


Zard X + Tapu Koko by Solaros & Lunaris & JayC1127


Mega Venusaur + Twave Melmetal by Solaros & Lunaris, Aurodian & JayC1127


Amoonguss Stall by Solaros & Lunaris and Sevelon

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:toxapex: Team Archive :toxapex:

:mawile-mega: :landorus-therian: :alakazam: :corviknight: :toxapex: :hydreigon:
Alakazam + Corviknight by Avery

:diancie-mega: :kommo-o: :weavile: :serperior: :victini: :garchomp:
Mega Diancie + Kommo-o by adsam

:medicham-mega: :greninja-ash: :amoonguss: :landorus-therian: :tapu-fini: :jirachi:
Mega Medicham + Ash-Greninja by adsam

:lopunny-mega: :hydreigon: :corviknight: :landorus-therian: :greninja-ash: :amoonguss:
Mega Lopunny + Hydreigon by omicorio

:venusaur-mega: :weavile: :heatran: :gastrodon: :corviknight: :tapu-koko:
Mega Venusaur by pannuracotta

:venusaur-mega: :blaziken: :skarmory: :weavile: :tapu-fini: :landorus-therian:
Mega Venusaur + Blaziken by pannuracotta

:hydreigon: :lopunny-mega: :slowking-galar: :kyurem: :tapu-fini: :landorus-therian:
Taunt Hydreigon by pannuracotta

:camerupt-mega: :tapu-bulu: :slowking: :corviknight: :reuniclus: :greninja-ash:
Tapu Bulu by adsam

:hoopa-unbound: :lopunny-mega: :rotom-wash: :ferrothorn: :landorus-therian: :greninja-ash:
Nasty Plot Hoopa-U by adsam

:gyarados-mega: :tapu-bulu: :zapdos: :tapu-fini: :heatran: :landorus-therian:
Mega Gyarados by adsam

:weavile: :lopunny-mega: :heatran: :tapu-fini: :corviknight: :landorus-therian:
Weavile by adsam

:crawdaunt: :lopunny-mega: :landorus-therian: :tapu-fini: :corviknight: :heatran:
Crawdaunt by adem

:aegislash: :latias-mega: :toxapex: :tyranitar: :gliscor: :kartana:
Aegislash by Avery

:tapu-koko: :scizor-mega: :kartana: :landorus-therian: :tapu-fini: :zapdos:
Mega Scizor + Tapu Koko by emillight

:slowking-galar: :landorus-therian: :corviknight: :mawile-mega: :greninja-ash: :zarude-dada:
Landorus-T + Galarian Slowking by adem

:sableye-mega: :corviknight: :weavile: :gliscor: :chansey: :clefable:
Mega Sableye + Corviknight by R8

:kyurem: :lopunny-mega: :corviknight: :landorus-therian: :rotom-wash: :tapu-koko:
Kyurem + Mega Lopunny by pannuracotta

:mawile-mega: :greninja-ash: :toxapex: :serperior: :garchomp: :corviknight:
Mega Mawile + Ash-Greninja by Mario34

:tapu-koko: :buzzwole: :latios-mega: :landorus-therian: :tapu-fini: :heatran:
Buzzwole by Mario34

:rillaboom: :kartana: :tapu-fini: :scizor-mega: :landorus-therian: :heatran:
Kartana by Avery

:jirachi: :hydreigon: :tapu-koko: :mawile-mega: :landorus-therian: :rotom-wash:
Jirachi + Hydreigon by Mario34

:gengar: :lopunny-mega: :tapu-fini: :garchomp: :ferrothorn: :zapdos:
Gengar by Mario34

:reuniclus: :lopunny-mega: :gastrodon: :corviknight: :clefable: :volcarona:
Reuniclus + Mega Lopunny by adem

:kartana: :tapu-lele: :weavile: :heatran: :landorus-therian: :tapu-fini:
Kartana + Tapu Lele by adem

:latios-mega: :magnezone: :weavile: :tapu-fini: :heatran: :landorus-therian:
Mega Latios + Magnezone + Pursuit by Avery and omicorio

:victini: :ditto: :ferrothorn: :hydreigon: :gliscor: :scizor-mega:
Ditto + Victini by Avery

:landorus-therian: :magnezone: :tangrowth: :gastrodon: :corviknight: :nihilego:
Nihilego by Avery and Optify
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shadowpeashooter said:
I would like to request a team with M-Lopunny with NP Hydreigon. Lop helps out against Blissey and have U-Turn for Hydreigon to come in. Hydreigon can wallbreak for Lopunny to clean late-game.

(I am also wondering if the two bunny core of Cinderace + Mega Lopunny is viable. Same goes for Buginium Z Volcarona. but for now I'm just gonna ask for something that is more reasonable)

Lopunny-Mega @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Close Combat
- Fake Out
- U-turn

Hydreigon @ Groundium Z
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 8 HP / 220 SpA / 28 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse
- Earth Power
- Roost

E: Forgot to mention this but I prefer playing Balance/BO and definately not HO.
E2: Now I'm also wondering if a Protean-Bunny core of Cinderace+MLop+Greninja is viable. Probably going to request it next when I need another team :P.

Old post from old thread. Requesting this core please.
(and yeah Cinderace is banned I know this was January and I didn't bother to edit it out.)
Hi, I'm looking to request a team around the core of explosion mdiancie and clangorous soul kommo-o, with the idea being that diancie can blow up on the mons that would normally prevent kommo-o from boosting, such as pex and clefable.
Hello, I would like to request a core of Life Orb Alakazam and Corviknight


Alakazam @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Nasty Plot
- Focus Blast
- Dazzling Gleam/Recover


Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 SpD
Impish Nature
- Brave Bird
- Roost
- U-turn
- Defog

The idea of the core is very simple: Use Corviknight to pivot on the Steels, bulky pivots. and frail offensive mons it lures in to bring Zam in and give it a chance to fire off strong LO hits or even set up.

In the meanwhile, you can use Corv to,pivot in on the strong priority/physical moves that are,used to revenge/threaten out Zam

Truth be told I am requesting this because I question Zam being on thr VR at all and I wanted to see the kind of team jt could fit on, figuring that Corviknight is a generic enough partner that you could use it with Zam on just about any teamstyle.
Hello, I would like to request a core of Life Orb Alakazam and Corviknight


Alakazam @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Nasty Plot
- Focus Blast
- Dazzling Gleam/Recover


Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 SpD
Impish Nature
- Brave Bird
- Roost
- U-turn
- Defog

The idea of the core is very simple: Use Corviknight to pivot on the Steels, bulky pivots. and frail offensive mons it lures in to bring Zam in and give it a chance to fire off strong LO hits or even set up.

In the meanwhile, you can use Corv to,pivot in on the strong priority/physical moves that are,used to revenge/threaten out Zam

Truth be told I am requesting this because I question Zam being on thr VR at all and I wanted to see the kind of team jt could fit on, figuring that Corviknight is a generic enough partner that you could use it with Zam on just about any teamstyle.
i had this on hand, the rest of the teams requested are either done and awaiting write ups / in the works, i assure the rest of you.

:mawile-mega: :landorus-therian: :alakazam: :corviknight: :toxapex: :hydreigon:

ur speed control is zammer but aside from that u should be fine, 4atks maw allowing drei to be steelium is pretty cool as well. the big thing here is how drei / zam apply a ton of pressure to maw's checks & vice versa, pex lando and corv are there for pivoting mainly but also theyre just a solid defensive core, hope u enjoy
i had this on hand, the rest of the teams requested are either done and awaiting write ups / in the works, i assure the rest of you.

:mawile-mega: :landorus-therian: :alakazam: :corviknight: :toxapex: :hydreigon:

ur speed control is zammer but aside from that u should be fine, 4atks maw allowing drei to be steelium is pretty cool as well. the big thing here is how drei / zam apply a ton of pressure to maw's checks & vice versa, pex lando and corv are there for pivoting mainly but also theyre just a solid defensive core, hope u enjoy
Actually didn't expect a response so soon but this team looks fire, so I'll give it a spin!

Thanks chief :blobthumbsup:
Hi, I'm looking to request a team around the core of explosion mdiancie and clangorous soul kommo-o, with the idea being that diancie can blow up on the mons that would normally prevent kommo-o from boosting, such as pex and clefable.
gm my friend
:diancie-mega: :kommo-o: :serperior: :weavile: :victini: :garchomp:

Hihi made this core into a neat HO, with mdia as a lead as it beats most foggers + prevents rocks on ur own side. Serp was added to clean late game + spreading paras to give more boosting opportunities for the other mons, and also really pressures bulky grounds and waters for chomp. Scarf tini was added to lure and KO pokemon like tran, pex and fini which can cause problems for the other members, and also benefits from rocks being gone to get maximum damage gambits. SD vile here is also a scary threat on HO with luring and KOing corv and appreciating fini, tran and pex being gone, and rocks help it secure KOs on the like of Corv and Skarm. Lastly chomp was added as the ground and really appreciates steels and fairys being pressured / killed.

I'd Like a Mega Medicham + Ash team please

bom dia
:medicham: :greninja-ash: :landorus-therian: :tapu-fini: :jirachi: :amoonguss:
Hihi, Medi + Agren is a cool offense core, and I came up with this cool build for it. SupDef Lando T imo is probably the best partner for these types of offensive cores, and I used Fly Z due to it luring grasses and pressuring them for Gren. Amoong + Fini gives us a nice defensive core when coupled with Lando, and together they check the likes of Heatran, Tapu Koko, Ash Greninja and Rillaboom for the team. I chose the mushroom>AV tang due to tspikes being a bitch for teams w fog fini. Lastly, I added Scarf Jirachi as it offered immediate speed control + checks the likes of Lele and Mega Latias short term, as well as HWish making medi+gren even scarier late game, and even cleans weakened teams.
Old post from old thread. Requesting this core please.
(and yeah Cinderace is banned I know this was January and I didn't bother to edit it out.)

:lopunny-mega: :hydreigon: :corviknight: :landorus-therian: :greninja-ash: :amoonguss:
This team was built by omicorio, and centers around busting open defensive teams with Hydreigon to let Mega Lopunny or Ash-Greninja clean house. Mega Lopunny is the primary speed controlof the team, with a flexible 4th slot to better take advantage of traditional counterplay or support the team with Healing Wish. Groundium Z Hydreigon is an unparalleled wallbreaker, OHKOing Pokemon like Clefable at +2 with Tectonic Rage. In addition, it’s decent bulk and defensive typing let it serve as the team’s Heatran switch-in and secondary Ash-Greninja check. PhysDef Helmet Corviknight is the team’s answer to Weavile, and lets it have an easier time against Kyurem. It also Defogs and U-turns on various passive Pokemon to bring our breakers in for free. Landorus-T is also able to pivot, but it sets Stealth Rock and compresses Electric and Ground immunities very well. Smack Down allows it to lure in and smack Corviknight and Zapdos, allowing it to keep rocks up. Ash-Greninja forms a vicious Dark spam core with Hydreigon, wearing down shared checks like Tspu Fini to clean up the game. It also keeps up the pressure vs offensive teams should Mega Lopunny go down. Lastly, Amoonguss rounds the team out as an Ash-Greninja switch-in, sleep spreader, and CM Clef and Tapu Fini check thanks to Clear Smog. Hope you enjoy the team!
I'd like a team around Venu-Mega, as it's C on the VRs and it might have a niche so.
Also, are URed mons possible to request? c:

:venusaur-mega: :weavile: :gastrodon: :heatran: :corviknight: :tapu-koko:
This team was built by pannuracotta, using the classic VenuVile core to handle Ground- and Grass-types for Tapu Koko to sweep. Mega Venusaur acts as a sturdy answer to Mega Mawile, while also acting as a buffer against Pokemon like Tapu Fini, Ash-Greninja, and Specially Defensive Heatran. Weavile handles the Psychic-types that Mega Venusaur can’t manage, most notably Tapu Lele and Mega Latias. Gastrodon is the team’s primary Ash-Greninja and Heatran switch-in, while also acting as a Ground-type so that Tapu Koko doesn’t win immediately. Heavy Slam Heatran acts as the team’s Stealth Rock setter and CM Clefable check, while also chunking the Tyranitar that may give this team trouble. Its also a consistent check to Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn. Corviknight acts as the team’s Ground immunity and Defogger and lets Weavile and Tapu Koko enter for free to revenge kill Pokemon like Garchomp and untransformed Greninja. Lastly, Tapu Koko piles on the offensive pressure, acting as both a wincon and speed control with decent longevity thanks to Roost.

Looking for blazikan and mega venu team

:venusaur-mega: :blaziken: :skarmory: :weavile: :tapu-fini: :landorus-therian:
Once more built by pannuracotta, this team centers around supporting CB Blaziken and CB Weavile with defensive pivots who appreciate the immediate breaking power of the two. Mega Venusaur reprises its role from the previous team as a Mega Mawile counter and Tapu Fini check. CB Blaziken can easily shred teams once the opposing team’s Water- and Geound-types have been weakened, which is especially deadly alongside Skarmory’s Spikes and Weavile’s Knock Off. Skarmory lets the team hold its own against Mega Mawile, Mega Garchomp, and Rillaboom, using Whirlwind to phaze and rack up Spikes damage. Weavile traps Mega Latias for Blaziken and Mega Venusaur, and acts as the team’s speed control. Tapu Fini is the Heatran and Ash-Greninja counter for the team while also Defogging away their hazards. Smack Down Landorus-T rounds the team out as a Ground-type that can remove Zapdos and Corviknight, while dealing decent damage to anything with Tectonic Rage. The heavy Special Defense investment lets it handle Tapu Koko and Zapdos better, and with Mega Venusaur and Skarmory, physical defense investment isn’t necessary.

This may sound crazy but i'd like a taunt hydra team to be built. Taunt hydra can use bliss as a setup fodder and i know that it gets almost completely outclassed by groundium hydra as you can easily pair it up with a Mawile or Lopunny to pressure blissey. But it sounds really fun.

:hydreigon: :lopunny-mega: :slowking-galar: :kyurem: :tapu-fini: :landorus-therian:
The last team built by pannuracotta centers around battering special walls with Taunt Hydreigon so that Choice Specs Kyurem can break holes in the opposing team, with Mega Lopunny cleaning up the carnage. Rocky Helmet Taunt Hydreigon can consistently beat Blissey in 1v1s, while checking the likes of Heatran and Calm Mind Reuniclus. Mega Lopunny can easily take advantage of Pokemon like Weavile that Hydreigon can draw in, while U-turning on Pokemon like Landorus-T to let Kyurem wreak havoc. Galarian Slowking adds to the damage with Future Sight, while also being a sturdy special buffer against opposing Kyurem, Tapu Lele, and Mega Charizard Y. Tapu Fini and Landorus-Therian round the team out by providing a good defensive core that can bring in our wallbreakers for free.
I would like to request a team with my core being Mega Lopunny and Hydreigon.

Lopunny-Mega @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- High Jump Kick
- Return
- Triple Axel

Hydreigon @ Groundium Z
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt
- Nasty Plot
- Earth Power
- Dark Pulse

Would like a stealth rock user, but I don't know which one would fit the team so this is where I mostly need help with it if anyone takes it. Hydreigon moves could be changed if wanted.

This request has already been done! You can take a look at the archives in the 2nd post for both of them.

So uhh, one of my friends wanted a bulu bulky offense ( he is indeed adem's deciple ), and i couldn't build one, asking for help!

:camerupt-mega: :tapu-bulu: :slowking: :corviknight: :reuniclus: :greninja-ash:

hello hello! i actually built this team like right before you submitted this request, so was ecstatic to see this which gave me a readon to test it out. it was built around the core of bulu + agren + camel, agren appreciates camel weakening bulky waters ie gastro fini for it, and agren spreads spikes which camel loves to break much better. bulu provides a start to the defensive core + a wincon with camel n gren softening up builds for it to clean, and camel loving the birds that bulu brings in, and bulu loving the waters gren brings in, and both bulu n gren loving the grounds camel brings in. reuni was added as a secondary wincon and appreciates camel and gren softening up teams + weakening gastro for it, also deals with bulkier builds v nicely. corv was a last to finish of the defensive core in: providing fog, a main grass check, a secondary ground check, a check to ices / lop check, with helm chosen to punish vile, lop and landos turning on you. hope u and ur friend like it ^^

Requesting a team built around NP Fight Z Hoopa-U if that's okay.

:hoopa-unbound: :lopunny-mega: :rotom-wash: :ferrothorn: :landorus-therian: :greninja-ash:

heyo! finally got a nice team w it after multiple failed attempts, got this cooked up. i built this with the core of hoopa + lop + gren, which is quite a solid offensive core with hoopa breaking a lot of bulkier squads and abusing the defensive mons that gren and lop bring in like weakened pex, bliss, chans etc with nasty plot making it harder even to try and check it defensively. grens and lop benefit extremely well from this as they can easily clean once hoopa has knocked holes through teams, and grens spikes greatly amplify the whole cores breaking capabilities. washtom + ferro + lando is the teams defensive core, with chople hazardless ferro here due to sd rilla being an issue. together this core covers threats like heatran, lopunny, kartana and agren short term, whilst providing extreme utility on twave + rocks + pivoting to bring in your breakers. spikes on ferro and beam on gren is also an option, and so is making lando fly z and hoopa sub metronome / different z, change to your liking, enjoy the team ^^​

:camerupt-mega: :tapu-bulu: :slowking: :corviknight: :reuniclus: :greninja-ash:

hello hello! i actually built this team like right before you submitted this request, so was ecstatic to see this which gave me a readon to test it out. it was built around the core of bulu + agren + camel, agren appreciates camel weakening bulky waters ie gastro fini for it, and agren spreads spikes which camel loves to break much better. bulu provides a start to the defensive core + a wincon with camel n gren softening up builds for it to clean, and camel loving the birds that bulu brings in, and bulu loving the waters gren brings in, and both bulu n gren loving the grounds camel brings in. reuni was added as a secondary wincon and appreciates camel and gren softening up teams + weakening gastro for it, also deals with bulkier builds v nicely. corv was a last to finish of the defensive core in: providing fog, a main grass check, a secondary ground check, a check to ices / lop check, with helm chosen to punish vile, lop and landos turning on you. hope u and ur friend like it ^^

:hoopa-unbound: :lopunny-mega: :rotom-wash: :ferrothorn: :landorus-therian: :greninja-ash:

heyo! finally got a nice team w it after multiple failed attempts, got this cooked up. i built this with the core of hoopa + lop + gren, which is quite a solid offensive core with hoopa breaking a lot of bulkier squads and abusing the defensive mons that gren and lop bring in like weakened pex, bliss, chans etc with nasty plot making it harder even to try and check it defensively. grens and lop benefit extremely well from this as they can easily clean once hoopa has knocked holes through teams, and grens spikes greatly amplify the whole cores breaking capabilities. washtom + ferro + lando is the teams defensive core, with chople hazardless ferro here due to sd rilla being an issue. together this core covers threats like heatran, lopunny, kartana and agren short term, whilst providing extreme utility on twave + rocks + pivoting to bring in your breakers. spikes on ferro and beam on gren is also an option, and so is making lando fly z and hoopa sub metronome, change to your liking, hope u like the team ^^​
camel as well?? damn, you did not disappoint, thanks :D
Looking for a Gyarados-Mega Team. :Gyarados-Mega:
preferable sub set.
Thanks! (Non HO please)

:gyarados-mega: :tapu-bulu: :zapdos: :tapu-fini: :heatran: :landorus-therian:

built this squad with the intention of mgyara out of ho (which was a pain believe me) and felt offensive bulu was a great partner to it, due to it breaking down / taking advantage of bulky grasses, water and flying types for gyara, mainly. bulu lures and breaks skarm, corv, a chipped tang, amoong, zapdos, toxapex and tapu fini for gyarados, easily paving a way for a sweep. zapdos + tapu fini was added as the start of the defensive core as they provide defog in fini, a strong ash gren and grass check due to bulu being offensive, and a way to pressure the likes of mscizor and mlop. spdef slammee tran was added due to the teams lack of way to not lose to cm clef, and pressured builds that relied on fini to check both tran and mgyara immensely, as well as providing rocks. lastly, scarf special lando was added as a method of speed control + revenging the likes of sd kart and (mega)garchomp.

I'd like a team around Chansey on non-stall (if it looks too hard I can change my request tho nw), as it may fit with some hazzard control support and stuff like that over Blissey, as it has more bulk, though Blissey's already on the falling so it may be hard, pce!
Also forget to say this but ty for the team! It's p solid def.
:lopunny-mega: :hydreigon: :corviknight: :landorus-therian: :greninja-ash: :amoonguss:
This team was built by omicorio, and centers around busting open defensive teams with Hydreigon to let Mega Lopunny or Ash-Greninja clean house. Mega Lopunny is the primary speed controlof the team, with a flexible 4th slot to better take advantage of traditional counterplay or support the team with Healing Wish. Groundium Z Hydreigon is an unparalleled wallbreaker, OHKOing Pokemon like Clefable at +2 with Tectonic Rage. In addition, it’s decent bulk and defensive typing let it serve as the team’s Heatran switch-in and secondary Ash-Greninja check. PhysDef Helmet Corviknight is the team’s answer to Weavile, and lets it have an easier time against Kyurem. It also Defogs and U-turns on various passive Pokemon to bring our breakers in for free. Landorus-T is also able to pivot, but it sets Stealth Rock and compresses Electric and Ground immunities very well. Smack Down allows it to lure in and smack Corviknight and Zapdos, allowing it to keep rocks up. Ash-Greninja forms a vicious Dark spam core with Hydreigon, wearing down shared checks like Tspu Fini to clean up the game. It also keeps up the pressure vs offensive teams should Mega Lopunny go down. Lastly, Amoonguss rounds the team out as an Ash-Greninja switch-in, sleep spreader, and CM Clef and Tapu Fini check thanks to Clear Smog. Hope you enjoy the team!
this actually works really well! i didn't plan on having ashgren in it but given its ridiculous damage output and good matchup against offense im happy that its in the team :) thank you so much !
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