Project National Dex OU Teambuilding Competition - Cycle 47.5: Hiatus

Offensive Volcarona + Weavile Bulky Offence
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This team aims to remove or chip down offensive Volcarona's checks with Weavile and Heatran. Weavile takes care of the bulky dragon/ground types while Heatran traps and removes passive walls like Toxapex. Skeledirge, Clodsire, etc (with the help of terastallisation for the latter two).


The focus of this team, has a somewhat unusual set by using giga drain over bug buzz, but Weavile can trap and remove the targets bug buzz seeks to hit (e.g. the Latis).


Basically what was mentioned above - attempts to take advantage of the switches Volcarona will force with its ice/dark STAB combination and pursuit. Knock off removes items from its own defensive checks so its teammates have an easier time chipping them down.


Physical wallbreaker that sets up hazards and answers electric types.


Acts as a pivot, defogger and ground type check while providing the team with secondary item removal. Key for stopping grass/fighting type threats that give Weavile/Garchomp a hard time.


Traps and removes passive walls that check Volcarona. Also softens up its own checks with toxic. Can act as an emergency check for the electric types that Garchomp cannot handle (e.g. Tapu Koko) with the help of terastallisation.


Second pivot for the team that provides a second layer of protection against strong physical attackers with its solid defences and will-o-wisp. Pain split lets it stick around longer, especially against teams with passive checks for it.

This is my first time joining a teambuilding competition - I apologise if the team is not up to par :psysad:
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Sorry I'm late, voting time!

Team A
Volc+Kyu BO
:volcarona: :kyurem: :kingambit: :rotom-wash: :landorus-therian: :lopunny-mega:
another version where volc is offensive to help with urshifu if it gets a little tricky

:Volcarona: :Kyurem:
I think Volc+Kyurem has nice synergy because kyurem can cover water types, dragonite and such and volc can help with kyurem’s weakness such as mega scizor, fairies, fighting, steel and such.

Kingambit traps gholdengo, mlati if it doesnt run sub and such also is a nice rock resist helping kyu and volc’s weakness.

Rwash is a nice fogger, can wisp stuff like urshifu and other physical attackers and a pivot overall a nice mon.

Lando is our stealth rocker and an electric immune also resists fighting if volc gets too worn down.

Mega lopunny is our speed control, helps vs HO.
Team B
:sv/Volcarona: :sv/Dragapult: :sv/Kingambit: :sv/Tornadus-Therian: :sv/Swampert-Mega: :sv/Tapu Lele:

Classic team where you spam status with everything in order to beat down your Dragapult's checks.

Fat volc to wisp everything in sight, especially phys attackers like :garchomp: and :dragonite:, and the annoying :clodsire:.

Standard Hex Pult, pairs really well with the team and also pressures HO and well as acts as Speed Control.

fat gambit with toxic and low kick to continue spreading status + lure to beat opposing :kingambit:, tera ghost to pressure :zamazenta: and status it for hex pult to beat down.

torn to act as a spdef pivot to scout :dragapult: and :heatran:, with tera grass to punish rain and water moves from :walking wake: while still maintaining an advantage into grounds

slow pivot that also spreads status and sets rocks, has great mixed bulk and is ev'd to outspeed :heatran:, I had no use for the mega slot here so I had room for experimentation

scarf lele to act as speed control and pressure HO, standard tera psychic to act as a late game cleaner/breaker, with hp-ground to pressure :heatran:


tera grass heatran really annoys this team, though you have :tapu-lele: and faster pivot :swampert-mega: to pressure it, as well as :tornadus-therian: to scout it

not the worst matchup, but it really depends on you being aggressive with :kingambit:, :dragapult:, pressuring it with :tornadus-therian: or statusing it with :swampert-mega:
Team C
Electric Terrain + Volcarona Offense
:Sv/Dragapult: :sv/lopunny-mega: :sv/iron valiant: :sv/great tusk: :sv/tapu koko: :sv/volcarona:
Click the image for pokepaste
This team is mainly based on electric terrain and screens. Tapu koko can set up both screens and terrain while some strong sweepers are there waiting for this moment.
:Volcarona: Volcarona is a strong Pokemon and it's access to quiver dance helps it become bulkier + stronger every time it uses it.
:iron valiant: Iron Valiant in the back can sweep with its lo + terrain boost on speed and Tera fairy makes moonblast even stronger so it becomes unstoppable.
:Lopunny-mega: Lopunny can easily counter gholdengo with its scrappy and kingambit loses to it.
:Dragapult: Dragapult is a set up sweeper. Ghostium Z + dd + dragon darts can kill anythin except kingambit. However Lopunny can do so.
:Tapu koko: Koko can set up both terrain and screens and then switch out usin u-turn. It can also taunt to stop status moves.
:Great tusk: Great Tusk is a strong and bulky Pokemon. The set I'm running is based on bulk up sweep. Ice spinner is for Lando and rapid spin for speed boost. Eq is for hitting hard after getting boosted

Final Team:-
Team D
Offensive Volcarona + Weavile Bulky Offence
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Click on the images above for the Pokepaste

This team aims to remove or chip down offensive Volcarona's checks with Weavile and Heatran. Weavile takes care of the bulky dragon/ground types while Heatran traps and removes passive walls like Toxapex. Skeledirge, Clodsire, etc (with the help of terastallisation for the latter two).


The focus of this team, has a somewhat unusual set by using giga drain over bug buzz, but Weavile can trap and remove the targets bug buzz seeks to hit (e.g. the Latis).


Basically what was mentioned above - attempts to take advantage of the switches Volcarona will force with its ice/dark STAB combination and pursuit. Knock off removes items from its own defensive checks so its teammates have an easier time chipping them down.


Physical wallbreaker that sets up hazards and answers electric types.


Acts as a pivot, defogger and ground type check while providing the team with secondary item removal. Key for stopping grass/fighting type threats that give Weavile/Garchomp a hard time.


Traps and removes passive walls that check Volcarona. Also softens up its own checks with toxic. Can act as an emergency check for the electric types that Garchomp cannot handle (e.g. Tapu Koko) with the help of terastallisation.


Second pivot for the team that provides a second layer of protection against strong physical attackers with its solid defences and will-o-wisp. Pain split lets it stick around longer, especially against teams with passive checks for it.

This is my first time joining a teambuilding competition - I apologise if the team is not up to par :psysad:

Voting ends on Thursday, 8 PM GMT+2
:Baxcalibur: : the choice band lets you kill things. drops in one hit things like washtom, pelipper, spdef pex i think, pert,hey this mons pretty good into rain! decimates other walls too like 2hkoing sciz with rocks up (if it hasnt megad on 1st glaive s in ), destroys hippo, flinches down skarm, and dents a ton too. ice shard kills stuff like pult and no1 expects it so
:Clodsire: : this mon really isnt that bad! with wa its goated into sun and rain and unlike the hipper it absolutely slops on wake and washtom too. also checks ghold andsoft checks most special threats whcih is nice for the team . bluffing unaware always a thing. tera dragon to beat fire blast yard
:lopunny_mega: :hyper offense hates him with this one simple trick ! with defensive mons like torn dirge clod that can get overwhelmed, having such a fast offensive threat to revenge kill those that can break through things. uturns into bax on defensive walls and lets bax click funny rush. since they share "checks" in bax' case. bax can also flinch down stuff like mr skarmy for lop and then lop gets to close combat
:Skeledirge: : this mon is goated! checks a shitton of stuff offensively! beats lop, zama (ish), too many to count ! creeps gambit evs and tera water also helps with mega perter if bax goes down
:Gholdengo: :I HATE :tapu_lele: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! checks that thing and is a decent wincon, forces progress against a lot of builds, another way of checking zama and dnite
:tornadus_therian: :defogger and offensive pivot! tera flying over defensive tera lets you really threaten comps without a sound flying resist, uturn also gives another way to get in the bax

watch shin godzilla :blobthumbsup:
DD Baxcalibur Spikes BO

DD Bax is very dangerous, and on this build it acts as one of four potential cleaners that are all very threatening in their own right, therefore putting large amounts of strain on defensive cores while threatening to blow offense away if it makes one mistake. Toxapex blanket checks a lot for this (Mlop Zama IVal yall know the drill), but Gunk Shot is something I'm trying as it breaks Walking Wakes subs (SubSunny is an easy 6-0 otherwise) while still being Toxapex. This means I don't have to put something weird on this for the Wake matchup lol. Mega Diancie is hugely underrated and just hell and back for teams to switch into, Spikes is good to support Bax Lando and Gambit. SpDef Tran helps out against Lele and Torn-T in particular while having the bulk to take the hits that it needs to. Scarf Lando compresses Defog with a backup Fighting resist, and Kingambit is Kingambit, SD Defiant is good at punishing Defog attempts while checking Pult. Teras on Lando and Kingambit help out with IVal and Hawlucha which are the biggest threats to this.

(Edit: You can make Pex scald or something now that Wake is banned lol)

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Ninetales+BaxCeru HO
:Ninetales: :Baxcalibur: :Ceruledge: :Gyarados-Mega: :Iron-Valiant: :Great-Tusk:

Ninetales a fine screen setter with encore to encore stuff that wants to sweep, safeguard for mons that wanna toxic/wisp our mons and can boost baxcalibur def to help it set up easier you can use other mons than ninetales if its too slow for you

Ceruledge walls Mega Scizor, Iron Valiant and immune to zamazenta cc also can hit heatran with close combat

Mega Gyarados helps with stuff like gholdengo, kingambit and more

Iron Valiant has great immediate speed with booster energy and overall is nice

Great Tusk bulk up + z is really nice and rapid spin helps with ninetales, bax, reg gyara getting in also is a nice elec immune
Snow + Electric Terrain Bulky Offence
Click on the images above for the Pokepaste


Physical wallbreaker of the team, abuses snow set by Slowking via chilly reception to fire off attacks without being revenge killed easily. Also benefits from future sight support to push through checks.


Special wallbreaker of the team. Also benefits from Slowking's future sight to break through checks, but abuses the terrain set by Tapu Koko to outspeed most of the metagame.


Offensive pivot that sets up terrain for Valiant and pivots one of the wallbreakers in.


Ultimate role compressor for this team - removes hazards with defog, pivots via u-turn, knocks off items and provides a strong type profile without being too passive.


Sets hazards, takes physical hits and provides a secondary form of speed control via thunder wave to compensate for Baxcalibur's lack of speed.


Specially defensive pivot that sets snow for Baxcalibur to abuse with its pivoting move while providing future sight support for the wallbreakers.
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Audino-Mega for Wish pass and Heal Bell support keeps the team healthy

Baxcaliber runs the standard Dragon Dance + 3 attacks + Loaded Dice

Tapu Lele w/Choice Scarf helps chipping down the other team for Bax and for speed control

Toxapex tanks what Bax is weak to while providing chip with Rocky Helmet

Kartana w/Choice Scarf for added speed control

Kingambit with AV and heavy HP investment gives more bulk against special attackers
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TheREALqq Baxcalibur National Dex Sun-Hail Team

Baxcalibur Sprite.pngNinetales-A Sprite.pngVenusaur Sprite.pngTorkoal Sprite.pngHariyama Sprite4.pngFerrothorn Sprite.png

Baxcalibur is our star of the show today so let me just briefly describe his moveset real quick. Loaded Dice helps out Icicle Spear as we want to max out his dmg output for his only Ice type move. And I put Thermal Exchange over Ice Body even though I have Ninetales-A on my team bc everyone knows Thermal Exchange is js better :) DDance is a basic setup and Brick Break destroys Grimmsnarl Screen users and Eq is js coverage.

Alolan Ninetales

Nth much I gotta say. Js Hail Setup for Def boost for Bax. And also it sweeps really well ngl.


Our second sweeper of the team. Sun boosts Chlorophyll and Growth. Basic no skill Sun sweeper.


Well, this is obvious. Sun setup, for Venusaur? Spinner and Rock Setup? You still don't get it? Yk what, let's js move on


Ah yes, fat martial arts man. Belly Drum+Guts+Flame Orb+Max atk+Adamant+Facade=ggwp (unless ghost then you bullet punch)

Ferrero Rocher

Absolute troll material. It can tank most cc and physical moves. Rocky Helmet and Iron barbs make ferrero rocher look like he's trippin on some mad drugs.

Hf w this team and trolling. Thx for reading :D
Voting time!

Team A
View attachment 507621
:Baxcalibur: : the choice band lets you kill things. drops in one hit things like washtom, pelipper, spdef pex i think, pert,hey this mons pretty good into rain! decimates other walls too like 2hkoing sciz with rocks up (if it hasnt megad on 1st glaive s in ), destroys hippo, flinches down skarm, and dents a ton too. ice shard kills stuff like pult and no1 expects it so
:Clodsire: : this mon really isnt that bad! with wa its goated into sun and rain and unlike the hipper it absolutely slops on wake and washtom too. also checks ghold andsoft checks most special threats whcih is nice for the team . bluffing unaware always a thing. tera dragon to beat fire blast yard
:lopunny_mega: :hyper offense hates him with this one simple trick ! with defensive mons like torn dirge clod that can get overwhelmed, having such a fast offensive threat to revenge kill those that can break through things. uturns into bax on defensive walls and lets bax click funny rush. since they share "checks" in bax' case. bax can also flinch down stuff like mr skarmy for lop and then lop gets to close combat
:Skeledirge: : this mon is goated! checks a shitton of stuff offensively! beats lop, zama (ish), too many to count ! creeps gambit evs and tera water also helps with mega perter if bax goes down
:Gholdengo: :I HATE :tapu_lele: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! checks that thing and is a decent wincon, forces progress against a lot of builds, another way of checking zama and dnite
:tornadus_therian: :defogger and offensive pivot! tera flying over defensive tera lets you really threaten comps without a sound flying resist, uturn also gives another way to get in the bax

watch shin godzilla :blobthumbsup:
Team B
DD Baxcalibur Spikes BO

DD Bax is very dangerous, and on this build it acts as one of four potential cleaners that are all very threatening in their own right, therefore putting large amounts of strain on defensive cores while threatening to blow offense away if it makes one mistake. Toxapex blanket checks a lot for this (Mlop Zama IVal yall know the drill), but Gunk Shot is something I'm trying as it breaks Walking Wakes subs (SubSunny is an easy 6-0 otherwise) while still being Toxapex. This means I don't have to put something weird on this for the Wake matchup lol. Mega Diancie is hugely underrated and just hell and back for teams to switch into, Spikes is good to support Bax Lando and Gambit. SpDef Tran helps out against Lele and Torn-T in particular while having the bulk to take the hits that it needs to. Scarf Lando compresses Defog with a backup Fighting resist, and Kingambit is Kingambit, SD Defiant is good at punishing Defog attempts while checking Pult. Teras on Lando and Kingambit help out with IVal and Hawlucha which are the biggest threats to this.

Team C
Ninetales+BaxCeru HO
:Ninetales: :Baxcalibur: :Ceruledge: :Gyarados-Mega: :Iron-Valiant: :Great-Tusk:

Ninetales a fine screen setter with encore to encore stuff that wants to sweep, safeguard for mons that wanna toxic/wisp our mons and can boost baxcalibur def to help it set up easier you can use other mons than ninetales if its too slow for you

Ceruledge walls Mega Scizor, Iron Valiant and immune to zamazenta cc also can hit heatran with close combat

Mega Gyarados helps with stuff like gholdengo, kingambit and more

Iron Valiant has great immediate speed with booster energy and overall is nice

Great Tusk bulk up + z is really nice and rapid spin helps with ninetales, bax, reg gyara getting in also is a nice elec immune
Team D
3x choice offense
:lopunny-mega: :baxcalibur: :tapu-lele: :magnezone: :rotom-wash: :landorus-therian:
click big button
Team E
Snow + Electric Terrain Bulky Offence
View attachment 507625View attachment 507626View attachment 507627View attachment 507628View attachment 507631View attachment 507629
Click on the images above for the Pokepaste


Physical wallbreaker of the team, abuses snow set by Slowking via chilly reception to fire off attacks without being revenge killed easily. Also benefits from future sight support to push through checks.


Special wallbreaker of the team. Also benefits from Slowking's future sight to break through checks, but abuses the terrain set by Tapu Koko to outspeed most of the metagame.


Offensive pivot that sets up terrain for Valiant and pivots one of the wallbreakers in.


Ultimate role compressor for this team - removes hazards with defog, pivots via u-turn, knocks off items and provides a strong type profile without being too passive.


Sets hazards, takes physical hits and provides a secondary form of speed control via thunder wave to compensate for Baxcalibur's lack of speed.


Specially defensive pivot that sets snow for Baxcalibur to abuse with its pivoting move while providing future sight support for the wallbreakers.
Team F

Audino-Mega for Wish pass and Heal Bell support keeps the team healthy

Baxcaliber runs the standard Dragon Dance + 3 attacks + Loaded Dice

Tapu Lele w/Choice Scarf helps chipping down the other team for Bax and for speed control

Toxapex tanks what Bax is weak to while providing chip with Rocky Helmet

Kartana w/Choice Scarf for added speed control

Kingambit with AV and heavy HP investment gives more bulk against special attackers
Team G

TheREALqq Baxcalibur National Dex Sun-Hail Team

View attachment 508418View attachment 508419View attachment 508422View attachment 508423View attachment 508424View attachment 508425

Baxcalibur is our star of the show today so let me just briefly describe his moveset real quick. Loaded Dice helps out Icicle Spear as we want to max out his dmg output for his only Ice type move. And I put Thermal Exchange over Ice Body even though I have Ninetales-A on my team bc everyone knows Thermal Exchange is js better :) DDance is a basic setup and Brick Break destroys Grimmsnarl Screen users and Eq is js coverage.

Alolan Ninetales

Nth much I gotta say. Js Hail Setup for Def boost for Bax. And also it sweeps really well ngl.


Our second sweeper of the team. Sun boosts Chlorophyll and Growth. Basic no skill Sun sweeper.


Well, this is obvious. Sun setup, for Venusaur? Spinner and Rock Setup? You still don't get it? Yk what, let's js move on


Ah yes, fat martial arts man. Belly Drum+Guts+Flame Orb+Max atk+Adamant+Facade=ggwp (unless ghost then you bullet punch)

Ferrero Rocher

Absolute troll material. It can tank most cc and physical moves. Rocky Helmet and Iron barbs make ferrero rocher look like he's trippin on some mad drugs.

Hf w this team and trolling. Thx for reading :D
Voting ends on Wednesday 19th April, 8PM GMT+1